What once was now...is?

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Cecily Rambolt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
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Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Sunlight filtered lazily through the leaves in the trees, though the scant clouds in the sky promised snow later that day. Warming charms and winter clothing kept the couple warm as they made their way, hand in hand, across the faded green grass. Cecily smothered a jaw cracking yawn with the back of her hand, amusement lit her green eyes as they met Prodan's silver. They'd barely gotten any sleep last night, nor the night before that or the night before that... He let out a chuckle, low and filled with meaning; she shivered at the sound, glanced around them, then jumped into his arms, pulled his mouth to hers and toppled them back into bushes.

Many moments later, the couple appeared at the greenhouse from the long walk from the apparition point. Cecily smoothed her hair and sweater over her jeans, stealing glances at her husband. She may not remember him completely but their new relationship more than made up for anything missing. He was funny and smart and so damned sweet; she loved how he would just stop whatever he was doing and just hug her, nothing more, then kiss her cheek and continue his chore.

She wanted to tell him something, something important to the both of them, but would wait until after they were both home again tonight and their daughter safely in her crib for the night. Now she was expected by the Head of their house and she wouldn't disgrace the father of her daughter in such a way as being overly late to the meeting. She glanced at the timepiece she wore on one slender wrist then breathed a short sigh of relief. "Made it with a few moments to spare. Now he won't be able to get out the guillotine," she laughed softly, exchanging one last kiss with Prodan before he turned and walked back down the path to the apparition point. She knocked on the greenhouse door, put her hand on the handle then turned her head to watch Prodan turn around and blow her a kiss while walking backwards. Her breath caught at the silly, romantic gesture, an answering grin alighting both of their faces before he turned and Cecily awaited the answer to her knock.
This plan with Prodan was ridiculous. How in the world was Kalif going to assist in this? Kalif rolled his eyes as he listened for the knock. He opened the door with a wave of his gloved hand, as he towered over his desk, not bothering to sit down. What he was going to do was take her to that old pet of hers. Hamneda or something. Kalif said, "Cecily Zhefarovich, I am only doing this because I have nothing else to do." Kalif would wait until she would ask what they were doing before he would lead her to that bloody plant.
After her initial meeting with Kalif, when she had foolishly thought that he was her husband, Cecily had noticed that a change came over her when he came into a room. Her palms would tingle, her breath would quicken ever so slightly and she found herself biting the inside of her cheek to keep the most insane and inane words from pouring from her mouth. Cecily could not help the absolute, awful need for him when he came into close proximity; not the need for him as she felt for Prodan, it was the need to do...something.

Normally her defenses were high, her body and brain well rested. But thanks to the beautiful male she called her husband, Cecily could not stop nor help herself. She stopped walking mere feet from him, her hands on her hips and sighed, shaking her short golden curls. "Well, we'll have to hurry up," she made a show of checking her watch, "your brother will be back before we know it." She stared at him, deadpan, before her lips twitched into a familiar grin. Familiar to him, not to her, as she could not remember this was the same slow, mischievous smile that would spread across her beautiful face when she poked fun at the man in front of her.
Kalif narrowed his eyes. Oh, he recognized that smile, and he hated that as well. That comment was enough to make his eyes roll. "I ought to lock him up so you two would never see each other. It isn't like you love him now anyway without your memories." Kalif motioned for her to come with him, as he exited the office, his black robes flowing behind him. Kalif led Cecily to that wretched plant, and he turned his cold, glaring gaze to Cecily and said, "Hamneda or something. Feed it, because I can't be near it today. It is your pet." Kalif wondered if this would bring up even a hint of memories. Hopefully it would.
Now she knew...the need for him...it was to see the annoyance flare in his eyes, to watch his mouth thin and flatten into an unpleasant, yet still handsome, frown. To know that she had gotten through that thick, cold exterior and hit paydirt. Cecily marveled at how sick and twisted she was...and had been apparently. It wasn't anything sexual toward the ridiculously tall man; it was the need to needle him. The eyeroll was the proverbial icing on the cake! So much so that his comment rolled right off her shoulders; Cecily clasped her hands behind her back and leisurely followed him. She glanced up at him, corners of her lips twitched with suppressed laughter. Oh if only he knew...

