What My Sister Doesn't Know Won't Hurt Her

Axelle Lefevre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Axelle took a moment to brush some of her silky blonde hair away from her face before she let her hand fall back to her side as she rushed through the nearly quiet streets of Paris, France. Chances are that she should be back at the Lefevre Manor right now having dinner with her brothers and other descendants, but she just couldn't bring herself to go home right now when she had something much more important in France to deal with before she did go home. Axelle was hoping and praying that her elder sister and the current head of the Lefevre would show her face so they could finally talk like they were supposed to before the Marriage between Danielle and Asparuh had ever happened. It was common knowledge that the current head of their family was getting high into her years and now that she had a husband and another family to worry about many of the Lefevre's thought she should pass her title down to someone else in the family. And Axelle wanted that someone else to be her, she admired how easily her sister took controlled and ruled the family for so many years, she changed things and did good for the family and Axelle wanted so badly to follow in her footsteps. Sky blue eyes turned their attention to the twilight sky, there was still no sign of her sister and it was making Axelle grow irritated. Before she had been out looking for her sister she had spent a few hours in a bar near here, her sister had probably be around France then and she missed her but Axelle figured she would find someone to amuse herself there. She may have been younger but she still liked to have a fun time every now and then. Before she had left the bar she had consumed at least three drinks, which thanks to her being a lightweight of course made her slightly tipsy.

Like her sister, Axelle was known for being immensely beautiful so it wasn't a very smart idea for her to be wander around the streets by herself so late at night. But of course was not one to listen to anything she was told by anyone else. "Come on Danielle, where are you at?" She wasn't sure where her sister's new home was, she knew that her sister sometimes wandered around France still but that was about it. Hurrying her pace a little as she walked, the blonde turned her head to look behind her to see if maybe Danielle was here or if there was no one there still. Chances were that this was one of those nights where her sister would just not make an appearance. Before she could turn her head around though to look in front of her suddenly felt herself collide with someone who was very large. "Gah! Sh*t." Axelle felt herself become pushed back a little before she fell onto her but, on the the ground and let her eyes fall up to whoever it was that she had bumped into, her cold exterior was immediately put on just in case the person wanted a fight her or something like that. God she hated being a lightweight.
Arnost smirked a bit, after some encounter with a woman, the desire and the hole in his chest was filled to satisfaction. But the hole was still there. He needed more. Arnost was going mad, perhaps too mad. It was consuming, and he needed to hurry or else he would end up doing something disastrous. He strolled along the streets of France, as he traveled from country to country within days by merely apparating all over the place. He missed Thorine right now, he needed her. But in a way, he needed flesh. Arnost was going to have it too. If only there was someone out here that was going to satisfy his hunger right now. They would have to be dark, and be like himself. Otherwise, he would not do such an act willingly. Arnost remained focus on his goals.

If he could focus on this, then he would be able to get what he needed done to be done without fear of messing up. His black robes flowed all around him, as he continued on his way, seeing but also not seeing where he was going. Arnost let out a frustrated sigh as he walked, and then he felt someone collide into him, again. You would think that he would remember from the last time that he would need to watch where he was going. His black eyes glanced down, and he saw a blonde woman, young, and very beautiful. That was not what caught his attention. It was her foul mouth, and the fact that she was on the ground. Arnost intoned in a cold voice, “A foul language for a beauty such as yourself. Perhaps you should be at home right now, young woman.” There was something about her that made him think of Danielle. But this woman looked…drunk or something. Would any of her family drink? Arnost didn’t think so. Then again, he did not think so much about the family either, and didn’t know much about them at all.
Axelle who was still on the ground let a soft groan sound from her peach colored lips, she wasn't drunk enough to push aside that she was embarrassed but also not clear headed enough to apologize like it was no one's business. Her baby blue eyes travelled up and down the man that she had bumped into and felt her cheeks begin to aglow red, he was incredibly handsome with a hint of slyness to him and it was just her luck to crash into someone like that. "Back off, I'm having a rough night." Axelle answered him with a sigh when he commented about her swearing, she was surprised he didn't seem to have an issue understanding her with her French Accent either. After a moment longer of laying on the cool ground she finally decided it was a good idea for her to get up and stop being rude to whoever it was she had bumped into. Gracefully standing up she brushed any access dirt off of her dress and allowed her blonde hair to fall into her face before she brushed it way and look at the man oddly, wow he was tall. His look would have intimidated Axelle but for some reason when she looked at him the dark presence he had made her think of the type of person that her sister Danielle would find herself associating with often.

"Go home? I'd rather not if it's all the same to you. I was waiting for my sister Danielle to show up but I guess she doesn't feel like it today. So now I'm kind of unsure what to do, but I know I'm not going home right now." Axelle sighed and rested her hands behind her head, the effects of the alcohol that she had drunken earlier was starting to wear off very quickly, and it made her suddenly feel almost like she was a moron for even coming here. Earlier she had been hoping for someone to keep her company but all the men who attempted to speak to her were so scummy and probably was filled with dirty blood to the brim. And she couldn't go home because Thomas would surely yell at her, and then she'd want to kill him for being obnoxious and in her face. Axelle might have been a bit nicer and more humorous than Danielle was but she was still a bit evil and likely to rip someone's head off if she were ever upset enough.
Arnost raised an eyebrow when she blushed. Did he look funny or something, or was she just embarrassed? Arnost did not seem himself as handsome in any sort of fashion. A smirk lightly toughed his lips when she snapped at him, and he failed to say anything. Nothing needed to be said actually. He didn’t want to be rude in return, but he did want to help her on her feet. However once she stood up, he thought, She is related to Danielle. Only someone like her can move like that. Arnost wondered how this woman was related to Danielle, and what she was to him. But to be frank, he truly did not care. Arnost was out of his mind, and not thinking clearly.

