What is this feeling?

Skyler Lyon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
It had been a while since Skyler got to meet his friend Ewan. They were inseparable but fate rejected their unity, they were continents apart. He had always been a friend and a brother too Skyler though her feelings was a lot stronger than it was supposed to be. But every time she wanted to tell him how she felt, the boy was always with another lucky girl. She finally gave up and just go with the flow. The young girl sighed as she waited in the living room of Ewan's house. Both of them were muggleborn, they had so many things in common, things that she couldn't relate with half bloods moreover those snobbish pureblood. A voice of shoes tapping echoed across the room, Skyler's eyes popped up as her head started to roam around to find where Ewan was at.
Ewan put his trunk down in the hallway when he and his father arrived home after half an hour or driving from the train station to their house. He was happy to be at home after the crazy year he had and could really use a few weeks without stuyding or doing much on his homework. He took his shoes and coat off and walked into the living room, where he stared at the face of his friend. ''Sky!'' Ewan exclaimed happily and walked towards the girl. The Ravenclaw could feel his stomach turning as he stood in front of Skyler. He had a crush on her for as long as he could remember but eventually decided to give up on any chance of being with her since it was obvious to him that she didn't like him back in that way. ''W-What are you doing here?''
Right after Ewan was on Skyler's sight, the sixteen years old ran toward the boy and jumped on him "Ewan!!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her legs around him, forcing him to carry her. She started laughing and went back on her feet, still holding him close to her. There was something about this hug, it was tight and warm. She lowered her arms to his lower back still having him in her arms. "Do you not miss me?" she looked up to him grinning while hugging him. Ewan had grown so tall, it seemed like ages since they've met. Their face was inch apart, oh gosh how she wanted to kiss him.
Ewan smiled widely when she wrapped her legs around him and tried his best not to drop her as he carried her up. He placed his hands on her waist as she stood back on her feet again. He was so happy to see Skyler again. She had been his closest friend throughout most of his childhood and first and second year of Hogwarts. He nodded his head when she asked if he missed her and said, ''If I didn't had a library stored with thousands of books to keep me distracted, I would've lost my mind.'' with a grin on his face. ''But what are you doing here? Did something happen?'' Even though Ewan loved the fact that she came to visit him on the day he came back home from school, he wondered what the reason was for this unexpected visit.
As much as Skyler loved to think of what he said was related to her feelings, she had to deny it because she knew that he didn't mean it to be like that. When Ewan asked what she was doing there, she blushed and let go of him. Normally she would've just answered his question, but he wasn't seeing anyone or at least not that she knew of. "Can't I just come without a reason?" her and Ewan's parents were very close, in fact her family and his were close as they could be. Skyler lead Ewan to the couch as she slammed herself to it and laughed. "So, tell me about Hogwarts. Any cute girls?" see if Ewan was seeing anyone. If not then perhaps this would be the time for her to tell him. But she had no courage at all.
He smiled and said, ''No, no. Y-You can always come over, you know that. I just did not expect to see you here that's all.'' while he sat down next to her on the couch. To be honest Ewan wasn't even sure if he would ever see Skyler again, as they had not seen each other in quite some time. Ewan laughed at her question, ''No 'how did your OWL's go' first huh?'' the boy asked and leaned back into the couch. Man, he really missed home. ''If you really want to know,'' Ewan said, ''The girls are nice but weird at the same time. What about you? Any cute boys or girls at your school?''
"It went well, I beat most of the purebloods butt with my grade. Mostly O's" Skyler said proudly. She was a diligent, hardworking student so there was no reason why her grades should turn out lower than E. "I have more theatrical exams too and guess what? I twisted my ankle a day before I had my dance exam" she had practiced way too much that her ankle was starting to get weaker. She couldn't handle it that she had to retake the exam. Oh was she embarrassed. Now why did she study in W.A.D.A again? "How did you go mister Ravensclaw smarty pants?" Ewan was a very smart lad, they were both smart and shared a lot of the same qualities. "A lot of beautiful people I must say, talented singers and dancers. Though I am not interested in any of them. Why? Do you want to meet one of the cute girls?" she pretended to be excited but she really hated popping that question.
