
Vrael Graves

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaan!
Ebony Wand 12'' Essence of Phoenix Talon & Dragon Heartstring
Hey guys!

So, i used to be a pretty frequent user of this site waaaaaay back in the day. Unfortunately life has thrown a few curve balls and also turned some pretty awesome pages for me and i drifted away from the site whilst doing various things. Anyways, it seems life is back to the curve balls, and i find my life lacking fun majorly, so ive decided to try a return with a fresh character however most of my oldies will make a return at some point when i sort them out! So, fresh start, fresh me, with a bit of the old being dusted off. I'm Dylan! I'm awkward, more enthusiastic than i probably should be, and generally an easy guy to get along with. I will warn everything that doesn't know/remember me that i can go full retard at times, but if you bare with me i usually come out alright. I look forward to causing some trouble with anyone interested!

Also, everything i remember about this site is kind of fuzzy and strange, so anyone willing to give me a hand in getting back into the swing of things will receive free hugs. Virtually and mentally that is.

Dylan! Are you the Dylan I think you are? Yay! :hug: Anyway, there is much that has changed about the site, but I'm not really the best one to tell you. I wouldn't know where to start! Guess I could tell you that there have been a few updates, but otherwise the site is mostly unchanged from when you were last here, probably. Anyway, Welcome back!

I'm not sure if we've ever rped together, but welcome back all the same. Who were your other characters?
Hey Dylan, good to see you back! :hug:
Welcome back Dylan!

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