We're twins!? Or r you drinking polyjuice?

Blair Archibald

Active Member
OOC First Name
Blair had no idea why her daddy wanted her to be in New Zealand instead of California. She was having fun there, and she had heard that she was going to be transferred to Hogwarts instead of staying in Salem. She loved Salem and she was already popular there even tho she was only a first year. Students in Salem were awesome they were `sophisticated` unlike Hogwarts. Well at least that was what she thought, she didn't even know why she was thinking like that anyway. She was quite proud that she was the only child and she didn't have to share her things to other people. She couldn't imagine her self having a younger sibling, at least older was better since they had to gave up their things to their younger siblings, right?

Blair decided to check the Brightsotne Village all by herself. She took her purse and walk toward the brightstone village trying to find out what was in there. She couldn't find anything interesting there, she hated the place, she wish she was back in California. Either her daddy was going to like it or not, she was going to finish her first grade in Salem, nowhere else.
"Move people!" She yelled looking at those pathetic crowds gathering like a group of cows. "Why am I here in the first place? Oh yeah daddy want me here" She muttered sarcastically to herself. The shops were also ugly, she couldn't find anything she like there. And what was worse was that she had to share room with losers IF her daddy transferred her to Hogwarts. If not then, yay! Go Salem!
It was finally Brightstone weekend. Bella's father had asked her to go to Brightstone for some reason, but it wasn't like she wasn't going to go anyway. Bella wanted to find a dress for the yule ball. Bella was going with her crush, Xavier, so she had to find the perfect dress, especially if she was going to out-shine Eleona. Just thinking of Eleona made Bella scowl. It made her more determined to find the most amazing dress. Bella tutted as she looked around at some of the shops. They were hardly going to do. I might have to have one made for me. Bella thought, with a frown on her face. She made a mental note to write to her father when she got back to Hogwarts, to ask for a dress.
Bella couldn't believe that it was the holidays already. That meant exams were coming up. Bella sighed. She had hardly gone to any of her classes. She was going to have to study. There was only one plus side to study, and that was studying with Xavier. At the thought of that, a grin spread across Bella's face. Any time spent with Xaiver was a good time. From somewhere behind her, Bella heard someone yell at people to move. Her eyes narrowed as she searched for the girl who said it, wanting to be in her way, just to spite her. She moved swiftly towards the area that she heard her shout. Looking around, Bella saw her reflection in a shop window. Smiling, she moved her hand up to fix her hair, which was looking rather ghastly. However, Bella frowned when her reflection didn't mirror her movement. Bella moved closer to the shop, wondering what was happening. She stopped dead in her tracks, and shrieked when she saw that her reflection, was not at all her reflection. It was a person.
Blair then felt a girl beside her, she seemed to be on her age and she looked EXACTLY like her. "Sweet baby Merlin, who are you?" She eyed the girl and moved to her closer. She had heard about a potion called polyjuice, her daddy told her about that potion before and he had showed it to her before but Blair couldn't believe that the girl/ guy would use that to look like Blair. "Why are you drinking polyjuice to look like me?" She narrowed her eyes as she groaned and stared at the girl carefully. That girl MUST drink polyjuice, she couldn't have any sibling, her daddy never told her that and Blair was 101% sure that she would not like to have a twin sister. Except if she was like her.

