Open WHAT are you doing here?!

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
It was only the first week of school, but Eurydice was already exhausted. Getting back into the rhythm of classes was honestly one of the easiest things. It was the looking over her shoulder at every other moment that was getting to her. Home was a relatively safe place, it was something that was familiar. One would think that Hogwarts would start to be familiar too after three semesters, but it just wasn't. Besides, watching around the corridors for any sign of Morrie was starting to feel like borderline paranoia, even if it sometimes felt warranted. Thankfully, for as long as she stuck to groups, stayed in the Common Room, or even avoided the Heta Omega room, she could mostly avoid Morrie. Deciding that it was for the best she get started on her studies - work now, play later - she made her way to the library. It was still early enough in the term, this was the time she usually frequented the place since it was when there would be the least amount of students. Most of who would be in the library were OWLs and NEWTs students - she didn't know if Morrie was, but she figured if she stuck close enough to where the librarian would be, her chances of not encountering the insane girl would be high. She kept her head down during the walk, not wanting to catch any unwanted attention since she was alone, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she entered the library unscathed. She was just about to greet the librarian when she blinked at who she found there. "WHAT are you doing here?!" Eury probably shouldn't have yelled because this was a library. But that was also her brother, Tizi-nii, standing behind the librarian's desk and cheekily waving at her.

@Tiziano Edogawa
Tizi snorted as he watched the shocked look on his sisters face. Giving her a cheeky wave as he put his legs up on the Librarian’s desk, he put his hands behind his head as she had a mini freak-out. “Hi sis, is that anyway to greet your older brother?” He asked her, tilting his head to look at her. He’d told her he was going to do what he could to help her out. He knew mostly, who he was looking for now and if he could make Eury’s life easier for the next couple of years, that was a bonus. He was also being a bit of a d*ck though, because he certainly could have found a simpler way of making her life easier than getting a job at her school where she’d never escape him. That mostly was for his own benefit, and a little bit so he could keep an eye on Mikael too. “I’ll have a bow thanks.”
Eurydice couldn't help but stare at her brother slack-jawed as he was actually standing in Hogwarts. Oh Merlin, what had she done? She wasn't going to bow, but she would like a hug though she didn't want to go behind the librarian's desk to do so. Her brother might now be part of the staff but she didn't want to get in trouble with the other librarians. Or for Tizi-nii to get in trouble. Instead she made her way up to the desk, "Are you really staying here now?" she asked in a small voice. A safe space that was not the Common Room. Because Tizi-nii wouldn't let anything happen under his watch. Not that Kael-nii would, especially now that he was a prefect, but he was a Slytherin prefect and she was a Hufflepuff and he had to take care of Slytherins and she couldn't cause trouble for him like that. And Elio-nii was too busy with his NEWTs for Eury to ever bother. Tizi-nii... Eury felt bad that he'd had to go and obviously leave Japan when he'd been happily staying there for a while but, well... it made her just a little happy to know that she had a brother like that. Not everyone had a brother like Tizi-nii.
Tizi really didnt’ know why everyone was so surprised he was here now, considering he’d said he would protect Eury - it was almost like the only person who didn’t doubt him was Lille, but then why would she doubt him? He rolled his eyes. “Why is everyone so surprised? I said I would find a way to look after you didn’t I?” With Mikael doing his NEWTs next year, he could hardly be looking after Eury, and Hinata would have her NEWTs too, so there was really only Tizi. Or was it that they doubted he would be able to get into the school, he supposed he could sort of understand that, but all he had to say was “Please can I work here” okay maybe a little more than that, but it was just a Library, it wasn’t like he was suddenly working in the Department of Mysteries. “Give me a hug silly,” he said, stepping from behind his desk.​
It had obviously been a surprise to find Tizi-nii. And while there had been the initial disbelief and denial and small part of her that wanted to tell him he shouldn't be here, it was quickly drowned by the overwhelming relief. When the truth had spilled out from her that night in Nightray Manor, she wanted to believe her brother when he said he was going to do something about what was happening in Hogwarts. She'd thought he meant telling Kael-nii even though she hadn't really wanted Kael-nii to know. She never thought he'd be dealing with the situation himself. Admittedly, before all this, Eury wondered how much Jai-nii and Tizi-nii cared about her, mostly because there was such a large age gap between them. Eury had been born when Tizi-nii had been old enough to enter Hogwarts. She'd practically grown up while he was in the school. It was only Kael-nii she'd grown up with. And when they graduated, Jai-nii decided to work in New Zealand while Tizi-nii went on to Japan and Eury continued to only see her eldest brothers on occasion. Now... now she almost wanted to apologize for ever doubting how much her brother cared because he'd obviously just uprooted his life in Japan on her word. And so she ran up to him to hug him, barrelled towards him really while muttering a litany of thanks against his robes as she buried her face on them. She had the best older brothers and no one was going to convince her otherwise.

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