What Have We Here?

Malachy Scythe

Well-Known Member
Ivy Wand with Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
At times, Malachy Scythe wondered what his life would be like if he was a muggle. How his life would've turned out, if he hadn't been magical. If he was like the rest of his family. It was odd to think that it had been now 5 and a half years since he'd gotten the letter telling him that he was not just a normal 11 year boy from Ireland, but he was Malachy Scythe wizard and more awesome than light itself. Malachy was the type to think himself better than others, just because he could flick a wand and do things that others would just have to imagine. He liked he feeling powerful like that. It was just nice. He loved feeling on top of the world. And it helped that he had the charms to charm any witch. It wasn't something that Malachy boosted about because he didn't need to boast about. His elder brother had always shown the way with girls, and Malachy had found that the same tricks worked on muggles as it did on Witches. Which Malachy was pleased about, because it meant he didn't have to invent a method. It was already there, for him to just use. And that's what Malachy did. While at Beauxbatons, he hit on practically every girl that moved. And that was in between his studies. Malachy had of course not start off like that. He was a hopeless romantic in the end, but he had not found that girl that he wanted to be with for longer than a night, or for more than just arm candy. It was weird that Malachy thought in such a sense, but, he'd practically grown up with that mind set, that he didn't know what else. He liked girls. And that was fact. Girls likes him. They liked his hair, and his brown eyes. They liked the Irish accent and the way his words sounded when he attempted to speak french. But then Malachy didn't talk about girls all too often to his male friends. He didn't like making them jealous and he preferred talking sport and music. One thing about Malachy which did not really fit with his demeanor was the fact that he loved playing his guitar and singing. Of course, he was a huge fan of music, but he kept the fact he played a secret.

In Malachy's mind his life was perfect, there was nothing missing from it. He had everything he could ever want. And if he didn't get it, he'd work until he did. It was not the same way with money. Malachy was by no means rich. He was just about average. But since he was apart from his parents, there was a transition going on where Malachy was making his own money. It was hard, but he knew it would well be worth it. Malachy had just entered the main hall in Beauxbatons. It was just coming up for Lunch, and Malachy was hungry. He took a seat and while waiting, looked around the hall. Trying to find friends, or girls. It was as he looked round at all the different people, that he noticed a girl. Blonde and beautiful. The only thought on his Irish mind was he needed to have her.It wasn't in the normal sense that Malachy was thinking. It was in sense that he actually wanted to call her his. It was weird for Malachy to feel in such way. Generally he had a one night policy with girls, but Malachy didn't feel the same way about this girl. Thinking that being his usual self would be the best way to start, Malachy got up and made his way over to her. "Hi" Malachy said standing close to the girl.
Kalani Alexandra loved that she was the Head Girl of Beauxbatons, she was prideful and almost a little cocky when she talked about her duties with her sister who had been certain she would have made Quidditch captain. However, today was a day off from classes and from the duties that had been placed on her shoulders. So she got dressed in regular attire, not missing the light blue uniform that was normally worn by her and the rest of the girls at this school. The only thing that she had to do was write an essay and do some reading on her future career so as she looked at herself in the mirror, she decided that after lunch - as she had woken up only in time to go to lunch - she would go for a walk around the lake and then do some homework before she returned to her dorm room to read up on her job because she needed to be prepared for her future career. So she grabbed herself a book to read while she is eating lunch before heading to Le Grande Salle. As she arrived, Kalani decided that she did not want to spend lunch with her friends so she found a spot at the end of one of the tables. Grabbing a plate and a sandwich that had already been made, thanks to the house elves, she put it on the plate before cracking her book open and reading from where she had left off the day before. As she heard someone address her, the Head Girl looked up and smiled politely like she always did, despite wishing to be left alone by everyone else. But as Head Girl she had to talk to everyone in case they needed something from her. “Bonjour,” she said, closing the book and using her index finger as a book mark. “Can I help you with something?” she asked politely, cutting to the chase because she did want to be by herself.

