Were Going to be Killed for This....

Axelle Lefevre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Axelle felt like she was queen of the world right now. So many unbelievable things had been happening in her life right now and she was finally getting somewhere. She had given birth to triplets, which was almost unheard of in the Lefevre family so people were really impressed and proud of her for managing to survive throughout the entire ordeal with three very healthy babies. Axelle actually had heirs now, which was one thing that she was required to have if she wanted to become the next Head of her family and that was her one goal to complete in her life. Too bad Danielle was too mad at her to even really look at her let alone even think about handing the title down to her anytime soon. Everyone was proud but her and Axelle figured that was because she was irritated about Arnost being the father of the triplets, really if she had known that he was Asparuh's twin brother she might have been more careful. They had some powerful chemistry though, that was one thing she had realized that night and during the times he had visited to check up on her during her pregnancy. It seemed like they both had similar lives due to their siblings being control freaks and the leaders of their family. Axelle liked Arnost, not as if crush or romantically but she thought he was a lot better than Danielle made him sound when she spoke about him. "Oh, sorry sweetie." Axelle cooed to Vasil who was a little bit fussy this afternoon. She figured he needed to be put down to sleep for a little while before he really got annoyed with her trying to feed and fuss over how he was feeling. The blonde sighed and placed her only boy down into his crib and pulled his dark red baby blanket over his body. Even though women were sort of taking over the family thanks to Danielle, Vasil was no less loved. Axelle sort of hoped he would look like his daddy. Arnost was indeed an attractive man, if thats what Asparuh looked like no wonder her sister was supposedly always with the man.

Axelle quietly left the babies nursery and closed the door behind her. Now she was in her bedroom and immediately went to sit down at her Vanity and stare into the Mirror. She had received a message some time ago that either sooner or Later Arnost would probably stop around to visit. She figured it would be to see his children but she never knew with him, he was a little weird sometimes. Of course she knew about all the other women that had gotten pregnant at the same time. It didn't really bother because they weren't really seeing one another or anything, he seemed sort of lonely in a way. Maybe he was just trying to make himself less lonely or something? Hopefully she was at least his favorite or something too, most people found Axelle just too cute to resist for too long. 'I look terrible today though...' Axelle grabbed a brush and applied some blush to it before she began to brush it on those pale high cheekbones. She had very little sleep and was becoming stressed from being home with the children all the time and listening to the family complain about Danielle being gone. The poor woman had just give birth so Axelle thought they needed to leave her alone. Setting down the brush quickly she felt a sneeze coming along. With a loud but semi-adorable squeak, Axelle sneezed and caused some of the powder in the container to fly up everywhere. "Awwh man." Some of it got onto the Vanity, on her dress, in her hair, and even some of it showed up on the mirror. This was not going to be fun to clean off. Why on earth did she have to sneeze now of all times for her to sneeze?
It was not a fact that Arnost Zhefarovich was romantically attracted to someone in his lifetime. From the moment Thorine had died, Arnost had felt nothing for anyone – even with the women he ended up getting pregnant those times. He had four women pregnant, all with multiples. Two had quadruplets and the other two had triplets. His mother that was still lurking about even after death was mighty proud of her bloodline right now. It caused him to have many children at once, and he did not know what to really do about all the children, especially since that he had a feeling that he was not long of this world anymore. The feeling seemed remotely similar to that of Thorine’s when she was not long of this world, only to find out that she would be murdered and now she was back as a ghost. It was not enough for Arnost because he still loved her, thus why he ventured out to other women in hope of filling that hole in his heart. However, no one has made that hole disappear but someone managed to make the hole less painful than anything else. That was Axelle Lefevre, and she was his sister-in-law’s sister. Not only did that get under his brother’s and his wife’s skin, she had a lot to her that drew in Arnost. Perhaps it was that chemistry that they shared. It was the most amazing thing that he had experienced after Thorine’s death. Getting under their skin was fun, and entertaining. Who would not enjoy that in their life?

