We've Met Before, Right?

Avarice Reilly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2" Flexible Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

It was colder now in France. Avarice Vanity, however did not feel the cold
as much as the others in her year. She was Scottish, and winters tended to
be colder. Still, Ava stuck to the inside of the school, for most of the time.
She had no need to venture out. Avarice had explored the entire outdoors
over and over. There was nothing more for her to find. This annoyed the blonde
as she always had time to kill. Avarice, had spent her day in her dorm room,
working on an essay for charms, when she had grown too bored of the essay
and decided to walk around. To clear her head, and reformulate her thoughts
about what she was writing about. Avarice did this. It was something her dorm
mates, and friends had grown used to. Ava, since she was alone, decided to
take a moment to look over herself in the mirror. Her shoulder length blonde hair
hung in small ringlets, and her fringe was held back with a small clasp. "Decent"
Ava muttered under her breath in French. Now, that she was happy with her
appearance, she left her dorm room. Ava had a pen in her hand, a muggle pen,
one which she played with with her hands. It was a way that Ava was able to
stay focused and concentrate.

As Ava walked around randomly, she was greeted by a friend, who started gushing
about what she was going to be wearing to Ava's birthday gathering, that was happening
at her home, at the very beginning of the christmas holidays. Avarice, the girl talk.
Nodding every so often, to appear a little more interested than she really was. It was
not that Ava did not love helping her friends, whatever the situation, but the blonde
had not been walking around to get into chit chat. Her mind was on the essay. Thinking
about what she'd written, and had still to write. It was as they walked down one of the
corridors that Avarice noticed a girl, someone she had met before, and was now trying
to remember the name of. Avarice looked to her babbling friend and excused herself.
Avarice wasn't the type to ditch one friend for someone she was trying to remember
but, her friend had plenty of people to talk to and this girl had no one. So, with a
smile upon the blonde's face she walked over to the girl. "Hey, It's Adonia, right?
We haven't spoken in a while. But, hi"
Avarice said with a smile at the fellow blonde.
Her french as perfect as it could be. There was no hint of her previous Scottishness.​
Adonia sat on the step leading out of the buildings. It was cold but she didn't mind. She had spent enough time in Scotland, visiting Ten, that she was fine with it now. Well, until it went properly cold, then she went inside. The blonde girl smiled at the thought of her boyfriend.

Adonia and Ten had been together for around about two years. She really liked him and, hopefully, he liked her just as much. Just as she was about to go deep into thoughts of him, she heard a voice saying her name. Looking up, Adonia saw a girl who was in some of her lessons.

"Yeah, just Nia though." Adonia smiled, she didn't like her name that much. It sounded sort of weird, she preferred Nia a lot more. There wasn't anyone who called her Adonia, it was just Nia or, in some peoples case, Addy. "You're Av.." She tried to remember the girls name but it was, like her own, unusual. "I know it begins with Av or Ava." She smiled, Adonia had never been good with names.

Avarice really hoped she was right with the name. There
was really nothing more awkward than getting someone's
name wrong. Avarice had quite a distinct name, which
made it sometimes a little difficult to remember. But most
just really called her Ava. The shortened version. Avarice
was quite the mouth full in French. It was easier in English
as it was an English word. But, this was France and Avarice
had not spoken english since she'd move to france almost
ten years before. She smiled, blushing slightly as the girl gave
her nickname rather than full name. She was pleased she'd
gotten the name right, but annoyed that she had managed
to not get it completely right. Avarice, then nodded. It was
clear to her, that Nia, did not know her name either. She knew
the nickname, and not the full name. It was an odd combo.
But, it made Ava feel less embarrassed about slightly forgeting
Adonia's name. "Avarice, but Ava's fine." Avarice replied
in a friendly tone. Her french perfect, with no traces of her
scottish history. "How are you doing? Classes are super hard
this term aren't they."
Adonia blushed and uttered her apologies for forgetting her name. At least she got the nickname right. She took a second to think about the girls name, it didn't sound French. It sounded more English than anything. "Is your name English?" She, also, had perfect French but that was simply because she lived here, grew up here, she was French. English was her second language but, thanks to Ten, she was almost perfect at it. She still had a small accent and didn't get a lot of the slang words.

Adonia rolled her eyes at the topic of classes. Not at the girl bringing them up, at the classes themselves. "I know, I was expecting hard but not this hard." Unlike a lot of people she had met, Adonia was a natural learner. She had to study for it and work hard. The people who didn't annoyed her, just because she had to. "What lessons are you taking?"

Avarice just gave a small nod to the girl's question.
Yes, Avarice was in fact only half French, but she'd
spent more of her life in France, that she'd never
really considered Scotland her home. It was weird
to think in such a fashion, seeing as her father was
fully Scottish. He spoke perfect French as well. But
he still did very Scottish and British things. It could
not really be helped. Ava knew that, but, she was
always happier thinking of herself as french, rather
than Scottish. Avarice nodded again. She was really
wondering what good came of making the classes
so incredibly difficult. It would help them achieve more
later in life. But it was still too hard. And it wasn't
like they had no lives outside of BeauxBatons' classrooms.

"All apart from Muggle Studies. I grew up muggle, I
don't want to learn about it."
Avarice said nodding to
Adonia. She did quite a bit more than most, but then so
had her sisters, and Avarice knew she needed to be as
good at everything as they were, to do anything with her
life. "You?" Avarice returned the question.Running a
hand through her blonde curls.​

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