Blair had heard that having a twin sister sucks. There was always the uglier twin and if she was the uglier twin, she might kill her self this instant. Surprisingly, an owl came, she fed the owl and eyed it
"Thank you Brooklyn" She patted it and let it fly. She opened the letter from her daddy explaining that she had a twin sister. "No... Way.... NO WAY!" She shouted as she tossed the letter to the ground. "There is no way on earth that I have a twin sister" She groaned as she stepped on the letter. "I'm gonna kill you daddy" She muttered, she was making sure to make her daddy pay her for not telling her that she had a twin sister earlier.
Bella stared at the girl in shock as she moved closer to her. This is so not happening. Bella thought to herself. She raised an eyebrow when the girl asked if she was drinking Polyjuice potion. "Why would I drink Polyjuice potion? Why would I want to be anyone other than myself?" Bella asked incredulously. Bella glared at the girl. Something was not right. Bella had always been an only child, and had been proud of it. Having a sister. . .a twin would be disastrous. Bella was sure that her dad would have mentioned something about a twin to her. But when she thought about it, her father never spoke about their family.
Bella watched as an owl flew down to the girl. She started shouting and Bella flinched. "Do you mind? Not everyone wants to hear you're horrible screaming. Have some dignity." Bella scowled. Her scowl deepened as she heard the girl groan about having a twin sister. "You have got to be kidding me. You mean, you actually are my twin? Why would Father do this to me? Why would he not let me know?" She snatched the letter, and read it for herself. Her eyes narrowed at each word, and she threw the letter back on the ground. She folded her arms across her chest, at a loss for words.
Blair was annoyed at a twin of hers. She stared at her manicured finger and then eyed her twin. "Eww, you call daddy, father" She sneered and then took a small mirror from her purse and start tidying her hair and put it back to her purse. "So... What's the name? Mine's Blair, I know it sounds preppy but pfft I'm not THAT preppy, maybe not at all. I don't like those stuff and FYI (for your info), I don't care if people don't like my screaming, I'll do WHATEVER I please." She glanced at her and then turned her heels and start tidying her clothes. It was perfect, she was planning to go to the muggle village since she was on her break. Salem was awesome and she loved the school and the friends even though she had seen some preppy students there, she hated those kind of students. They were flawless, true but... Still! "And maybe the reason why daddy owl me instead of you is because he likes me better" She was sure that her dad liked her better than anyone else. "He had been spending his whole summer in my mansion" She said proudly, not thinking twice if he could apparate anywhere, anytime.
Bella pursed her lips and glared at the girl. "What's wrong with calling him Father? That's what he is, idiot." She rolled her eyes. Bella stared at her as she started to tidy her hair. It was a weird sight to see. She lifted a hand up to her own hair, and felt it, making sure that there wasn't another hand in there. Bella turned back and listened as her twin spoke. She rolled her eyes listening to her. "My name is Bella. I don't care if you're preppy or not. And fine, you can do whatever, but it makes you look really stupid."
Bella opened her mouth in shock as Blair said that her father liked her more. She wasn't much to fight, but at that moment, she really wanted to punch the girl. "My father does not like you better. He obviously knew we were together, therefore only needing to send the letter to one of us. And I saw him a lot during the summer too, so you cannot jump to that conclusion. Just shut your mouth, before I shut it for you." Bella glared at her.
Blair was surprised that Bella would be rude to her. "Well at least I wasn't rude" She looked at her and sneer and looked away, continuing tidying herself. The word `father` was too formal, Blair hated everything that was formal. She eyed her ring with her initial on it and clean it and put one of her hand in the pocket before looking at Bella. "Awww you're offended? Well I feel SOOO sorry for you. I can totally understand how it feels to not be daddy's favorite girl. And even though you saw him a lot during summer, he still live in MY mansion. And he sleeps there every night, so..." She let out a small chuckle. She knew that the girl was annoyed as well but she couldn't care less, she was rude and Blair couldn't be nice to girls like Bella. "And just so you know, I don't really care, you can have him." Blair was used to be all alone in the mansion, he was always at work anyway and Blair didn't have any mother. She was one of unlucky child who was trapped in the mansion without parents.
Bella rolled her eyes again when Blair implied that she was rude. She watched her as she continued to tidy herself. Bella raised an eyebrow when Blair asked if she was offended. The girl was unbelievable. Bella couldn't stand her attitude. She sighed and wished that she had gotten a twin that would be more like herself. Or better yet, not even had a twin. The feeling still hadn't settled in yet, it was an obscure thought to Bella still. Her father was going to be getting a very long, angry letter.
"I'm not offended. You seem to be the one that is upset because I was 'rude', and here you are, trying to shove in my face that my Father loves you more. We don't even know each other yet, and it's like your trying to get on my bad side." Bella stated, calming herself down, shaking her head slowly. "And I will have my Father thank-you very much, I love him." She retorted.