Arnost had given Axelle some notice that he would be around to visit his children, as he had with many of his already. He gave them a day space apart. This time, it was to visit the triplets and he put on his long, heavy black robes. He smirked lightly, and did not tell anyone where he was going. He kept his end of the deal, and that was care for the women and now that all the children were born, Arnost was free to do what he pleased, and he would be around to raise them all, eventually. Arnost turned and apparated on the spot after he said nothing to anyone, not a servant or an elf for who could tell whom would say something to Asparuh? Arnost arrived at the designated location, where his tall form gazed around to see no one around. He had been around for a while here a few times, yet he seemed to always apparate into the hall where no one lurked. Arnost turned his head in another direction when he heard a sneeze, unlike anything he had ever heard in his life. Arnost walked toward that sound, and there he saw the beauty of Axelle. Arnost approached her from behind and his voice, cold and like ice yet it was almost seductive. “Good evening, Miss Lefevre.” His back arched down in a bow of respect to the woman. She needed it, after all. She was the mother of three more pure-blood children.
Axelle reached over and pulled a handful of tissues out of a brightly decorated box before she started to try and get some of the power off of herself before she even bothered to pull out her wand. But when she heard someone enter her bedroom she almost turned but forced herself to stop when she heard the voice of a man that had become all to familiar with her over the past year or so. Her body turned a little to face Arnost and she could help but giggle out loud when she saw that he had not only bowed but he showed her such respect, it reminded her of how Danielle was treated by everyone. "Miss Lefevre? Teehee, Wow no one but the House Elves usually call me that..how sweet of you." Axelle finished up getting the last of the power off of her before she used her wand to just clean the rest, otherwise she wasn't going to get any of the rest of that crap off. Once that was all cleaned up she set her wand onto the Vanity and gracefully stood up, her light blue eyes locked onto Arnost the entire time she did so. In so many ways she was just like her older sister Danielle. They were both beautiful, blonde, and had pretty blue eyes. They were both also gifted with natural grace and the ability to make it seem like they were much more innocent then they actually were. But while they had many similarities, Axelle knew right away that they also had a lot of differences. Danielle was often mean, cruel, and cold while Axelle was usually just a flirt and someone who like to go around causing trouble for everyone for her amusement. Axelle also liked shorter and more revealing clothing, she just had triplets not too long ago but after a little working out she managed to get her small yet fit frame back. Once she was fully standing she noticed that compared to her Arnost was a giant, yet Axelle was even taller than her older sister.

"So Mr, Zhefarovich...what brings you here?" Axelle asked as she pushed back some of her blonde hair and winked at him, not that she was flirting or anything but she actually thought he was pretty funny for the most part. He was much more fun to be around then those annoying servants that always had to follow her around. Thanks to her wanting to be the next head of her family she never got to have any fun. It was also really hard to ignore the natural chemistry that they had, even if she knew it was nothing special. She guessed that there was either another woman or there once was, but she wouldn't force him to talk about it or anything. She had always heard that love was one with a painful sting.
Arnost smirked amusingly when Axelle giggled and sounded more like a school girl than a woman, but it was just too amusing for Arnost to dislike. “Perhaps I should just call you Axelle, because I would not want to call you something that the House elves call you as well.” Arnost wondered why Axelle had not used a wand to begin with in order to get rid of the powder that she had gotten all over her. He did not ask though, considering that everyone had their reasons as to why they did what they did. Arnost would have done that first but then again, he was not a man to mess with powder as well. That stuff went over his head and he would strongly prefer to have that stuff associated with women over men any day. Arnost watched Axelle gracefully stood up and she seemed so innocent, but Arnost knew much better than that. She was about as innocent as the devil himself. Arnost liked that though, as it was like an undercover demon in an angel’s body. Arnost was a little reminded of Thorine, but that thought was shoved aside for right now. He loved Thorine, and he liked being around Axelle because it caused interesting reactions between Danielle and Asparuh. They were just too much fun to watch after all.

