What a day

Joshua Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Josh was waiting for Kenny. He was sat high up in a tree in the grounds. He liked it in tree's as he could get a good veiw of things. The window was blowing gently in his face and he wasl looking towards the castle. As he and Kenny had recently had their first argument Josh was keen to stay on his good side and to make sure that nothing like that happend again. He sighed as a cool breeze blew past him.
Kenny walked over to the tree that he had agreed to meet Josh by. He was glad that they had made up after their last argument but he was having...feelings. He leant against the tree and looked out over the grounds to try and find Josh when he heard a sigh come from above him. "Do I want to know what you're doing up a tree??"
Josh looked down and laughed. " Well you never no. So how have you been?" He took a handful of leaves and dropped them down onto Kenny then laughed. " Oh merlin. Who could that have been?" He chuckled
Kenny laughed. "Stop joking around and get down here." He smiled at Josh as he looked up at him. It was weird the way he was feeling. He didn't know what to make of it.
Jake had been looking for Kenny. The gang was getting together, mainly for a hge p!55 about but, really, he felt that everyone should be there. If that included MArk then it definately included Kenny. He found the boy looking up a tree, he didn't know why and really didn't care. "Hey, Kenny!" He ran over and grinned. "You wanna come over? All the guys are meeting up, I thought if Mark can come with, so can you right." HE laughed, panting slightly from running and kept talking, not noticing the boy in the tree. "So, you coming with? Ivy wants to meet you, She's Markovs' sister, apparently she's nutted Mark twice."
Josh looked down when he heard a familiar voice. He frowned slightly at who it was. He lowered himself then jumped down landing right next to Kenny. He smiled at him slightly. " Fancy seeing you here. How have you been?" Not that he cared it was just polite to ask
Jake was slightly suprised as Kennys' boyfriend jumped out of the tree. "Oh, um, hi. Great I suppose, nothing bad's going on in my life." He grinned and turned back to Kenny, he didn't carfe if the guy was here, he wanted his mate to come with. "So, you coming or not?"
Kenny grinned. "Yeah sure." He started walking off with Jake before turning round to Josh. "Umm, Josh. Here's the thing. I think I like girls. Only girls I, I mean." Kenny wasn't completely sure of this yet but he was beginning to think. He liked Josh but girls were fit. He smiled at his ex-boyfriend then turned round and carried on walking with Jake.
Josh frowned as he watched Kenny walk off. Shock went all through him. He began to walk back when he turned around. " Fine see if i care. You werent good where it counted anyway. Il just fine some fit girl to get with." He shouted it then turned and headed to the common room to think about what had just happend

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