Blair never really care about anything except herself, not even her dad. Her dad was always at work and he was always busy at night so even though he spent time in the manor at night, Blair never really get to meet him. Her dad only spend time with her during weekend and sometimes Blair would come over to her dad's office when she wasn't in school. "Of course I'm offended! You were rude" She said pretending that she was upset and then continue looking at herself in the mirror. She had to admit it that her twin was good looking, well of course! They were twins, but Bella had a good sense of fashion and that was why Blair didn't go too rough on her. "Aww cute" She said when Bella said that she loved their dad. She didn't know if it was considered as mocking or not but Blair had no interest at all. She wasn't the type of girl who would go to her dad's laps, she was independent. "Listen, I don't really wanna fight... You know... I don't want any sibling either but we can't act like this forever. But hey! It's all up to you. If you want to keep the attitude, I'm fine with it" She wasn't trying to fight with anyone, not this day. She was tired, she had a rough day.
Bella sighed when Blair said she was offended. She wasn't about to apologize to the girl, but she supposed since they were related, she should try and get along with her. Bella was really picky with who she decided to be friends with, and hardly let anyone close to her, as she had learnt to be alone with her dad hardly at home. Bella listened as Blair said she didn't want to fight. She nodded in agreement when she stated that they couldn't act like this forever. Finally the girl was talking some truth. Bella wanted to get to know Blair more if she was going to be her twin. "I'll give up my attitude, if you give up yours." Bella responded. She sighed again and looked at Blair. "Shall we start again?" Bella asked.
Blair couldn't believe that she was acting nice to Bella. But perhaps she was like that after all, Blair wasn't the type of girl who would yell at other people, she was more to a backstabber. "Come on, let's go shopping" She said signaling Bella to follow her. Blair walk toward a cafe which was located beside a boutique. She walk up toward the counter and ordered a latte and sat on one of the chair. "Since I don't know who one earth you are, then I guess I shall know more about you. But firstly, I'm introducing my self. I'm Blair White who loves to shop and is now going to Salem in America, used to live in Beverly hills but I'm now in New York. I'm begging my daddy to go back to Cali soon. He said yes, that'll be soooo cool!" She said with her typical Californian accent. Even though she hated having sibling, but Blair didn't want to fight with her long `lost` sibling. "And I'm moving to Hogwarts New Zealand soon." Blair loved Salem, she wanted to stay there but her dad wanted her to be with Bella. But she didn't know if her mom would let her move to Hogwarts or not.
Bella stayed motionless when Blair beckoned her to follow. She tapped her foot and looked at some of the shops wanting to continue her own shopping, but decided to follow Blair. She walked to the counter and ordered an iced tea, and sat next to Blair. Bella listened as Blair introduced herself. She raised her eyebrows when she said that she was moving to Hogwarts NZ. Bella wished that she wouldn't, so she could still be an individual at school. "Well, I'm Bella White, I love to shop too. I'm from Rolling Hills, California, but I moved here pretty much straight after I was born. Uh, I already go to Hogwarts New Zealand, and it's really nice. I've met some good people there, I really enjoy it." Bella replied. "Who do you live with?" Bella asked.
Blair knew the twin sister of hers was disappointed after finding out that she was moving to Hogwarts New Zealand, Blair was disappointed as well. Salem was so much better, there were a lot of parties there and the students were nice even though there were some cliques there. "I live with daddy, not mom though. I could rarely see her but daddy's busy" She shrugged, it wasn't a big deal anyway. Blair didn't have much time with her parents, it seemed that Bella was the lucky twin. "What about you? You're with mom? Or both mom and dad?" Blair was independent, she didn't get all she wanted, well she did for material but not for love from her parents. They were always busy with their works and Blair was always at the mansion. "I don't know much about Hogwarts but I'd rather stay in Salem since there are more parties there and secondly it's in America and I got lots of friends there" She said simply.
Bella sighed when Blair asked about whether she lived with her mom or dad. "Er, you probably don't know this, but my, er, our mom died shortly after giving birth to us. I never had a mom around, so yeah, I live with dad." Bella replied. Her father never spoke of what actually happened to her mom, just that she didn't survive the birth. Bella never knew her, so it wasn't to hard for her to grow up without her mother. "I can't believe Father lived with both of us, yet never told me, or you about it. I wonder why he kept us separate for so long, and why he wanted us to meet now." Bella thought out loud. "I've heard of Salem before, though, not much. I've always wanted to go to Hogwarts. It's easy enough to make friends with some people at Hogwarts, but not always the right people, if you know what I mean. Some people there are so, lame. But I've managed to get the right people. If you came, I could always introduce you to them?" Bella suggested.