He was glad to hear that Skyler was doing well at school, even though he hadn't expected otherwise from her at all. One of the reasons they were such good friends was because of how intelligent the two of them were and how easy it was for him to talk around Skyler. He listened attentively as she began to talk about her exams at W.A.D.A. and flinched when she told him about the twisted ankle. ''Mine went well, I think. I had a good feeling about most of them everytime I left the room.'' Ewan had studied hard for his OWL's so his expectations were high. ''W-What? W-Why would I want to meet any of them?'' he asked flabbergasted. If he was ever going to date anyone from her school it was going to be her and not someone else.
Skyler knew that Ewan would do great, he had always been great. "But at least you don't have to sing, dance, or act" she playfully nudged him. "Well because you're a good looking guy, you're smart, and handsome, and..." she stopped and blushed realizing how much her feelings had grown. It wasn't just a crush but she loved him. They two had known each others ever since they were still in their diapers, there was no reason for her to view this as a puppy love. She knew him thick and thin and had been through a lot of things together. "I mean... Those girls will be lucky to be yours and I want you to be happy because I know many, many sweet and kind girls" she forced herself to smile. Ewan should know that she was unhappy to say that.
Ewan laughed at the girl's comment. He was happy that they didn't have to do exams in singing or dancing or acting as he was sure he would fail all of them. Ewan's cheeks were burning and turned away from Skyler to look at the ground and the black rug for a moment. He didn't know whether or not she actually meant was she was saying but the fact that she said them was enough for his heart to ignite his feelings for the girl. His heart started to pound fast. ''I-I-I.. Eh.. I'm sure I wouldn't be great boyfriend material, I mean, look at me. I prefer reading over having a conversation. I'm sure they'd break up with me in a matter of seconds.'' Ewan told Skyler with a shy smile and a chuckle.
"Ewan can't you see how great you are? Any girl will fall for you. If I am to have a boyfriend or a husband then I want him to be very much like you" Uh oh... Skyler had just said it out loud and she didn't intend to do so. She quickly looked down as her fingers fiddled, her face was pink and she could feel how hot it was. Her hands started to sweat, oh boy was she groggy. "I mean... It's not like you're going to date me, I was... I was just saying umm.." she closed her eyes shut to think of any reason to conceal her feelings. "I uh... You know, I mean any girl will be lucky... But I'm not them, I'm worthless" dang it, she didn't know what else to say. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with him, she didn't want him to hate her and stay away from her just because she just impulsively said her feelings out loud.
Ewan turned to the girl next to him, his cheeks burning again, ''You are far from worthless, Idiot.'' he told her and moved a bit closer to her. ''You are going to be a future noble prize winner for something incredible, don't say you're worthless. You are the second most smartest person I know.'' Ewan put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. ''One would be me of course.'' the boy teased.
Skyler couldn't help but to laugh at hearing Ewan's statement. "Second smartest? Well whose the first?" she chuckled loudly once more before feeling Ewan's arms on her shoulder. Skyler blushed madly as her heart pounded so fast that she could barely catch her breath. Could it be... That he was feeling the same thing as her? How she wished for him to share the same feeling, but she was afraid. Afraid of losing him, not just as a friend but as a lover. Boy was the girl frustrated as she could be. "W-w-what are you implying?" she pulled up a conclusion from his statement bus she dared not to bring it up. She was afraid of being rejected, again... From losing him.
''I'm implying that, maybe, you should be with someone you know is just as intelligent as you are..'' he said as his face moved closer towards hers. ''Someone that can challenge you..'' Ewan's heart was pounding faster and faster at every inch he got closer to Skyler's face. When he woke up in his dorm this morning he couldn't imagine that the girl he had been madly in love with would be waiting for him on his couch.
Skyler's heart pounded like the heart of a horse who had just won a race. She locked her eyes on Ewan's eyes as his face leaned toward her. At this point their face were just an inch away and Skyler couldn't help but to lean forward and closed her eyes. She planted her lips on his. His lips were soft and gentle, it was a kiss that made her utterly happy. Softly, Skyler placed her right hand on his cheek as she pulled him closer. Realizing what she was doing, Skyler pulled away and looked to the other side. "Ewan I'm sorry, I- I- I've lost control" her breath was deep and slow. "Please don't hate me" she shut her eyes as tight as she could. What if he didn't like her back?