“I come to check on our children. How are they coming along?” Still, even now, he was having more girls than boys. At least some of his new children were living in the Zhefarovich Manor. He named one Antonin in honor of Thorine’s grandfather. He was a great Death Eater after all. Arnost glanced over her body and could not help but like what he saw. “Or, maybe I have come for you,” a sly smile curled along his lips, and hopefully now that she was finished with triplets, she would not give him anymore children. Eighteen children were enough. It did not matter that he had greatly boosted the pure-blood population with his uncontrollable urges of dealing with Thorine’s death. But now, he had managed a good control over himself, and was slowly adjusting. Perhaps soon, he could join her in death, but then again, his body showed no signs of weakness. The only weakness he had was abiding a ghost’s words and allowing the chemistry between what he had with a few other women control his mind, but he was slowly adjusting to that as well.
Axelle grinned and shrugged her shoulders, Arnost could pretty much call her whatever he wanted to and she probably wouldn't care too much. She was never one to really care about what other said or thought about her unless it dealt with insulting her family. "Well if you want to be like everyone else I also go by the names; Snot-nosed Brat, Princess, Vixen, and Elle. But Axelle is fine to me." She rolled her eyes softly at all the other nicknames her family members had given her over the years of giving them such hell for everything. The biggest issue they seemed to have with her was that she was a huge flirt and often attracted a lot of attention when it came to her being out and about. She didn't see a big issue with it, someone to keep her company every once and awhile wasn't such a crime was it? Axelle had yet to even really marry or fall in love so she thought they should back off and let her do what she wanted. She did see what her sister was so upset about when it came to Arnost, after all she was married to Arnost's twin brother and had given birth to Arnost's nephews. Then again it also seemed like Danielle had something against the man, Axelle heard her sister speak about him before and she didn't have many nice things before. Axelle heard it was because he bothered her a lot, which actually somewhat sounded similar to what everyone else did that wasn't afraid of Danielle. Her sister had grown up with this man so chances are it was just something that had developed over time. She really wished she had grown up with friends like them, that she was Head, and that she had someone who treated her the way Asparuh seemed to treat Danielle. It just wasn't fair that her big sister got all the attention all the time.

"All three of them are great. Very healthy and quiet for the most part, would you like to see them?" Axelle asked Arnost with a cute smile as her sky blue eyes drifted over to the door that led to the nursery. She was thankful that they had a separate room that was still close to hers so she could hear them if they started to cry. But to the point where she wouldn't have to worry about being noisy. A lot of the time one of the house elves or servants tended to them, which she didn't like as much because she wasn't a fan of letting people mess with her baby. But then he told her that he may have come for her and her smile went from cute to sadistic. "Oh really Mr. Zhefarovich? You came all the way just to see little ol me? I'm flattered." One of her fingers traced slow and sensual line up his chest before he poked his cheek lightly and walked away from and over to her bed where she sat down and fluffed out her dress to make sure it was completely clean from the powder. She actually wouldn't mind another night with Arnost but she always liked to play it out a little to make it for fun.
Arnost would never call her Vixen. His only daughter by Thorine was named Vixen, and he would never call a woman that he had slept with a name that was shared with one of his children. It was far too uncomfortable, even for Arnost's liking. He smirked as he said, "I actually like Elle. It seems like a good name for you; innocent but I have seen you at your...most devious unless I am wrong." Arnost liked having Axelle around just to piss off his brother and sister-in-law. They were just too much fun to pick on to be perfectly honest. Arnost could just call her 'Hellraiser' but he thought that it was a little too masculine for her, and she had some good curves, and no masculine thing about her, not that he could recall. Arnost was good at judging people unless they hid something from him, and he would just assume what rests in their eyes and what he could see. That usually helped in the end, actually. Arnost's smirk never lightened up as he stared at her beauty. It was hard to ignore. She had more of an attraction to him than Danielle did. Sure, he liked her when he was younger, but not so much as someone to crush on, but someone to just pick on. She was fun for him. Axelle though was a lot different.