[OOC: Sorry if the grammar isn't that good, my mind is asleep :lol: ]
Blair was surprised when Bella told her that their mother passed away. Blair rarely saw the woman that she called `mother` all these time. The last time she saw her was when she was 2, who was the woman? "Honestly, I don't really care about them" She didn't mean to be rude but she was upset that her dad didn't spend time with her that much. "Salem's totally cool! Like, we get parties and those kind of stuff and yeah the students are awesome. I'm in the popular group that's why I like it there. But Hogwarts? I seriously know nothing about it but like... I don't want to be friends with losers and seriously! They freak me out!" She said with her Californian accent. "Sure, you can introduce me to them but I get to choose who I'm hanging out with" She said, Blair was a little picky, she wanted to form her own clique like when she was in Salem. If the twin sister of her turned out to act like her and think like Blair then Blair would probably hang out with her.
[OOC: Hmm, might have to wrap this up soon, Brightstone is supposed to be over :erm: ]

Bella raised her eyebrows when Blair said that she didn't care about their parents. Of course, Bella didn't care much for her mother, as she never knew her, but she loved her father with all her heart - even if she rarely saw him. "You don't care about dad?" Bella asked softly. Bella listened as Blair explained what Salem was like. She laughed when Blair said she didn't want to be friends with losers; at least they had something in common. "Trust me, I agree with you on not wanting to be friends with losers. Like, one hundred percent agree. I'm friends with...cool people, if that's what you call them? You know, people that aren't freaks." Bella replied. She smiled again when Blair said she got to choose who she hung out with. "By all means, be my guest. I'm not going to tell you what you can and can't do." She said simply. Even though she was shocked and angry to begin with, Bella was starting to become a little bit fond of Blair. She still didn't like the idea of having a twin, but she was glad it was at least someone like Blair.
((No worries we'll end it here xD ))

Blair shrugged, she couldn't care about her dad who's always at work could she?
"I don't know, don't ask me LOL" She forced her self to laugh. It was not a laughing matter but Blair couldn't stop it, she had to cover it. She was disappointed at her dad so bad. "Eww... I hate freaks and anyway" She stood up and took a sip of her drink. "I gotta go, we'll be having a party tonight. Owl me if you can? I'll be in Salem" She winked and waved at her twin sister. "See you soon" She walked away as she took her white purse and started to leave the place and went back to America and next... Salem.

It was a little odd that she found out that she had a twin sister this day. She had always wanted to have a younger sister or at least stay as the only child but turned out that she had a twin. There was always an uglier and prettier twin version and Blair would make sure that she would be the prettier twin no matter what happen. Her dad had always told her that she was beautiful and she was ambitious and stuff like that and what made her smile was that her father always told her that he was proud of her.
"I may be your twin but I'm the better twin" She muttered, she was miles away from her twin sister and it was impossible for her twin to hear that.

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