Yet, his outer appearance did not say that he was not like he was on the inside. No, he just looked nice and clean, and not unstable. “So, Danielle is your sister, huh,” that confirmed his thoughts on how they were related. “I last saw her with her husband, Asparuh, but that was it. I could take you someplace so that you could see her, if you so wish. I can take you to the Zhefarovich Manor,” Arnost spoke, words rolling off of his tongue rather darkly and almost seductively even though that was not what he was hinting yet. Arnost was normally not forward, and he wasn’t being forward right now. He opened his palm up to her and he said, “You need Zhefarovich blood to coarse through your veins to get in the manor. I’m your ticket to your sister, unless you want to wait.” Arnost doubted that Danielle would be back at the Lefevre place anytime soon. She was hooked to Asparuh right now, doing stuff that Arnost dared not to think about.
Axelle froze and turned her pretty blue eyes to look curiously at the giant man when he spoke about her sister, he seemed to know exactly who Danielle was and everything. After a moment her eyes narrowed slightly and her less innocent and more evil side took over to further protect herself from getting into any trouble, it worried her a lot that he seemed to know so much about her older sibling when she had no idea how he knew her at all. "You seem to know my sister well." He knew the name of her husband and even the name of her new residence so he definitely knew a thing or two about Danielle and her whereabouts. Then the man told her that he could take her to her sister because she needed Zhefarovich blood to be able to get there, this was something Axelle remembered even her sister telling her about when she told the family that if she needed to be reached quickly to owl her or one of the Zhefarovich family members. The man opened his palm up to her and she knew she was supposed to take it if she wanted to go with him to the Manor to see her sister, it didn't seem like a trick or anything.

"Who are you and why are you helping me?" Axelle asked lightly hesitantly reaching her hand out to him, but stopping herself about halfway through when she realized that she didn't even know who he was. Her beautiful contorted to a confused one for a moment, she wished she knew why he was so willing to help her as well since she had done nothing to make him want to assist her had she? "This better not be a trick." She muttered in French as she shook her head softly and brought her hand out to gracefully and gently place her hand on his palm, almost as soft as a feather would have landed onto it. Axelle was going to trust him to take her there.
Arnost gave a curt nod to her, in an answer. Of course he knew Danielle well. Now, this was her little sister. Arnost did not care, and he would do his best to satisfy that craving in his chest. His fingers wrapped would her slender hand and he stepped toward her. The closer, the better. "Who I am is none of your concern. But what you need is me to get what you want. Trusting me is a bad idea, only if you were someone that was not allied with my family." Arnost smirked a bit, and he apparated to the Zhefarovich Manor. They landed upstairs, in the corridors of where the bed chambers lurked. Arnost released her hand, and he started to walk. Further and further, he expected her to follow. He opened a door, and it descended down into the first floor...below...underground. Arnost would have to go to Asparuh's bed chambers, which were off of limits to almost everyone except for a select few. He was one of them. After what seemed like forever of descending and walking down a dark, black hallway where the air was stale and stiff, and it was cold, Arnost approached a steel door. Arnost opened it, and he peeked inside. Nothing. Arnost turned to where Axelle would be, and he shook his head, "Normally, he would be down here, but he is not." There was no sounds of an organ. Asparuh and Danielle were not in the Manor.
Once they arrived at the Zhefarovich Manor the man quickly released her hand, and he started to walk to some unknown location to her in the Manor, she immediately assumed that it was going to take her wherever her sister currently was. Axelle followed behind closely afraid she would either get lost or attacked in a place such as this especially as they went further and further into the Manor. Ater what seemed like forever of descending and walking down a dark, black hallway where the air was stale and stiff to Axelle she watched as the man approached a steel door. He opened it, and he peeked inside before he turned back to where she was and shook his head telling her that no one was inside the room he just looked into. "So my sister's not even here? Any idea where she is then?" Axelle growled slightly under her breath and she angrily reached up and ripped a bobby pin out of her hair to let the bun in her hair fall out, her straightened long blonde hair fell to her back as Axelle bit her lip in thought. Danielle was always around when you didn't need her but when you actually wanted to talk to her she made a good job of herself on hiding. Her eyes flitted over to the man before she released a sigh, not she was just frustrated and on edge, this place called to her but at the same time unnerved her.

"What am I supposed to do now, just stay here?" Axelle figured it would be awkward to want to stay here with him, maybe her sister would return in later hours and she could talk with her. But for now what she was going to do was a mystery to her, she was still unsure of this man and why he was suddenly helping her out to see her sister but she was thankful. "I can leave if you'd like but I'd really rather not return home." Axelle stated informatively, she would not be a burden for him or for her sisters other family but she would rather stay here then go home and get screamed at by Thomas. The fact that she wanted to be Head Next and did whatever she pleased regardless of what he said really did not fly well with him. They found her to be unfit because she was young, carefree, and had no heirs to take over once it was her turn to pass down the line. Another bothered sigh escaped Axelle as she leaned against the wall and shivered when she felt the cold air around her, she was truly some Manor.
"I have a vague idea," Arnost said, but he shook his head, "but you don't want to go there, because I doubt they are doing what they should be doing." Arnost figured that they were in the crypt, but not respecting the dead as they should. Guess the Zhefarovich Manor didn't give them enough excitement, thought Arnost. Yet, he didn't know that Asparuh was merely showing and telling Danielle about the dead, things she did not know. "But we need to get upstairs because we shouldn't be down here, as only certain people are allowed down here." Arnost shook his head and he said, "We better check the other bedrooms and stuff. Just in case." Arnost took Axelle's hand into his and he led her up the stairs. However, what happened in the end, was unexpected. Axelle never did find her sister, as the search rather ended in the hallway.

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