Kalani flicked her gaze from this person back to her book, trying to hit that she would like to make this quick without being terribly rude and telling him to go away. The Head Girl couldn’t do that, she had to listen to what people told her, even if they were insignificant first years she had to listen to their “suggestions” even if she really had no say in how the school was ran. She flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder as she looked back into the stranger’s eyes, not missing how attractive he was but also not making it obvious that she saw it. She didn’t want him to get too confident as most guys thought of her as unattainable because she had never been attracted to any of the guys at this school for longer than a day as they were not nearly as important to her as her friends. She had always said, Boys were like bubblegum, once they lost their flavor throw them out and get a new one. While it left her single most of the time, she simply focused on her studies and she had suggested to her twin that if she had focused on her studies or her quidditch instead of Sam Prince. Boys never worked out in the end anyway. So as she felt hunger for her sandwich and for the piece of literature that she held in her hand, she sensed her temptation to write him off take leave because he was not saying anything.
Not often would the Beauxbatons boy wait long for a response from a girl. Generally he didn't need much to get a girl's attention. But, he had to remind himself that he was vaguely aware that this girl was the head girl, therefore she had a lot more on her mind than most. He was still formulating what he would say to her.Malachy had pretty big commitment issues. He didn't like sticking to the one female. There was no real reason for this more that he just didn't see the point. No one would ever like him for him, and he tended to never see a female that actually caught his eye for longer than a night. This was girl was different, she was beautiful and blonde. She had a simple gorgeous way of being, and Malachy had to admit that he wanted nothing more than to consider being with her a little more than just a night. A month or two, until either she grew bored of him, or he grew bored of two. But an odd thought struck him, she was maybe more friend material, surely to begin with that would the situation would be good. he didn't have many friends who were actually female. He had more male friends. Simple put, Malachy never bothered being that friendly to the opposite sex unless he wanted something. Which by his charms and power of persuasion he usually got. He smiled when she responded to him, while putting down what she was reading. He didn't know much about the head girl, apart from that she was head girl. He wasn't aware that really they were the same type of people when it came to relationships. Once and then bin. He smiled his usual charming Irish smile. And nodded. He met her eyes and smiled more. How to play this was the thought within his brain. "Not really help. Just thought the head girl would like a little company." Malachy said taking a seat next to the girl. He knew that he was acting a little forward. A little too out there but, he didn't really care. As he spoke english, his Irish accent played on his words, almost adding charm to what he was saying to her.

"It'll keep the younger ones away if they see you speaking to someone." Malachy reasoned nodding to her and letting his eyes move around La Grande Salle. It was always such a sight, so noisy. "I'm Malachy. I think we're in the same year." Malachy said nodding. They were both 7th year, so he was sure that they'd been in the same year since you could only be Head Girl if you were in 7th year. "Surely the head girl should be swarmed with friends to keep her busy. To keep away the little ones from pestering her." Malachy said. He wasn't sure what else to say. It wasn't that obvious to him how to talk normally to a girl. He was usually just chatting them up and he couldn't really do this in this situation with the Head Girl in front of him. Especially since he was considering a friendship rather than a one night stand. But, the more Malachy kept his brown eyes on her the more he felt weird, like he wanted more with her. She was after all beautiful. Malachy had been with many girls, but none had made him ever consider anything more than what was normal for him. Malachy hoped that she would at least talk to him as well. So, he wouldn't appear to be a) turned down by the head girl and b) so that he could test out these new feelings he felt. Malachy knew for a fact that no matter what, there was something different in the way he felt for this girl than all the others combined.​
Considering that at Beauxbatons Academy males were rarities, most girls would jump to speak to one, especially one that was as handsome as the person standing above the Head Girl but Kalani Ingrid was less needy. She had never cared to be in a relationship so she did not seem eager to talk to this stranger. So as he answered her and joined her, she could feel her eyes want to roll and as her gaze slipped away from him, they met a few girls she knew to be in the younger years who were glaring furiously at her. A curious glint in her eyes was sent to them before she looked back at him. He was now sitting next to her and she felt as if she had been bombarded on because her personal bubble was no longer personal. “Yes…” she mumbled under her breath before looking away from him, wondering how rude it would be to sidle away because she was truly uncomfortable being so close to him. Her stomach fluttered and some people might call it ‘butterflies’ Kalani looked at this feeling as a warning system to stay away from him. She had never been very good at judging people. As this boy offered to her that seeing her speaking with someone else would keep people away from her she chortled quietly. Clearly he did not spend much time with the Head Boy or the Prefects. Nothing stopped people from spending time with them, especially when they were unwanted, much like he was. This, however, was not spoken from her glossed lips. She kept silent and listened to him talk to her, which was something fairly out of character for her because she was usually the out-going, bubbly type but now she wanted to be alone and cuddle up with her bunny as she read her book. As this boy, Malachy, told Kalani that he thought they were in the same year she arched her brow in amusement as she spoke curtly, “You don’t know what year you are in?” Before becoming Head Girl, Kalani would have told him her year but now that she was Head Girl it was clear that she was a seventh year, one could only have such a position if they were in their final year of schooling, after all. Perhaps he was new to the school system, maybe he was a transfer from being home schooled and this was why he was not aware but she did not offer such a situation to him and left her comical words hang in their tension.

