We're Not Kids Anymore

Rosie Chamberlin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Rosie was in the process of trying to find a book she had been in search of for months. Usually when she came in to check the book out, someone else had already gotten to it before she could. Either it was a really popular book, or someone else was playing with her emotions. Today when Rosie had come in to see if someone else had checked it out already, she was told that it was still on the shelves somewhere. If Rosie didn't find it today, there was going to be a huge problem. Rosie felt like the other students had their chance to read the book, and now it was her turn. There was no need for everyone to be hogging a book as often as they did. Rosie wandered further into the library until she was at the shelf the book was supposedly located on. Rosie was just barely tall enough to peek at the top shelf, and low and behold, there it was! Rosie nearly cried out with happiness! Her tiny fingers went out and took a hold of it. Now that she had it, she was never letting go. Rosie then lowered herself and turned just in time to see Bryce walk past the shelf she was standing in front of, and he was alone! What a perfect time to talk to him! She had news that she wanted to tell him!

Rosie knew better than to call his name, so instead she ran towards him so that she could walk right beside him. Although she was shorter than he was, she doubted that he would be able to overlook her form. When she finally got his attention, she grinned. "Hey stranger! How's it been?" Lately, thanks to Sofii, Bryce and Rosie barely hung out. Whenever they could they would spend time together. But lately it seemed like they had less and less time. Now it was almost like they were strangers. But Rosie had important news. Her and Nikandros had started to date. Being her best friend, Rosie wanted Bryce to know. Maybe he and Nikandros could even be friends! "Can we talk? I have something important to tell you." Rosie signed, wondering if there was any way that he could spare a moment while he was alone to hear what she had to say. Rosie wanted her best friend back, maybe if they both had significant others, they could go on double dates. That seemed to be the only way that Bryce would ever have time for Rosie now.
Going to the library was a task that Bryce Chamberlin was starting to do as of recently. He needed to work on Accio! and since the win of the match he had in Quidditch, he had a bit of free time to work on it. Taking the materials up to the library, he walked into the library and past the shelves. His eyes focused on the table that he was going to set his things down on, and then get to work. He had a lot to do, and not much time to do it in. Bryce felt somewhat bad that he was not going to be able to hang out with Sofii today, but some things needed to be taken care of, and he really needed to be able to get this done without any distractions. Should he feel bad about it? Well, yeah, and he felt bad about several other things. He could not help it when he started to get too involved with the school, and he let some of his friendships slide. He did not have much time to even talk to people anymore. Between Editor, Captain and boyfriend, he had a rough time juggling it all. Eventually, he would get the hang of it. He would have to talk to his mom soon and see how his dad was doing.

The Ravenclaw noticed someone walking next to him, and he saw that it was Roo. Immediately, a smile crossed his features even though he looked a little tired and overworked. As he read her lips, she asked how it has been, and he grinned, "Good. Well, tired. I'm having to do a lot of work. You?" He did not feel like going into details, and he could not sign because his arms were full. So, he resorted to speaking. He only spoke to Roo anyway. He signed to Sofii. Once he arrived at a table, well, more like bumped into it since he was watching Roo. He set his things down on the table and looked at her. She wanted to talk and she had news to tell him. Bryce raised an eyebrow and asked, "Will it be good news? I don't like bad news at all, you know." With the fact that his dad was sick, he did not think that he could handle some bad news anyway. He was tired and his emotional state was rather unstable.​
Rosie could immediately see that the poor guy was overworked, his eyes looked so tired and worn down. The Ravenclaw had to resist the urge to snatch him up and force him to take it easy for the afternoon. But she doubted that Bryce would be happy about being forced to do anything. "You do look a little tired. Perhaps you should take the afternoon off?" Rosie suggested? Maybe if she mentioned it to him, he would like the idea of it and take her offer. They might have not been hanging out as much as they used to, but Rosie still wanted him to take care of himself. Did Sofii not see how stressed he was right now? If Rosie found out that this girl wasn't taking care of her best friend like she should be, Rosie was definitely going to pop her a good one. "I've been okay. My parents' divorce was finally settled, so now they're living apart. I'm finally getting my grades back on track. I'm finally handling all the stress better." Did Bryce even know that the divorce was finalized? Or that her brothers future wife was really sick? Or that Rosie's grades plummeted during the first semester? Rosie almost felt her heart break right then and there.