He was so close to Skyler's face that he could feel her breath on his face. He was staring into her eyes before she closed them and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. Ewan's cheeks started burning bright red the moment her lips were pressed onto his. The way he felt when her lips touched his was indescribable, Ewan had literally dreamed about this. He opened his eyes when she pulled back from the kiss and chuckled slightly. ''I don't hate you, Skyler. I could never hate you.'' Ewan put his hand on her face and turned it back towards him so he could kiss her again.
Skyler did not see that coming, this must be one of the happiest day in her life. The fact that the love birds were sharing a kiss or two made her utterly happy. The sixteen years old shyly smile at the boy whom she had always loved, he gently placed his hand on her cheek and she is now facing him. She followed his gesture and leaned toward him, returning the kiss. Skyler traced her fingers to the back part of Ewan's neck and pulled him closer to her. The sweet innocent kiss had just turned into a very passionate affection. "Ewan, I've always loved you" she accidentally purged out her feelings between the kiss. She panicked and pulled away, keeping her hands to herself. "Ewan... I- I- I" she was out of word, there would be no other excuse for her to get away from this situation. Her face was completely red.
Ewan smiled when he could feel her fingers touch the back of his neck as she pulled him closer towards her. He could hear his heart beating as the kissed went on and could smell her parfume. He never thought he would think this but she actually smelled really nice. He opened his eyes to look up at Skyler when she pulled away and smiled widely. ''Me too.'' he told his friend. ''I used to dream of this, actually.'' Ewan said truthfully. ''I really like you, Sky.''
Skyler looked up to see Ewan's charming, beautiful face and placed her soft hand on his cheek. She playfully poked his nose snd pinched it and started laughing. Ewan and Skyler were best of friends, they made each other laugh, cry, so many things had happened and they are now lovers. So many more things will happen. "Stop making me blush, Ewan!!" she placed both of her hands on his cheek and pinched it playfully. "Say mercy!" she pinched it a little harder as she started laughing even harder. Skyler loved messing with him. "I love the way you laugh, the way you smile, the way you call my name. What have you done Ewan?" she pushed Ewan so that he was lying on the couch. She climbed up oh him and pinched his cheek once more before sticking her tongue out, attempting to lick his eyelid just to disgust him.
Ewan smiled at the thought of them being together in a relationship. She always knew how to lighten up the mood, it was something she was good at. ''Please, show my cheeks mercy!'' he said as she was pinching them harder this time around. He smiled when se pushed him on the couch and climbed on top of him, though with the look she had on her face had a feeling that he was not going to like what was about to happen. Skyler knew he hated that, so naturally tried to push her away from him as her tongue got closer to his face. ''Sky, no. Don't do that, that's disgusting!'' he said while laughing.
Skyler laughed as hard as she could, she had completely failed at poking his eyes with her slimy tongue. "So monkey, what now?" she rested her arms on his chest, placing her chin on her hands. "I mean... What are we?" now that she knew Ewan too was feeling the same, she had to know what kind of relationship they had. She swirled her fingers on his chest and poked it, pretending to dig a hole to bring annoyance out of him. "Ewan... Do you... Love me? Or... You're not there yet?" the girl was madly in love for years now but she wasn't sure if he too was feeling the same.
Ewan stared into her eyes when she rested her arms on his chest. He was so happy that he finally knew how she thought about him, that today might be the best day of his life so far. ''I do,'' the boy said when a smile on his face. ''A lot. And I would really like it if we were boyfriend and girlfriend.'' It felt great finally telling her how he really felt about her, even if he had given up on any chances of actually being with her. ''Dad is coming home from buying groceries soon and I don't think he would like to see us making out or whatever, so do you want to head up to my room? It has changed a lot since you were last here.'' Ewan held onto Skyler as he got up and waited for her answer.
A huge happiest smile a girl could have appeared on Skyler's face. It sounded almost like a wedding proposal to her eventhough she knew that they had long way to go. "Well let him see then" she giggled before kissing him again, putting her hands under his shirt, playfully lifting it up. Skyler stopped and started to giggle even more. Being in a relationship with her bestfriend was one of her utmost desire, she liked having fun, being goofy with Ewan. He was the only one who knew her inside out. None of her parents knew that she was actually full of life, they were too strict for her. The sixteen years old let go of Ewan's hand and stood up on the couch. She spread her hands and pouted "Carry mee" clearly she was being a big baby. She only show this side of hers to Ewan. No other people had any idea that she could at times be a baby. Actually... A lot of times.

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