As Malachy suggested that she should be with her friends, she shrugged her thin shoulders and answered, “Usually I would be. But today I wanted to spend alone.” Kalani hoped that this did not seem harsh but she was being honest and if it came across as this there was simply nothing that the blonde girl could or would do to ask forgiveness. He had come up to her, after all. Looking into Malachy’s eyes, Kalani put her hand out to greet him normally because now she knew his name but it was not certain if he knew hers or just recognized her as being Head Girl. “I’m Kalani.” Normally she would get comments on how strange her name was and she hoped that someone named Malachy would spare her. Putting down her book on the table, she picked up the pendent for her necklace once they had shaken hands and played with it. It had become her nervous tick and often times she did not recognize it was happening or why. This was one of those times, she did not realize that her slender fingers had grasped the cross (which had no religious significance to her and was simply a pendant she thought was pretty) in her palm and imprinted it into her skin. It was not always a nervous habit, in fact during classes when she was bored she would play with it but most times she did this out of anxiety and for a person who knew this about her would be able to tell that she was nervous around Malachy.
There had always been that small shortage of males at Beauxbatons. It was a weird thing that was so. You'd be sure to think that the only magical school in France would be as populated with boys as it was with girls, but this was false. It wasn't and it was a pity. Malachy was one of those few guys, and he wasn't even French. But, it didn't even effect him. He spoke french. It wasn't the best, but he could still understand it. He preferred English though. His english unlike most others here, was not english with a hint at french, his english was heavily Irish. He was proud of his Irish. It was one thing that he was pleased about his history. Being a muggleborn, Malachy Scythe wasn't too interested in what his family had to say about anything. He was the only magical one, and this made him better than the rest. It was only his name that made him Irish and reminded him of his family. It wasn't something usually brought up in conversation when it can to Malachy. Not many actually knew for certain what blood status the Irish boy held. If people asked, Malachy skillfully avoided the subject, and most just didn't ask more than once. it wasn't that important in France. Or so he'd noticed. What was important in France was whether or not a person was of veela blood. The veela's were all over the school. They were always there. And it was an over dominate trait from the school. Malachy was clearly not a Veela, he had not a veela trait in him, but what he did have was traditional good looks, and unstoppable Irish charm. But, he doubted his usual methods of charm would suit her. He didn't really need to do much else with other girls, a smile was enough to cause them to melt. And here he was. Smiling, and clearly there was no melting. Obviously this would a harder egg to crack, but there again, he'd pretty much be able to crack it, with a little work. If there was something that Malachy liked it was a little chase game. Always having girls swoon for him, wasn't always fun, sure it meant he could chose, but it was always the small minority of girls that would chose to not be part of the crowd, and these were the girls that Malachy was more attracted to. Letting her insults and passes to ask him to leave, slide, he was glad that she at least gave him her name.

