What Just Happened?

Jessica Reed

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jessica had been out for a quick walk around the small village of Brightstone. She had been meaning to meet up with Jenny but it was her first day free from the castle, Jess didn't want to seem desperate. Besides, it wasn't like she was a loner anymore, she had Jake again. It felt amazing to have him back, it was like they were never separated! She was even looking forward to seeing him again. However she did feel the absence of her best friend, Jake couldn't replace her and the thought of seeing her again excited her even more.

Jess was wearing a casual outfit and had her earphones plugged into her ears from her magical music device, blaring music. She couldn't understand people who listened to music quietly, 'music is meant to be blared' was something she always said to her parents if they asked her to turn down her music. Jessica look around the busy crowd with a content expressoin on her face, she was feeling quite happy lately, the happiest she felt in a long time. Just outside the Hogs Head, Jess spotted someone very familiar, her brother. He didn't tell me he was heading into town? she thought to herself slightly confused, he usually always told her if he was going into town mainly for the fact that Jess would always ask him to bring her back something. Then Jess spotted Jenny? Her confusion was now mixed in with joy, she pulled out her earphones and began to make her way through the busy crowd.

Then something happened, something she never pictured. Ever! She kissed him. Jess's mouth dropped and she stopped abruptly in the passing crowd. "Wha-" She began as she watched the pair fluster about after the kiss. Her eyebrows furrowed not in anger, but in severe confusion. Then Jenny ran off and Jess' eyes rested on Matthew who did nothing to stop her. Boys, she thought angrily with an eyeroll, it wasn't a question who she would talk to first. Jess quckly pushed people out of her way as she hurried after Jenny causing a stir amongst the crowd. Once they were out of the crowd and on a small quiet street Jess stopped, "Jenny!?" She called as loudly as she could. Jess wasn't going to chase her anymore.
By this time, Jennifer's cheeks were as red as a tomato and nearly out of breath so when she heard a familiar voice say her name she came to a slow halt. She was slightly disappointed when she saw which Reed it was, but she scolded herself for such thoughts and looked down at her purple converse, awaiting Jessie's approach, hoping to God that Matthew hadn't told her or that she hadn't seen it but she knew her bad luck would prevail and that Jessie knew.

Shamefully, Jenny hung her head and muttered, "Hi Jess." She rubbed her arm nervously with her hand, wanting nothing more then to be alone to fret over her thoughts, or to be with Sam or Scorpius who could give her some insight. She had never been in such a situation, kissing her best friend's brother! Kissing Matthew! Why had she done that?
Jess really didn't know what was going on, had she imagined something? Maybe it was just a kiss on the cheek and I saw it from a weird angle? But then, recalling it back in her head, she knew it was a kiss on the lips. Jess pulled her chestnut brown hair from her eyes and tucked it behind her ears. She waited for Jenny to say something other than a greeting, an explanation prehaps? But nothing. Her best friend stood in front of her awkwardly looking at the ground. "Jenny what just happened back there?" She asked her in a tone that wasn't angry or in any way skeptical, just plain confusion. Jessie of course would get the story from Matt later that day even if he didn't want to talk about it, she figured she would beat it out of him anyway, although she wanted to hear Jenny's side of the story. Afterall she was the one who kissed him.
Jenny groaned when Jess did ask her what had happened and said, "Well.. Matthew told me about the record deal and I got overly excited for him or something and I kissed him." She touched her index finger on her bottom lip as she remembered how their short kiss had felt. She shuddered as she lied to herself unknowingly, "But it didn't mean anything. It was an accident." She dropped her hand back to her side and chewed down on her bottom lip with heavy pressure, hoping that maybe this was all a weird dream and that she had not just kissed Matthew Reed. "I'm so confused. Why did I do that?" Jenn asked rhetorically, feeling really quite poorly about the whole situation.
Jessica listened to Jenny's explanation, it made sense and Jessie trusted that Jenny was telling her the truth. Jess took a couple of short steps so she was standing in front of her friend. "J, I'm not mad or anything, I'm sure you freaked the hell outta him though." She said pulling a cheeky face at the end and pointed her thumb behind her shoulder. "But...I guess it was something I wasn't expecting to see. You would tell me if you..." Jess paused, "If you, felt that way wouldn't you?" Jess paused once more, this time her eyes drifted apart from Jenny's. "You don't do you?" She asked, looking at her at the corner of her eye. She wasn't really sure how she would deal with that situation, Matt and Jenny. It would certainly make her a 'third wheel' that was for sure, she supposed she could get used to it, but she knew it would change everything. Jess wanted to shake the thought out of her head, she was getting way ahead of herself. She was picturing a future that may never even happen.
Jenny looked at Jess as she asked if she would tell her if she actually felt anything romantic for Matthew and she nodded her head vigourously. "Come on Jess. You're my best friend," she said with a soft smile and her cheeks immediately burned up and she rubbed the back of her neck when Jess asked if she actually felt that way for Matthew. "No. No I don't.. or I don't think I do," she said with a nervous shrug of her shoulders, looking around Jess to were Matthew had been standing and a subconscious smile was worn on her lips, the glint in her eyes seemed almost loving as she thought of what it would be liked to actually kiss him rather then the short kiss she had given him.
Jess returned a small smile as Jenny told her that she was her best friend and that she would tell her, it was the second part of her answer that worried Jess a little. Her answer had been very unconvincing, plus Jessica could read Jenny like a book. Yet she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want to face the fact that her best friend may have romantic feelings for her older brother. Jess watched Jenny carefully, the glint in her eyes and just the overall expression on her face, there was definitely something there. As much as Jess wanted to avoid the topic completely, she knew it was too huge of a topic to avoid and so she said, "You sure about that J?" and stepped into the line of sight the Jenny was staring at, back onto the main street, where she had found the pair kissing.
Jenny's thoughts of Matthew and herself were wiped out of her mind when she saw Jessie's face in her line of sight to which she shook her head at and blinked her eyes, riding herself of such foolish and dangerous thoughts. "Does it matter? You're like my sister and he is your brother. Eww," she said, trying to be as convincing as she could but her eyes showed that she was almost sad that he might think that about her but why was she thinking that way about him? Oh god, this was truly the dumbest thing she had ever done.

