What more could you ask for?

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden made her way to Chase's flat. She was glad that Chase had gotten a place of his own away from Japan. Eden loved her family but she was starting to get old enough that all she wanted to do was be away from them and spend more time with Chase. Who could blame her they where getting married in two years and if they went by as fast as the last one had than Eden would be married to Chase in the blink of an eye. Dropping her bag by the door. Eden grabbed her pet boa Kiwi off his log and wrapped him around her neck. "How my little man doing huh?" Eden cooed to her snake as she looked around for Chase. "Chase my love I am home where are you?" Eden called out as she started to walk to the back. Kicking her shoes off as she went.
Chase laid on his bed, having been asleep before somebody had wandered into his flat. He heard somebody talk, and knew who it was straight away. He chuckled slightly, and sat up on his bed. "I'm in here, Eden." Chase announced, his voice sounding from his bed room. He knew she would have found him sooner or later. Chase smiled when he knew that she would be looking for him. He could hear some other sound, probably her Boa. He rolled his eyes, having no idea why he had let her get a boa. He hated the things, and he didn't really like having one in the house. Chase sighed, knowing that he had only agreed because it would make Eden happy. "Don't keep me waiting too long, babe." He said, smiling.
Eden heard Chase's voice and grinned. Walking into the bedroom, Eden placed Kiwi on his perch on the room, before turning to Chase. "How have you been my love? Work for me was just plain horrid." Eden threw herself on Chase and laid there with her head on his chest listening to the sound of his heart beating.

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