"Kalani, that's a pretty name. Is it french?" The Irish accent adding nicely to his English. He knew that she probably wasn't at all interested in him. But, he wasn't bother, he'd keep trying. Malachy watched as she made for the cross around her neck. Malachy was a christian, but since going to magic he hadn't bothered much with it. It seemed a little pointless now. He also wasn't very dedicated. Neither of which bothered him. "Are you religious?" He asked, for once actually curious for an answer. Coming from a religious family, he only saw crosses as a mark of Christianity. Never as just something that someone just wore. His mother wore a pendant, as did all his female cousins. None of the males did. They all seemed a lot more secretive about how religious they wore. His dad for instance was not one to go around talking about how much he believed in a higher power. It was just something that most kept to themselves. "I don't mean to pry, Kalani, I'm just curious." He wasn't sure, why he was somewhat apologising for his question, it just made more sense for him to do this rather than just asking the question, that she wouldn't be comfortable answering. It wasn't ever the way to get a girl. He wanted to be sure that he didn't scare her off. Since, she was the head girl, pretty and pretty much the only girl he would ever try for a relationship with, instead of just those one night stands, that meant nothing. He wanted something meaningful with her, which for Malachy Scythe was a first.​

OOCOut of Character:
I'm seriously so sorry. I kept meaning to post, but kept forgetting! Really sorry.
Kalani was sure that Malachy was a nice person however; the Head Girl really did not care. He had chosen the worst time to try to interact with her and continued to do so like a stubborn, ignorant little child. She buttoned her light pink cardigan one button higher because she was feeling uncomfortable around the Irish student. The blonde knew that he would probably do nothing with her but for some reason she felt anxious being watched by him, despite usually loving any kind of attention that had nothing to do with the similarities in appearance that she and Riley had and would always have. Being an identical twin was nothing too special so she did not know why people made such a big deal about it, however, she was glad that Riley was at a different school despite missing her. And yet, Kalani would still want to be alone at this moment. She would not have wanted to spend time with her twin and certainly not a student wanted to be with her as a form of competition like almost all guys did at this academy. They did not realize that Kalani was an independent girl and while she enjoyed guys and their few uses she often got tired of them. Her mantra, after all, was ‘Guys are like bubblegum; once they lose their flavor spit them out.’ It might be a little harsh but she barely knew Malachy and already wanted to ‘spit him out’.

Kalani had to blink to keep her eyes from rolling at Malachy’s compliment. It was so generic and only making her think that her reason to 'spit him out' was reasonable. “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. Kali did not think it was French but what did it matter? It was her name and where it had come from really did not make a difference in it. Kalani and her twin sister, Riley, had never known about their entire heritage so for all she knew, she could be Swahili and then did the etymology of her name really matter? Okay, being Swahili was probably far off and Kalani knew this but still did not care about the origin of her name and was certain she never would. As Malachy interrupted her thoughts about the probability that she had East African blood, she continued to squeeze the pendant in question and blushed anxiously. “No,” answered the Head Girl after he had apologized for his own curiosity. “I just liked it. I’ve never thought that a witch or a wizard would recognize the significance in religion so I thought it was fine to wear it. I mean…they do tend to think we are spawns of satan or something.” Kalani rolled her eyes at the thought of it and said, “Ah muggles. So funny…” Okay so the fact that there had been wars and unnecessary killing because of the religion that barred this cross was not funny but in general, religion was amusing to the seventeen year old. Something about people believing that a ‘person’ created all galaxies, including magic, and thought it was bad did not make sense to her so she was never able to respect it. As much as the muggle studies Professor tried to explain to the students that muggles were onto something with ‘the great creator’ theories they had, Kalani had never been able to rasp how one being would be able to create all the universes and the everything on it. This was probably because she tended to be a little bit like someone who suffered from Attention Deficit Disorder at times. Focusing long enough would be a struggle for her and that sounded like a lot of work that never ended so she just liked to think that she was birthed from her mother and would die and be put into the ground or burned.​
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OOCOut of Character:
don't worry aboutit. i'm sorry this was so bad.
If there was anything that Malachy really hated, it was girls who thought themselves above the rest. It was why he made sure of treating all girls the exact same, and not going with girls based on popularity. Sure, a few times, it had resulted in popularity. Malachy was some what well known for his antics when it came to girls. He always just pinned it on the Irish blood cursing through his veins. It didn't really matter to him. Being Irish was just how introduced himself. Girls tended to like the irish boys with the irish accents. And easily burnt skin. It was odd as he watched the head girls, just seemingly finger the cross around her neck. It was true that many people didn't wear pendants at school, but he didn't think that there was any reason for the people to not be religious. He'd grown up in an enivronment where Religion was strongly shown to him. He'd done all the different things he had to. But, as he'd learn more and more about the world, and magic, it seemed that he had also become a lot less religious. It wasn't something that bothered him, but it did bother his heavily religious family. Who didn't have any problems with him being a wizard, he was not liked when he talked about how he wasn't really a believer. But, he'd found it was the same with most of the males in his female. While his gran and his ma, where open about how religious they were, his father would be a lot less open about it. He didn't really have to bother with taking about it with his father. His father was just pleased that they had a wizard in the family. Though curious as to why Malachy was the one with the powers over the first born son. And Malachy was aware that in the grand scheme his brother was smarter than him. His brother had taught him to so much. How to approach girls, how to talk to them and how to charm them. In return, Malachy had spent some of his time going over some of the magical theory with his brother. Divination mainly, astronomy and Muggle studies. Which was a great subject for him to go over with. It was interesting coming from a muggle background and being able to see how the wizarding world potrayed them to be like.

