What Do You Want?

Louis Vernier

university student | muggle-oriented
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Louis wasn't sure why the charms professor had told him to meet her at her office, but the boy reluctantly obliged anyway. He hadn't done anything wrong, unless of course the professor heard his remark under his breath during the previous lesson, and so he sure he wasn't in any sort of trouble. He didn't know what he would do if the professor happened to get his Head of House involved. He wanted to keep a good reputation and didn't want to mess it up when he was only in his second year. After all, his twin sister would well and truly get herself into trouble before him, so he was trying not to worry too much as he made his way down to the third floor and towards the professor's office. He looked down at the floor beneath him as he knocked on the door, just hoping that this meeting would go quickly so Louis could go back to his studying with the end of the semester coming nearer.
Mallory was watering her plants when she heard the knock on her door. She smiled, setting her wand on her desk and settling in her chair. With a flick of her wrist her door opened. "Mr. Vernier, please, come in." she gave him a gentle smile.
It didn't take long for the professor to respond to the boy's knock. She opened the door with magic, and Louis stood awkwardly as it swung wide open and he saw the professor sitting on the other side of the room at her desk. She asked him to come in, and he did so rather tentatively, shuffling his feet along and looking around the room. He had never been in a professor's office before, and he hoped that he would never have to again. "Sorry for being mean to you or whatever." he mumbled before the professor had a chance to talk. He just wanted it to be over with.
Mallory smiled softly. "Mr. Vernier. Please come in," she gestured to a seat across from her. "While I do appreciate your apology, I would very much like to speak with you for a bit," she gave him a warm smile, hoping her easy demeanor might put him more at ease.
The professor wanted Louis to sit across from her, and so he did so, putting his hands into his pockets and keeping his gaze towards the floor. She didn't seem to accept his apology, but apparently she was appreciative, which was probably better than nothing. He knew he was in big trouble now and it was much too late for him to try and get himself out of it. He didn't say anything, waiting to see what would happen.
Mallory smiled gently. "Mr. Vernier," she kept her voice soft, trying to act as non combative as possible. "It's alright, I don't mind that you were mean. Everyone gets upset sometimes." She reassured him. "I would like to know, though, if there was any real reason why you were upset," she folded her hands on the table. "I may be one of your professors, but I do care about each of you. Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.
Despite the professor's reassurance, Louis was still convinced that she was mad. He thought his Head of House might like him, but probably not after this, especially if the charms professor told him. The boy took his hands out of his pockets and folded them across his chest. He shrugged. "Well, I just think that repelling insects off plants isn't reasonable. There are many insects that are actually good for plants, like bees and wasps, and even ladybirds. I know this might sound a bit... I don't know... soft... but shouldn't we just leave them be? Like, for instance, the ladybirds eat the pests that are bad, and so we shouldn't need to worry about it." Louis explained to her, hoping that she would see his reasoning.
Mallory nodded slowly, listening to his reasoning. "Well, that does make sense," she murmured. "To be honest with you, Mr. Vernier, you are not the first one to be upset with that lesson." She folded her hands in front of her, thinking. "My lesson plans were given to me from the previous charms Professor," she told him, glancing over as Maxim jumped onto the desk and trotted over to her. She scratched absently behind his ears.

"I have been wary to change any of the lessons," she ran her fingers over Maxim's back, smiling softly as he purred. "But perhaps it is time to change that one." She turned her eyes back to Louis. "Tell me, Mr. Vernier. What would you have rather done to learn the depulso charm?" She asked, thinking a bit of feedback would be good.
Louis looked up and watched as the professor's cat jumped on her desk. The professor seemed to take what he said seriously and didn't even try defending herself. Louis was not the best with making decisions on his own, and so when the professor asked for his opinion, he was a little taken aback. He wasn't a charms professor, and so he had no clue where to start, so he just spoke as he thought about it. "Um... I guess, just like, maybe if we used the spell on something that didn't have feelings, like a pillow or something. But maybe not inside though, cause like, that could be dangerous." he said, scratching his head a little as he thought of how to do that within a lesson. "Maybe if we camped outside and had a pillow fight, or some other type of game with the pillows, that could be fun." Louis shrugged, unsure whether his idea would be safe enough, but knowing that it was definitely safer than harming innocent creatures.
Mallory smiled. "Well, there's certainly an interesting idea. Let me talk to Professor Haden about things and I'll see what we can do about updating that lesson," she brushed her fingers gently down Maxim's back. "Would you care for some tea, Mr. Vernier?" she asked.
Louis just nodded as the professor said she would look into updating the lesson. He never really considered himself to be a movement maker or a hero, but he was glad that something was potentially being done about it, and was sure it would prevent potential conflict in the future. The boy then shook his head as the professor asked if he wanted some tea. He didn't really like tea as he mainly associated it with a sore throat having always had tea when he was sick. "I'm all good. I think I might just go now?" he said, hoping it was okay with the professor first.
Mallory smiled softly and nodded, picking Maxim up into her lap and with a flick of her wrist the door opened. "Yes, alright. Thank you for coming in Mr. Vernier, and have a wonderful day," she gave him a gentle smile. "My door is always open if ever you need anything."

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