Cecily's head turned at his comment, green eyes widened and the look she cut toward him clearly as though he were insane. "What are you on about?" she asked, gaze flicking between him and the quivering plant. It's tentacles rolled about it's 'body' and she swore if it were a Krup, it's tails would be wagging. "A plant. Was my pet." She clicked her tongue against her lower lip in disbelief, the flat silver adornment caught the morning light for a split second before it disappeared within her mouth once more.
Cecily had her tongue pierced? Huh, Prodan and her belonged together. Kalif had a cruel thought of sticking their tongue rings together permanently. Kalif slowly nodded, "Yes, you were the Herbology Professor before I took over your position." Kalif folded his arms across his chest, and saw that the plant seemed a little happy to see Cecily again. Kalif wondered if the plant would give her a good whack in the head. Kalif thought that he would actually smile if that were to happen. Who knew.
"You called me all the way here when I could be at home thoroughly corrupting your brother...to feed a plant?" Cecily shot Kalif a mock venomous glare and crossed her arms. She couldn't remember most anything about her life and he expected her to remember how to feed her...pet? She stared at the wriggling thing and sighed. Was she really this messed up? Even she didn't want to answer that, knowing the answer was a very emphatic YES! She couldn't keep her hands off her husband, made it a priority in life to annoy her brother in law and vowed to bring his pasty faced son to his knees one way or the other. Plus she couldn't stop getting into trouble. Something within her just had to...do things to people...awful things...horrible things...things that made Cecily laugh until she nearly wet her pants. Yes, she was a twisted piece of fluff.

Hamneda, or whatever its name was, began to wriggle more and stuck out two of it's largest tentacles, then froze as though expectantly. Cecily turned curious eyes to it then shook her head. "No way." It seemed as though it wanted to embrace her. "I'm not hugging a plant for Merlin's sake!" The blonde turned around to chastise Kalif for bringing her out here for this nonsense and planted her hands on her hips.

Plantflesh wriggled and quivered in agitation. The Venomous Tentacula hadn't seen his caretaker in ever so long and if plants could feel real emotions, he would have been crushed. Hamneda slapped its tentacles together then cracked the air with its longest one, the end slicing open the back of Cecily's sweater and welting her flesh. The force sent her flying into the trestle table, her temple caught the corner and she rebounded to land in a daze on the floor.
Huh, well I do like this plant more, thought Kalif with amusement as Cecily went flying into a table, and onto the floor. Kalif chuckled softly, and he waved his hand at the plant, telling it to stay and be calm. Amazingly, it did as he crossed over to Cecily. Kalif bent down and he narrowed his black eyes at Cecily down in a daze. "Are you still alive, woman?" Kalif muttered to Cecily. It was a wonder that she didn't die already. Falling off a cliff and now her head banging against a table. Kalif held up Cecily's head and he debated on taking her to the Hospital wing, then again he didn't care about her safety really. Why should he bother with her? She was a magnet for trouble, and this woman has put him through hell and back.
Her bell thoroughly rung, Cecily could little more than moan quietly at the throbbing pain in her head. A fine layer of fog clouded her vision, then cleared away the black spots and the double vision. Slowly a face wavered, split into four then two then into a handsome, cold faced blond man. Weakly she motioned him closer, to whisper in his ear, all she had strength for.
Kalif rolled his eyes and he dropped Cecily the rest of the way on the ground which shouldn't be enough to harm her, not in the least bit. Kalif said, "You think I am stupid enough to trust you not to say something bad that close to me? I'll carry you to the hospital wing is you want though." Kalif stood up and straight and wondered if she really needed assistance or if she was faking it. Kalif couldn't trust her as far as he could throw her.
Cecily groaned and laid a hand on her forehead before a huge grin split her face. Stacking her hands beneath her head, she lazily crossed her feet and her dark golden lashes swept up, green eyes spearing the black eyes of her brother in law. "Always were too smart for your own good, Kalif. That's what I liked the most about you...well, that," she shrugged her shoulders, chuckling, "and that nice arse of yours." She winked, unrepentant. Suddenly her eyes widened and she jackknifed into a sitting position, her hair a wild halo around her head. "I remember you," she breathed, eyes misting as they flew around the greenhouse. She'd kept her desk just there, she remembered, her tea set in that hutch there. And Hamneda!

Springing to her feet, she rushed to the plant. "Oh Hammy, oh baby I'm so sorry!" She spoke in a rush to the plant, promising him all the juice boxes and comfy naps he could handle. The blonde whirled toward Kalif and no thought of how he would react, she was too jubilant, too ecstatic to remember her life at the school, memories of him, of coworkers, of students, that she had wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged tightly. Cecily had only pressed to him for a second before she hurriedly backed away a few steps and speared a hand through her hair, the other on her hip. "Sorry!" Pink color rose in her cheeks, knowing how much the man hated to be touched.
Kalif let out a sigh when she remembered him. That was maybe the last thing he wanted her to say to him. Wonder if I slam that desk over her head, if she would forget that incident. Kalif kept his expression cold and blank. No point in showing emotions. Kalif then tensed up and groaned when Cecily hugged him, tightly. "Oi vey. Woman." Kalif was relieved when she released him however. Kalif folded his arms across his chest and he asked, his tone monotone and full of ice, "Could you go to Prodan now? Reveal him the good news or whatever. I have things I need to do before the classes begin. I prefer to work alone." Well, the plan worked, but not exactly to their original plan. Oh well. Kalif didn't care.
Cecily knew when to take her leave and now that she could remember the man she called brother, she knew that time was five minutes ago. She was not aware that there were still large, black holes in her memory, some precious, some she will come to dread. Right at that moment, the memories she had, both painful or good, were the sweetest thing to her. No matter that her head ached; nothing could spoil this moment for her. "Kalif," she began quietly, coming forward and touching a hand to his, seriousness for once on her pretty face as she looked up into his. "Thank you." She knew, now, that the boys had cooked up this hairbrained scheme; who knew it would actually have this outcome? Their difference in height was nearly absurd yet oddly, when Cecily would look back on this, it would touch the normally comical blonde. With a soft smile on her face, one so different from the amused grin normally reserved for him, she lightly squeezed his hand in affection then let go and turned on the spot, apparating away with a small pop.