"They do. If some of my extended family back in Ireland knew who I was, man, They'd have a fit." Malachy said, shaking his head laughing slightly, But, also knowing that he was actually being funny, he was being serious. How far him family would take it, was upto them, but he knew if they were to find out, it was be hard to take as well, and it wouldn't be good for him. He didn't think his family were narrow minded, but he didn't really know them all that well, so he was unsure. But, he also wasn't so keen on finding out. Malachy smiled at the girl. "I'm guess you are not muggleborn then?" Malachy just assumed this by the way, she'd called muggles funny. He did find them fairly funny, but it wasn't like anyone was teaching them their ways, or shared some of the secrets of the world. So, they could also hardly be blamed for being funny.​

OOCOut of Character:

I am truly for that epic fail of a post.
I struggle to find muse for this character/
Am just too tired to function
While Malachy laughed in spite of himself, Kalani frowned for him. She had never known people to not accept her because of who she was so she could not understand if it was actually painful but she could assume so because she knew that her father had left their little family after he had found out that he was to be a father. The only real difference was that the twins never had a chance to prove to this man whether they were worth sticking by or not while Malachy, presumably, had. The Head Girl was sure this would be worse. However, she knew this would be exceedingly rude and rather vile so she nodded her head once and stayed silent and listened as he asked her what her blood status was. "No, I'm not. I think I'm mixed. I'm not really sure, to be honest. I've never cared," she answered honestly. She was not prejudiced because she did not have the right to be considering she was so much of a mutt that she did not know what her past was. Besides, the days of blood prejudice were slowly ending even if Death Eaters tried to give the world a scare with their antics. She looked at Malachy and thought that she might have offended him for saying that muggles were funny and added, "Err... Sorry if I put you in a pique or something." Although Kalani did not want to be around the Irish seventh year, it was not because of his blood status or because of his heritage. Instead it was because she did not enjoy being ogled and hit on like she could only assume he was going to do after he pretended to care about her feelings like all males did. Truth be told, Kalani Ingrid had never given any of them a proper chance because she was scared but she did not know this. She thought her emotions were clear as day but she really shoved every male away from her emotionally only to embrace them physically. Little did the seventeen year old know, she was doing it again with Malachy Scythe who was actually making a conscious effort with her. All of this really did come down to family issues and not having a male figure in her life like she had a female. Her mother was strong, sure, but a girl needed her father and if she were self-aware, Kalani would realize just how badly she needed to be accepted.

Looking away from Malachy, Kalani felt nervous with people possibly seeing her with this boy because she did not want people speculating that they were together because even if she had flings with people she did not want to explain that she was not with Malachy. Not because he wasn't handsome, he was, but because he was rather annoying to her. Or right now he was. Kalani had a long week and she just wanted to be alone and most people would have understood that but as she looked back into the brown eyes of Malachy she knew that he either did not care or understand this. She nearly rolled her eyes at the thought of this but she did not say it to it to him because even if she might be mean at times she did not think that he deserved it, even if he was annoying.

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