Arnost would have to take her invitation to her bed at a later time. Arnost had to admit, she had some charm about her, and had character. But he would not ever love someone as much as he had Thorine. Arnost glanced over at the nursery and he smirked, "I may have to make you wait for a moment, as I wish to see the three." Arnost ducked out of the bedroom, somehow. Sometimes it was a royal pain to be a male, but Arnost did not mind. He walked into the nursery, and there he saw the two girls and one boy. How was it that he always had more girls than boys? Even with multiples. But seeing as they were all sleeping soundly, he merely whispered the Zhefarovich poem that was more like a lullaby to them all and went back in the room with Axelle. "They are as beautiful as we are. Though I doubt that my visit will end with just a visit for the children I suppose." Arnost was not one to make the first move, not normally. He preferred the lioness to come after him. Arnost folded his arms across his chest as the smirk he normally carried turned into a sly, sadistic smile.
Axelle was surprised that he liked the name Elle, it was her least commonly called named because everyone preferred to insult her rather than say a name that suited her a lot better, or so she thought. "I can be even more devious if given the chance, I can be innocent too if needed. But Elle works perfectly fine." Axelle could appear to be so innocent that most people guessed her to be nothing more than a lost little school girl, or some sweet little princess that everyone she knew wanted to be friends with when they saw her. But at the same time she could be as devious as a little devil, with intentions as cruel as any living demon out in the world. Axelle had even killed a person before, not on purpose mind you but she had shed blood in her lifetime so she was someone who had spilled the blood of another before. At least she wasn't like her sister and going off to murder everyone like Danielle liked to do when she was in a really bad mood with like the entire world. "You know I used to be under the impression that you would like my sister over me, usually everyone does because they think I'm annoying." Axelle shrugged her thin shoulders as she stared up at Arnost lightly. She had told him about her desire and dream to someone be head but Danielle wouldn't budge. In fact she had told him the first night they had spent together with one another. That night was pure magic because she had to admit straight up that Arnost was good at what he did, whoever his last woman was must have been a very lucky woman. Now only did she get him whenever but he seemed to hold strong feelings for her as well.

Axelle eye's followed him into the nursery and smile when he said they were as beautiful as the two of them were. She loved that he at least seemed to care for them and support her with these babies like a good father should. Axelle loved those kids with every fiber of her being and she was so happy to have heirs to carry on her gene. When he came back into the room and said something about his visit not ending here Axelle smirked and rose from the bed gracefully and started over to him. "Of course it won't. But we cannot be too loud. I don't want us to up end up waking the babies..." Her fingers hook to the front of Arnosts robes. She pulled herself up to her tippy toes and with the help of her having a grip on his robes. Her lips immediately left a chaste kiss on his neck before she pulled away and smirked at him slyly, she was pretty much telling him that he had no choice by this point.
Arnost would have it no other way, he would call her Elle for now. He liked that and he would continue on to like it even if he and her were not in a romantic relationship because this would be something like a pet name. But a wicked idea flooded into his brain, and he smirked, but he would have to wait to say it at a later time. Arnost was not bothered but he was a little confused by her statement over liking Danielle over her. How could he? Axelle was most like her and she knew how to have fun. “I would never. You are too much fun, and she is just fun to bother. You remind me…of myself. But I get that impression about my twin and myself. People admire him, fear him, look up to him, worship him. And well, my family always loved him over me, so I kind of get where you are coming from.” Arnost knew all too well, and that was the sad thing. He was the short end of the stick, he was a the dud of the twins. Asparuh gave out signs, knew Legilimency, and even now, Arnost was still the dud of the brothers – excluding Vladislav, failure of a human being.

The woman on the bed was far too delicious to ignore. Arnost would once more have some fun, because he had only his children to live for now. He had nothing else. Thorine was dead, well a ghost, and that was it. Arnost watched as Axelle took his robes into her hands, kissing his neck, a weakness of his. He smirked deviously, and he murmured, “A good silencing spell should fix that right up.” He liked this, it made him feel like he had no choice but to do what was to come. It was the most entertaining thing he had ever been in, and he liked feeling like he did not have a say in it. Well, there was no use in saying now anyway. Arnost’s hands went to her hips, as he would make them find a way to the bed and making the gods and goddesses turn their eyes away. Arnost would enjoy this, because he knew right where to touch, and how to kiss, and like every night, it always begins with a kiss.
Some people figured Axelle to the type of girl to sleep around a lot because she was often seen surrounded by men at parties and always flirting. They were wrong for the most part. Axelle was around men a lot but she didn't always allow them to be all over her, she did have standards after all. They just weren't as harsh and long listing as her older sisters often were. Having people admire and appreciate her beauty made her feel less useless then she often felt when she was around her sister Danielle. She felt Arnost's hands go to her hips and she smiled slyly. Her and Arnost were similar. They both had older siblings that went and stole all the attention and glory from those that wanted it most. If she were probably less involved in just getting into bed with Arnost, Axelle would have loved to rub this in Danielle's face. The woman just had two kids so chances were that she wouldn't be able to do much if she decided to hack Axelle's head off for what she had done. Axelle wasn't sorry though, she enjoyed being with this man. She was happy she had kids, and she was happy that for once she was the spotlight instead of her sister. As soon as Axelle's back hit the bed she knew that she was in for a pleasant night indeed.
Some Time Later...

