What do I need? Well I need you!

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Ariel Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey ladies and gentleman.

You all know who I am so I'll get right down to it: I need plots for little Ariel Blade here, and I really mean that I need plots.

Ariel is the down-to-earth kind member of the Blade family. She is kind, she is caring, and she is one of the most considerate people that you will meet. She will do anything to help a friend. She's merely confused about everything that's going on in her life right now.

Firstly: Ariel needs to learn that she is in fact a Blade by somebody who knew Chase, Alex or Mikayla well enough to be able to point out distinguishing features that mark her as their sister. I'm pretty sure KR should be able to do this, if she sticks to our RP, but just in case I'm sure an extra bit of help will only help speed things along.

Secondly: I need people, boys or girls, who are willing to help her into the acceptance phase of everything that she will learn in the first step. This can be anyone, I am not picky in even the slightest bit about who decides to offer up their characters for this. We can even start their threads straight away and get into the you're-a-blade-deal-with-it stuff. In fact, that's preferred.

Thirdly: Completely and utterly anything else that you can think of.

Tell me what you can think of, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!
Well. Aedan is always willing to help, and is probably definitely most likely able to give her a different view point.
Okay, so, Brightstone's open yeah?
Want to start something? :)
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