"It was a mistake. That's it." Jennifer said, showing with her voice that this was the end of their discussion about the kiss, and asked with a grin, "So, are you going to give me a hug or what J?"
Once more Jess smiled, a small smile, but it was there none the less. She was glad that Jenny didn't want to talk about the subject anymore because the last thing Jess wanted to know was a description of her brothers kiss. Jess's small smile broke into a more natural, wider smile as Jenny asked her if she was going to give her a hug. Jess wrapped her arms around her friend tightly, giving her the biggest squeeze she could muster. "I missed you like hell!" She exclaimed brightly followed by a happy laugh. She pulled away from Jenny so she could look at her, "I've so much to tell you man!" She said and pulled away completely. Jess couldn't wait to tell Jenny all about Jake, she had wrote about him in her last letter, but that was a while back. Herself and Jake had grown a lot closer since then and it really felt like old times again with him.
Jennifer wrapped her arms around Jessica in return, squeezing the girl as hard as she could as well but she found herself slightly exhausted from the emotional roller coaster she had just been on. "And you know I've missed you Jess," she laughed at her best friend's amusing reaction. Pulling away she crossed her arms against her chest as Jess said she had a lot to tell her and she had to fight back a playful response like 'Well it better not be too exciting or I might kiss you' which caused her to snigger at herself before she inquired, "Walk and talk?"
Jess nodded eagerly, she didn't know where to begin on Jake, but she had to start somewhere. Jess began to walk at a slow pace, "Well...you got my last letter right? Where I mentioned Jake?" She said in a questioning tone, although she wasn't really expecting an answer. "Well. We've gotten so much closer recently. Like..its incredible! Its like old times with him again." She found herself almost giggling, Jessica Reed giggling?! It was just so unlike her, but Jake seemed to bring out this side in her, like when they were children. She felt like she could tell him anything again. Plus, she also found it comfortable to have a guy friend once more, Jess always hung out with guys (Jenny being the only exception), she was always more of a 'guy's girl' ever since she was a child. Jessica found girls to be too complicated sometimes, guys were just easier to hang out with and she was short of guys since moving to New Zealand. Jess realized how distracted she became and quickly zoned back into reality, "You have to meet him Jenny!" She beamed at her best friend.
Jenny simply nodded as Jess asked her if she remembered the letter she had written about some boy named Jake. She listened to her best friend but she heard the brunette giggle. Actually giggle! What was with that? Arching her eye brow she looked over at J and inquired silently, Maybe she is the one that likes someone. "Well you'll have to introduce me Jessie," she teased her friend over her excited mood over some boy. "What's he like?" she asked now curious and protective over her best friend, wondering if she should be wary of this boy when she did actually meet him.
Jess noticed the expression on Jenny's face, she hoped that she wouldn't have to see that expression. Jess didn't like Jake in that way, she didn't think she did anyway? At first when she hung out with him she guessed she sort of felt something, but now that she knew him well again, she didn't feel that way. "He's just generally an awesome guy." She smiled and looked down, watching her feet hit the pavement. "The funny thing is, he puts on this like..'Mr Macho' thing and he's not even like that. He's such a softy." Jess laughed a little. She then looked back up to Jenny quickly and then looked straight ahead. She opened her mouth numerous times to say something, to the break the silence of the street but couldn't find anything to say. Using the side of her foot she kicked a pebble slowly up the quiet lane, a habit she found herself doing a lot of recently.
Jenny nodded as she listened to Jess speak about this Jake character. "Well that's great," she said, smiling softly at her friend although she was still cautious about airing any opinion about this guy as she had not met him yet. As they fell into silence she stared straight ahead of her, trying to push away the on coming thoughts of Matthew with something. "Oh!" she blurted out. "Did Matthew tell you? I'm coming over again for winter," she grinned brightly, excited to get out of Hogwarts New Zealand to be with her family. She had written Jess's parents as a thank you for their hospitality and asked them if she could stay over again and they of course had been more then welcome to let her come over.

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