Axelle yawned tiredly and shifted her body so that she was now facing Arnost. She was completely worn out due to their night of passion but surprisingly she was unable to sleep. Her track of time was completely lost so she wasn't exactly sure what time it was either. It felt like they were at it for hours and hours but when your with someone and having a good time they say that time always goes by quickly. One of Axelle's pale hands came up and brushed away some of her hair and allowed her to smile at Arnost tiredly. "Well..that was fun." She let out a soft giggle before she sat up quickly, the black sheets wrapped around her thin frame. Truly Arnost was very good at what he did. Some of her blonde hair blanketed her shoulders before she inclined her head towards the man besides her, sometimes she couldn't help but wonder how come she had never know of this man before. Axelle often heard of Danielle speaking of Asparuh and Arnost. Axelle rid herself of any other thoughts, it was best not to get too attached.

"I do believe that Danielle may try to kill us after this. I sort of told her I would never see you again...ohhhh well." Axelle shrugged her shoulders, she hoped he understood that Danielle probably got onto her after she had fallen pregnant with Arnost's children. Axelle had pretty much lied to her sister though. She knew that if he wanted to come over he could stop by anytime and she wouldn't stop him. Mostly for his children but if he wanted to come see her too she didn't mind. Then again this time they had pretty much defiled the Lefevre Manor so if Danielle caught them she would probably get a good hex or two sent her way. Before anything else was said by the blonde she waited to see if Arnost had anything to say.

Arnost was laying next to Axelle again and he felt like he was back in time, before the loss of love, and just making it with women from all over the place. He was in heaven. That was how he got so experienced in the art of making love. He had made it so many times, he learned new tricks and such. Arnost wondered how long his ‘short visit to see his children’ had lasted. He was not expecting this, but he did not regret it either. Oh how time was so good to him right now. He needed something in his life to make him forget the pains of loss. He glanced over at Axelle and he smirked, “I must agree.” It was really fun, and he enjoyed having fun from time to time. It made him feel better about everything that had happened recently. Losing a sister, and then a nephew. So much losses that impacted the whole family, it was just awful on how suddenly people were losing their lives. He knew that one day he would be joining them because of that death glass but alas he did not know when and that is what bothered him the most. He wanted to know when he would be leaving this world. He sure made an impression though.

“Oh Danielle might try to kill me if I told you my idea to really get her riled up, along with Asparuh. I find it just too much fun to bother them two. They make it too easy,” Arnost laughed and he sat up. He got out of the bed and put on his clothing that seemed to be all over the place. He adjusted his robes to make sure that nothing had changed since he came except for the smug look in his eyes and the tiredness because Axelle was truly a devil in the sheets. There was no point in denying that. “My idea was this, we pretend to get engaged, ring and everything, and show it to our respective siblings. Considering it would not be real, the family tree should not show it. But the expressions should be enough.” Arnost wondered if she would go for it. He was good at coming up with more ways to terrorize his brother and Danielle.
For a moment Axelle wished her sister or one of her brothers were home just to have them walk in on Axelle with Arnost and watch the volcano erupt. They would be so angry with her and that would be the fun of the situation. They didn't like to think of their baby sister being with some man they didn't approve of. "We'll have to do it again sometime." Axelle winked at him, somewhat kidding but at the same time she wasn't kidding. It took her a moment but she managed to wrap the black sheets around her as she found the dress she had on previous and redressed herself as quickly and quietly. Later on once Arnost was gone and such she was probably going to take a long and very soothing bubble bath to get rid of her ache's and pains along with the sweaty feeling she was still feeling from her and Arnost's previous passion. Then again if Arnost stayed she might just ask him to join her. If it kept him around longer then she saw it as a good thing. It wasn't like there was feelings but Axelle did get lonely here all by herself and Arnost was a good source of entertainment and someone to talk to. He understood her unlike many others and that gave her an attachment of sorts to him. Axelle wanted to know more about Arnost and if the only was to do that was to keep him around then she would try as hard as she could to keep him around. He seemed like he had many secrets and things he was hiding about himself, like the first time she had met him he seemed a little lonely.

