What A Surprise

Casey Carlin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Casey had been at HNZ for about a month now and was really missing her girlfriend already. Despite their non-communicative summer, the dinner that night had changed everything between them and Casey now felt closer to her than ever. She was feeling uncharacteristically needy all of a sudden but tried to conceal it with a simple 'how are you?' letter to Bella instead. Wearing a grey long sleeved shirt and torn up jean capris, Casey walked up to the Owlery with a letter clutched in her hands. Once she entered she looked around at the various different school owls available to her and tried ot make her choice.
Lucy had been sitting in her dorm writing an essay when she suddenly remembered she hadn't written home since the beginning of the year. She started to feel a little guilty and began writing a letter to send to her father. Once she was sure it was perfect she headed up to the owlery. She was currently wearing an outfit the was mainly compromised of her favorite color. Once she was finally finished climbing up all the stairs she looked around the owlery and starred in shock as she saw on of her friends from Beauxbatons, "Casey!? Is that really you!?" she asked in her native tongue unable to find the words in English at the moment.
Casey had finally selected a beautiful snowy white owl, thinking her girlfriend would like the owl, and was just tying the letter up to its leg when she heard someone say her name and then speak in French. It had been so long since she'd heard the language, but yet she understood every word perfectly. Still holding the owl in her delicate hands, Casey immediately turned to face the person better and upon realizing who it was, instantly lit up. "Lucy?!" she identified her friend, stating it in disbelief. "Omg what're you doing here?!" she asked her, the French flowing naturally from her tongue. Casey then heard an annoyed hoot coming from the snow owl in her hands and laughed lightly as she turned to the window to let him free.
Lucy was still in a state of shock when Casey asked what she was doing here, "I transfered here in 3rd year, I think i should be asking what your ding here though!" She said pleased that French still came naturally to her even after a year of using nothing but English. Lucy wanted to know all about what had been going on in beauxbatons ever since she left, and she wanted to catch up with Casey, it was so good to finally have a friend in the school.
Casey couldn't help but grin at the fact that she had actually run into an old friend from Beauxbatons here at HNZ, the school was just full of surprises. She listened as Lucy explained that she had transferred from Beauxbatons in her third year, Casey's fourth. The Veela girl laughed lightly as Lucy asked what she was doing here instead. "Well, I stayed at Beauxbatons another year after you left, but it just sucked, you know how the girls are there," she said, rolling her sea green eyes. She hadn't spoken French in so long she was surprised at how smoothly it was still flowing out of her mouth. "But in my fifth year I transferred to Hogwarts Wizarding Academy, but now I'm here!" she exclaimed with a bright grin. It only seemed natural that Casey transfer schools often, she was always running off to a different place in search of something, a place to call her home, because her hometown of London was just not home to her.
( so sorry for the late reply )

Lucy listened to Casey talk about how she had transfered from Beauxbatons to some school she had never heard of. "Yeah I know what you mean..." she said remembering how the girls at Beauxbatons used to be so mean to both Lucy and Casey. "I'm so happy your hear though! I've missed you so much! she added smiling brightly at Casey. "What house were you sorted into? she asked curiously. Lucy hadn't seen her around the Gryffindor common room, but then again, she really didn't pay much attention to any of her house mates.

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