Rosie grinned, it definitely wasn't bad news! "Not bad at all!" Rosie reassured him. In her opinion it was really good news! Bryce always told Rosie that she needed to get out of her shell a little bit more! It should please him to her that she was following his advice! "Do you know a Gryffindor named Nikandros Matthias? Well he and I are dating! I actually have a boyfriend! Guess they can't call me a hermit anymore, huh?" Rosie was pretty excited! Not only did she absolutely adore Nikandros, but she adored the fact that someone out there actually adored her in the same way. Nikandros actually made Rosie feel pretty, when she knew she was fairly average when it came to her looks. Not that she cared though, looks could only take a person so far in life. But it was nice to have someone out there make her feel like she wasn't a complete hag. Rosie remained silent as she carefully surveyed Bryce's reaction. The young Ravenclaw hoped she would see some sign of approval or excitement for her, since this was a pretty big step for her.
Bryce made sure to keep his eyes on Rosie since she might be talking at any point. He might not be able to hear but he could read lips really well. He was a master at it. He practiced a lot since coming to Hogwarts and his grades proved that. She mentioned how he looked a little tired and how he should take the afternoon off. Was she nuts? He had a lot of work to do, and he could not just take the afternoon off. "I really cannot afford to take a day off. I have to get this done. I am under so much pressure, Roo." He looked at her and wondered if she would take it easy on him right now. He could barely sleep since he had so much to do. He had studies and everything! Having a girlfriend was hard on him, but he was really happy with Sofii. She mentioned how she has been okay, and her parents were divorced. Last he heard, they were not getting along, but it really extended to that? "Um, I am sorry about your parents. I had no idea. Is there anything else going on that I don’t know about?" he normally knew all of these things and now he didn’t know a single one!

Roo mentioned that it was not bad news, which made him relieved. He picked up some more folders and he looked at her before she mentioned a Gryffindor named Nikandros Matthias. Yeah, he heard of him. A big brat and a bully, from what he had seen others say. He was not sure but he just did not like the boy. Then she said that they were dating, and she was his girlfriend. He dropped the folder and the contents spilled all over the floor of the library. "You are being serious?! Why would you date someone like him?!" Bryce could not help but raise his voice, even though he did not mean to. His emotions controlled what he said and he just shook his head. He could not believe that. He immediately got down on hands and knees as he scrambled to pick up everything he dropped out of shock. That was bad news. He just did not know how to break it to her. His best friend chose that snotty little Gryffindor over him? Well, he did have Sofii but still! He just felt so betrayed now. Nikandros managed to get under his skin.​
Bryce not might have the luxury of free time, but he should still take a break. Rosie worried about Bryce when he pushed himself like this. It sort of reminded her of her dad at times, he always seemed to be working. "Bryce Chamberlin, you better take a break or I will make you take one! It's not good to be under this much pressure all of the time!" Rosie grabbed her friends arm and forced him to quit walking for two seconds. He knew damn well what would happen if he didn't do as Rosie instructed to. Although she was normally sweet, she like every other female she knew had the ability to make a man shake in his boots once she got angry enough. Bryce was going to relax today, whether he liked it or not. He would thank her later. Once he was able to relax for a little bit, he might find that he'll have a better time sorting out all of the thing he needs to have done. Rosie found it to be particularly helpful whenever she was feeling really stressed out and overwhelmed with what was going on. If Rosie had to, she would pin the damn boy down. Then she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

Bryce then dropped just about everything he was carrying on the floor, and Rosie was about to bend down and pick it up, but what Bryce said made her pause instead. "Because I like him?" Rosie became genuinely confused. Why else would she bet with someone? The brunette was also curious as to what was wrong with Bryce. He was never like this towards anyone, yet here he was, clearly unhappy about her and Nikandros. Rosie bent down to help Bryce pick up his things, and made sure he could see her face as she did so. "Why do you look so unhappy? Look, I know he has a bit of a reputation. But he's actually not that bad. He's pretty fun to be around. Plus he actually likes me." Rosie handed the few papers she had gathered back to Bryce as the two of them stood back up. Rosie really hoped that Bryce wasn't that mad about the whole thing. As her best friend, the thing she wanted most was for Bryce to be happy for her and the decisions she made with her life.
Bryce did not say a word when she said that she would make him take a break. Since they haven't really been talking or anything, he didn't really take that to heart. Bryce would have feared Sofii now, since they hung out more than he and Roo did. Bryce made sure that everything he had was back into a pile, even with Roo saying that she liked him. He could not believe what he was reading on her. How could she like Nikandros? He was a pure-blood bigot, and a jerk to boot. Rosie was a muggle-born. Didn't that Gryffindor hate people like her? Bryce just did not believe that Nikandros could like Rosie, not that she was not easy to like, but because of what that boy believed. Once everything was back into his arms, he looked at her and he shook his head. "He has that reputation for a reason, Rosie. He hates people like you and me. He is a pure-blood bastard and you are just setting yourself up to get hurt!" He looked her over, and all he felt was somewhat betrayal and worry for her. He was a guy, he knew what he could do with Rosie. He could control her, manipulate her. Bryce decided that he couldn't handle it, "You know, I can't be supportive of you and that jerk. You probably won't listen to me, so I'm going." Bryce just could not handle it. Clutching his things to his chest, he walked away from Rosie. If he had his back to her, he would never know what she was saying. This was all too much.​


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