Arnost's idea made her crack a smirk while her sky blue eyes widened largely. "I like the way you think Arnost. That will definitely irk them off, but why just pretend and piss them off when we could go the full way and make them livid. Then again..I don't really know anything about marriage so maybe not." Axelle thought it was a good idea at first but then she figured that she wasn't but out for the part of being married. Axelle had never had a boyfriend or a fiance, or married so she wasn't sure if it was something that she could handle. When she heard the noises of one of the babies being awake she adjusted her dress quickly and held up a finger to tell Arnost to hold on for a second. Axelle went into the nursery and retrieved when Vivienne in her arms. The baby had awoken and mostly likely was hungry or wanted some attention.
Arnost nodded when she said that they would have to do it again. Even if it were not a joke, Arnost was not joking in the least bit. He allowed her to get dressed without watching, not that it was something different to him. He had seen everything before, many times and he had to admit that he rather liked what he saw. But once she was dressed, Arnost allowed his gaze to go upon her once more. Arnost fixed his hair so that it was still smooth and he tied the ribbon back rather tightly. He did not even think about actually staying here. He had an obligation to the children, but he had many others to take care of as well. Arnost just hoped that his oldest daughter was not having children anytime soon. That was something he preferred to keep to a minimum. If all of his children had children, he would have a vast array of grandchildren. He technically only had one, and that was Demitris, and he was already married. Arnost did not pay much attention to him, for many reasons however. The boy was not exactly Zhefarovich material. Arnost had many reasons for doing what he normally did, but he also did not tell anyone his reasons for doing what he did. That would not exactly be...his character.

Arnost smirked, "Most people like the way I think." But what she said next was like an extra leap of insanity thinking. However, it was not the negative insanity, it was something that Arnost would have thought of if someone would have given him more time. However while he thought, she went to check on Vivienne, and returned with the baby in her arms. He had to admit he liked that idea, a bit too much to really back down from actually. This had Arnost's mind rolling, and when that happened, it was hard for him to say no. "Hmm, I love the way you think. Marriage, I don't know much about it myself, as it has been over three decades since I was married. I think that it would be an idea worth doing..." His hand rested on his chin as that mischievous glimmer in his onyx eyes reappeared when he was scheming something fabulous. Arnost continued, "And I know how we can get around the whole engagement for mother's approval on those entering the family. You must be engaged first... However if we skip that, there is a whole my brother had not thought about when making that position..."
Axelle tried to carefully handle the fussy baby, Vivienne had woken up in a very foul mood and she seemed to be very intent on not working with her mother. It was noticed by anyone who paid really close attention to the children that they all had very distinct personalities that made them easy to tell apart. Even if Vasil was easy to tell apart to begin with. Vivienne had horrible temper tantrums at times they made her hard to deal with, Aurelie was just as sweet as pie, and Vasil was the sensitive one of the three. For some reason she imagined him to grow up being just like Arnost when he was within age. "Honestly Vivienne relax for just a minute sweetie. I swear she is going to end up as mean and nasty as my sister one day." Axelle told Arnost as she rocked the fussy baby back and forth to try and soothe her. Maybe the baby wanted to be fed or something? If that was the case the child would have to wait until Arnost left and everything. The baby settled down a little and Axelle sighed and headed back to the nursery to lay her back down again. Good thing her and Arnost had made sure to use a silencing spell for the past couple of hours or they might have woken up all three of them and informed everyone in the Manor that Axelle had company. Not that she would have cared every much. She was having a good time and they could have knocked and pounded on the door as much as they pleased to tell her to quiet down and she wouldn't have listened.

"Hmm us marry one another. Unexpected but I like it. Axelle asked surprised but at the same time she felt a flurry of butterflies erupt in her stomach. She was unsure what it would be like because she never had been married but for the most part it was going to be a joke for Asparuh and Danielle to deal with. But there was a part of her, the more girly and motherly part that was excited about this herself. She admired Arnost and it meant that he would really be there more and everything. "So to avoid the whole approval thing we just get married and skip an engagement? When should this be done anyways?" Axelle asked leaning forward and adjusting her dress a little. She almost felt a lot of tension but it could also be a form of her excitement too. This was really going to get under her sister's skin.
Arnost glanced at Vivienne with his onyx eyes and saw that she was just fussy right now, but he could not help but be reminded of Danielle and her temper. Arnost knew that she would grow up in a happy life, though what was happy without darkness and a few heads rolling here and there? Arnost could see the three children that he produced with Axelle being rather different, however he could see them also living up to their names Zhefarovich-Lefevre. A mixture of two families that singly alone needed to be feared, but mixing them together was just nothing short of amazing. Arnost would have a field day raising his children, all of them. They were all going to be so different. But how would he be there for all of them? He was just one man. Arnost smirked, “That might be a good thing. We need more women that aren’t as nice as most nowadays.” Arnost shrugged lightly and hoped that the baby would settle down so that they could talk about what they were speaking of earlier. Once Axelle went and took the baby back to the nursery and laid her back down. She did settle down, but it sure took a bit.