She appeared silently down the path from the one person who had stolen her heart, not once, but miraculously twice in her lifetime. She knew, as she ran toward him, that every day she would fall in love with him. Because he was more than special to her; he was her life, her love, her husband. Cold wind blew her curls wildly about her head; she didn't feel the cold as she shouted the words she had longed to tell him for some time now. "Prodan!" Coming to a halt mere steps in front of him, suddenly oddly shy, Cecily pushed her hair behind her ears as it blew in the wind. "I love you!"
Prodan was having rather a good day. Well, his wife still hadn't had her memories return, but he wasn't complaining about the wild...intimate times he was having. Prodan hoped that the plan worked though. He wanted his wife back, all of her memories and everything. Even the bad ones. He didn't care. Then, his name was called out, and Prodan turned around to see the love of his life coming toward him. She stopped in front of him, looking rather shy. He raised an eyebrow, and then the words came out. Those precious three words. Prodan laughed, "I love you too!" Prodan wrapped his muscular arms around her and planted a kiss on her forehead. "So, did the Hamneda and memory plan get your mind back? Not that it was lost before, but do you remember everything?" Prodan hoped it worked. Even though he managed to have Cecily fall in love with him, twice, Prodan still missed the pranks.
Cecily's pert nose wrinkled slightly as she laughed and agreed. Little did he and his brother know, Hamneda in a cranky mood could have damned well killed her. It was why he was her pet; he'd injured his last owner but to Cecily, well, she'd thought the cranky old goat deserved it. She'd bought the young but strong plant and nursed him back to health. One wrong snap of his tentacle and Cecily's neck could have broken. She hugged Prodan tightly back, keeping this information to herself. It wouldn't help him right now nor would she take Kalif to task. Oh no, she thought with a wicked gleam of humorous malice in her green eyes, she would just repay them in her own special way.

She pulled away slightly, hands running up to rest on his biceps, when she connected with his silver, pure, beloved eyes. The laughter died away. Cecily had to let him know. "Prodan...I fell in love with you, without my memories, without knowing truly who I was. But I learned who you were and I," her lip trembled, green eyes misted with tears not yet shed. "I...I learned how good you are, how kind, how passionate...and how much you loved me then...and how much you love me now." A tear spilled, tracked down her cheek, as she held onto him, her anchor, her lover, the love that the Gods themselves had placed on this earth, just for her.

Slender hands speared gently into his soft hair, she pulled herself up to meet his lips with hers. "You never gave up on me," she sobbed against his mouth, the emotions she'd been unable to feel after her accident whirling, mixing within her, unleashing everything that had been locked away inside her.
Prodan listened to her words, and he smiled into her lips. The words were excellent, and he just knew that everything was perfect. "I would never give up on you." He whispered, not moving an inch, yet he could just feel the raging desire again, just rising in his chest. He smirked as he backed up a few feet, making sure that he could apparate. Once he was sure he could, that was what he did. Prodan apparated to their bedroom, and ripped the burden materials away. He laid Cecily down on the bed, and he drank in her scent, and her kisses. But, he didn't do anything. Instead, he rested them down under the covers, and hugged her close. "I am just that good, baby." Prodan whispered and he smirked playfully.

His lips left butterfly kisses upon her beautiful neck, still loving the fact that everything was the same, and he had Cecily still. He loved her, and would always love her. Forever. Prodan was the happiest man on the planet.
Cecily's bright, slightly watery laughter, echoed across the path, bursting into their bedroom as Prodan apparated them there. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest as his strong, sure fingers made short work of their clothing. But it was the way he sought to soothe the tears from her face, the hurt that lingered in her heart, that banished the tears for a long time to come. His skin, warm and smooth beneath her fingertips, surrounded her. Cecily knew she could drown within him; his scent, his taste, the sounds he made as her fingers teasingly traced his spine.

The rest of the night was a blur to the blonde. She sighed out her love for him as she finally succumbed to exhaustion, resting within his strong arms, his lips softly whispered across her forehead. Cecily knew...everything would be alright, as long as they had each other.
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