what in the world?

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Kiefer Harris

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt
I'm overloaded with work.

Well it's not exactly work; more of studies, projects and some family dramas.

It's been a long time since I've been online here for more than 5 hours. The last time I went here to lurk was last Wednesday and sadly, I only got to stay for almost two minutes? And yeah it was a major disappointment. Even now (and today is already a Friday), I have tonnes of homework to do and probably hundreds of research stuff I need to begin. Not to mention the pesky dramas that I have to deal with.

Well anyways it's the weekend tomorrow which means I'll be on. But when Monday arrives (or Sunday for some of you guys, depending on the timezone) I'll probably have limited time here. For now I'll have to focus on replying to all my threads. Right now I'm on Kiefer who has 2 pending threads I think? And then maybe I'll shift to Artemis Jackson then Alliyah Jackson then Benjamin Chase. That's what I think, hehe.

So I'm just posting this in advance just to give you a reminder to all the people who I have plots with. Bear with me, just so I can adjust to the things going around here.

♥ Artemis
Aww, it's okay Arty. :hug: Take your time and get everything sorted and show that work who's boss. Good luck with the family as well! ^_^

Thanks Tenile!
And my reply for Xavier will probably come tomorrow methinks? Expect it anyways!
I understand Arty :cyndi: Take all the time that you need and good luck with your studies ^_^
All the best sweety! xx
Thread? Am I included? :p
Anyway, Hope everything goes well with RL and all. Take it easy and Good luck!
Also, with our thread going on with Ashe and Kiefer. Sorry for posting late at times, Let's take all the time we need. ^_^
Quincy Ashe Cavell said:
Thread? Am I included? :p
Very much included!

Thanks guys. I'm having a hell of a week right now. Bummer.
Take all the time you need, Arty. ^_^
Remember, real life always comes first, hun.

~ Kaitlyn
Don't worry Arty,

I very much understand how you are feeling. I am currently in the last year of my High school life and I have exams in only six weeks. You won't believe how much time I spend on exam questions. So I hope things go well for you and that you are back in full working order very soon. If you ever need to relieve stress or anything, you know where to find me :hug:
You guys give the best support!

Thanks to everyone. It's the weekend again here and so I'll be online until tomorrow. But for Monday until Thursday, my time will be short again. I'm sorry to all those who kept on waiting. I'll reply within the weekend.

One more week and I'll be fully on... I think? xD
Finally (and thankfully), this can be archived. ^_^
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