Waking up all three of them would have been chaotic to calm all three down at once. Then if the babies cried, the members of the Lefevre family would have known that Arnost was here and that would not have been good in his favor. He liked the thought of sneaking around like a couple of teenagers but then again, he was unsure of how many here would even know of his existence or his reputation. Arnost nodded slowly when she returned and was glad that she liked the idea as well. It would be just splendid to pull off in his opinion. Arnost shrugged lightly, “Pretty much. When should it be done… Hmm, it could be at anytime, but it would have to be soon because the longer we wait, the more likely it is that Danielle will not be able to move around. I have suspicions that she will fall pregnant again.” Arnost thought that after a while of celebasy for the twins of Danielle and his brother’s, something would spark and she could land pregnant again. He hoped that she had triplets so that Asparuh would faint. But that was unlikely anyhow. Arnost did not know what to think about possibly getting married again because it was going to be more or less something against his brother and her sister, but it would be humorous nonetheless. Arnost could truthfully say that he could not wait.
Axelle was relieved that Arnost didn't seem to bothered by Vivienne when she starting being fussy just to get some attention from her mother. His comment even made her snort softly. They did need crueler women out there but if this girl was anything like Danielle god help everyone. "Let's pray that not too many of them end up as bad as my sister. She wouldn't know what fun is even if it hit her upside the face. I see no reason why fun and mean can't be together." She told Arnost with a simple roll of her eyes. It wasn't clear if he would agree with her ideas and words against her sisters attitude but she guessed that he might have an idea. He seemed to be like her and enjoyed having fun but also enjoyed having a sick and twisted cruel side as well. Both fit together just fine so long as you were careful with yourself, hell having a fun side sometimes also get you out of a sticky situation with the Aurors at times. Axelle wasn't a Death Eater but she wasn't very innocent either. She had done wrong before in her lifetime. Most found her just too cute looking to really be 'evil. Something that managed to strike her interest as well was how Danielle was possibly even worse than she was with her cruelty and harshness but she managed to pull off the innocent act even better. Axelle just figured it was because Danielle was even smaller and more fragile looking than she was, like a porcelain angel doll or something. But Arnost knew her probably even longer than Axelle did he may agree when someone said that Danielle really had no such thing as inner innocence.

It was confirmed that he thought going straight to marriage was the best idea. He also explained to her that it should be soon because he suspects Danielle would fall pregnant again soon. Axelle snorted and raised an eyebrow. "Obviously my sister and her husband need to work on keeping their hands off one another in that case then. She won't be able to move around though? Are pregnant woman in your family not allowed to go places..or is it just her?" Axelle was now curious about Arnosts family a little. Her sister already knew a lot because of her long history with them. Axelle however just started to actually learn who these two and their family were so she felt very lost when it came to their family histories. With a soft sigh she pushed some of her hair away from her face before she returned the cute but sly smile to her face. "I would have guessed that my sister not being able to move would be a good thing, she may be less likely to kill me then but..if you say sometime soon...hmmm..what about sometime within the next few days. A lot of my family members aren't going to be around to cause hassles. But if you think thats too soon..thats something we can work around." Axelle wasn't really sure of schedule and such so she was working off of hers. If he wanted it sometime soon then she would guess that a time when not a lot of the Lefevre's were around to interfere with her and Arnosts fun or inform Danielle early of it. Really though she was fine with any of his thoughts on it.
Arnost thought that well, Axelle was right, and knew that Vivienne might end up like Danielle. Perhaps while he and Axelle was around, they would be raised similar to them, he would hope actually. Arnost wanted to actually be there for all of his kids, if he can. He knew that the death glass was something he stared into often, but his reflection was growing more and more transparent as each month passes. It was not something that he liked to think about at all. Arnost smirked, “Actually, if you take a good look at me, I am both, one and the same. Some don’t know just how mean I can get.” Arnost shrugged lightly, and he wondered if he would even be an equal to just how mean Asparuh could get. Arnost had his own ways of doing things, and he knew that for sure. Arnost felt inferior to Asparuh in every which way, but it was something else that really got under Arnost’s skin was how Asparuh was the most feared and favorite of the family, whereas he was lucky to even get some attention or fear out of anyone. Arnost was jealous by every means, but it was still not something he liked to remember anyhow.

“It is humorous that they even have the time to do anything, running families and all. Well, pregnant women that are married in are under the sole protection of the Zhefarovich Family, and if moving around will endanger the fetus, you would be not permitted to roam about. However, those that are not married in only get watched over, as they are not as important,” Arnost said with little interest. He knew the rules, the laws, everything. How did he know? Arnost had been living under their rules for a long time now. The Zhefarovich Family was ancient, and it held together through written and unwritten laws, and it has sustained this long of a pure-blood line, and would continue on. “However, there is Asparuh, and he is not shy with fighting. He nearly killed me on multiple occasions. If Danielle ordered, he might even kill you, but I doubt it would end up that far. But in the next few days, I believe I can work with that. Definitely not too soon. This is going to be interesting, for us all.” A sly, immorality smirk crossed his lips. Oh how everything fell into place, like perfect puzzle pieces. A brand new game for Arnost to play, how exciting!
Axelle cocked her head to the side as she examined Arnost carefully. He claimed he could be just as mean and by the way his appearance stood out she could tell that he wasn't lying. She could sense an aura of meanness in his veins and she figured it was because of his family History. "I believe you can be, though I will tell you know that I think this side of you seems a lot more natural and easy to deal with. I would very much like to see this darker side of you someday though." Axelle winked and turned away to head over to her mirror for a moment to pick up a brush and gently comb out her hair, she hated having it messy and after the events that had just transpired between her and Arnost she was sure that it would be disarrayed just a little. It only took a few times of running it through the loft locks before she put the brush down and adjusted it so it framed her face perfectly. Hopefully it would not be painfully obvious to anyone inside the house that she had just spent an afternoon in bed. They always threw such fits when they caught her with a man, even if they were only conversing. It was a wonder if they ever expected her to fall in love or get married some day with the way they limited her around men. Only this time she was taking matters into her own hands mostly as a joke but from what she gathered it would be official and she would be married without any of their consents.

"Well I must say that it is an awfully good thing I am not pregnant nor intending to get pregnant anytime soon, that just sounds un-fun. But if it keeps my sister from killing me then so be it." Danielle was the type to be threatening so long as she had the chance. So Axelle had to be choosy if she wanted her and Arnost's lives to be spared from her. Arnosts next statement made her grow a little worried though, Asparuh would kill them if Danielle asked him too possibly? He would go after even his own brother's wife like that? This was a little confusing but she had heard that Asparuh was different from most, just how different she was unsure of. "He would kill me if she asked? Seriously? Okay then..come back sometime later this week when you think it's a good time and we'll get this whole thing over and done with before anyone knows it." Axelle figured Arnost was going to leave soon. And if that was the case she would take care of the children before she took a bath and rested for a little while, waiting around until something interested happened or Arnost came along again.
"I almost doubt you will be able to for quite some time now. Someone will have to push my buttons, and they are hard to locate," Arnost wondered if it was harder to get him angry than it was to get in bed with. Perhaps he was far to easy for some women, such as Axelle. He had to however go check on his lovely daughter named Vixen. Arnost could not help but snicker at her comment on not getting her pregnant anytime soon. Oh, how he loved to purposely avoid any type of protection against unwanted pregnancies. His time was ending soon, and he wanted more and more legacies of children to leave behind. It was not something he intended, but it was just something he needed. Arnost chose not to comment on that, because unless she had some sort of protection, then he might have to say, He never missed. Arnost nodded slowly, and he murmured, "Get involved in his family, then you might have to fear for your life if the Patriarch orders your death. He exiled our other brother, and does not care if he lives or dies. But I will see you later this week." Arnost approached her and gave her a lingering kiss upon her lips, a sign of affection yet it was just something like he needed to do for right now. There was no sense in wasting such valuable treasure like Axelle. He smirked as he turned and apparated off to do his own bidding.

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