Well your a Makah now, its a part of you!

Makaylah Makwa

Al. Ravenclaw | Historian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation

Makaylah wore traditional clothing to meet her adopted sister, Esme. A girl who was already attending the school and Makaylah only hearing her name a couple times from her older brother Seth and her mom Laylah. What was being said, that Esme mom didn't have time for the trouble teen. That Esme just couldn't fit into her busy life and schedule. What Makaylah had observed from the distant, that Esme wasn't troubling at all. She seems like she was missing something, something what Laylah was offering, and Makaylah could see why her mom took her in. Plus her brother Seth had cared greatly about Esme, maybe even more if that was allowed. Traditionally back than, tribes adopted the new bride into the family. Makaylah wonder if that was her mom's planned all along, still she wanted to welcome Esme to Makah nation and Makwa family. She no longer had to feel wanting, and it was Makaylah first ceremony to perform. With a settle fire burning nearby, and a few feathers, bowl mixed with honey, slice apple at the side. Makaylah just had to wait and see what Esme would think of the special event. It made Makaylah smile, she hum a little to herself.
The Slytherin girl wanted to stay up at the warm common room rather than stay outside of the castle. She doesn't know what was the occasion about that she was needed to come with Esme after dinner at th great hall. Lexi walked beside her Best Friend, Esme, with grouchy face of an expression. "I don't know why I ever become friends with you. I mean ... after dinner where going outside of the castle just to meet your newly sister." She said and groaned after, Lexi crossed her arms and continued walking with the same posture of face.

Lexi still doesn't knew well Esme and she had to know about her deepest secrets of all time or she had to cut down their friendship. Esme know all about her even Ally knew her deepest darkest secret of all time, well, Lexi had to find out about her starting with her cousin who happen to be a Slytherin house mates. She can torture him with questions and all. Once they got at the lake front and into the cliffs, Lexi noticed a girl on an ugly freaking dress.

"Wow, is this the new fashion today? I should try this kind of fashion." She said when they were near and started to laugh when she noticed Esme isn't laughing with her, Lexi stopped slowly and cleared her throat. "Sorry, I carried away." Lexi smiled to the girl.
Esme didn't eat dinner that night, instead she left Lexi's a note to join her after dinner if that wasn't to much to ask. Esme was sort of nervous having to tell Lexi something she hadn't share with anyone else. She knew about the name change, but she still didn't know about the last name change or the reason behind it. Esme still hadn't told Willow and Willow was suppose to be her best friend now. Seems like Willow been to busy to contact Esme. Her own sister, she sighed deeply waiting for Lexi. Lexi came not to long ago, Esme was wearing something different as well. "Hey come on now, you promise me you will come! Thanks loads for coming though" Esme grabbed Lexi hand and they walked towards the cliffs while Lexi whine. "You know you have a big mouth Lexi?" Esme tried to laugh more than anything.
Lexi made some rude remarks about little Makaylah who was wearing something a bit more detailed than Esme. Esme shook her head, which meant please don't. "Lexi, this is my adopted sister Makaylah" Esme spoke nervously at first, Lexi met Esme's father. But now she was adopted by another family. "I was adopted Recently...by another family" Esme spoke a little low this time, so unnaturally her own voice. Still she was getting something off her chest and it made her feel a little better, she just wanted to see what Lexi would say.


"Aloha Ahiahi!" Greeted Makaylah. She heard what Lexi had said about her fashion taste. Makaylah ignore the older girl, she wasn't suppose to be here. Makaylah remain obedience just for the sake of welcoming Esme. She did say she could bring someone, it was require that she didn't. Makaylah knew Esme would feel a little weird out, so she allowed it. "Aloha Ahiahi" she bowed slightly to Lexi, she lift her shirt just a tad, than let it go at her side. When Esme explain who Makaylah was, Makaylah smiled. "That's correct, your part of the Makwa Family and Makah nation" Makaylah added to what Esme said. "Time to celebrate?" Makaylah suggested, her smile widen with enjoyment.

Lexi's face became stoned when Esme said it was her adopted sister, she can't believe it, she really did despise her parents. She despise her mother sometimes but she wouldn't do such thing, "I think I shouldn't mess with your sister when you are her older one." She told Esme, pursing her lips to closed her mouth tight. Well, Lexi isn't used to see freaky first years and this one isn't just freaky, odd too. When Makaylah greeted them in Hawaiian greeting, Lexi smiled back and nod once who she thinks is a bow for her. "Wow, when I was born there was no celebration ever." She joked around and just went to seat somewhere comfortable to seat on.
"Hola" Esme greeted back. Never taught the Hawaiian greeting she wanted to say something back to be appreciated. "Well its not a celebration" Esme rolled her eyes at Lexi. Lexi was such a brat, Esme was acting normal for once. She wanted Makaylah to like her, besides Makaylah didn't seem to act like a know it all. Esme did get that feeling that most Rave were that way. Least Esme was holding back her usual self, she also didn't want to scare poor little Makaylah. "Its just her being nice to me" Esme sat right next to Lexi. They were sitting down on a log that was split open and settle right next to the fire. "Its like a welcoming. Do I seriously have to explain?" Esme laughed pushing Lexi. "Besides what I've told you, we can talk about that later? If you want? About the whole adoption?" Esme spoke in a whisper but her eyes were now on Makaylah. She didn't want to be rude, so her eyes were already focus on her younger sister. (Somewhat Sister)

Lexi almost fell to the ground once Esme pushed her and laughed, she glared at her friend and return to her seating posture. "You don't need to explain that." She said rudely and made a face, Lexi is really not into jambalaya thingy like this and it makes her uncomfortable. "Anyways, I have an adopted brother too but his on my dad's custody because my parents are divorce. But when he first came to our house I was mean to him ..." Lexi trailed off because she noticed the two was silence again, "... I didn't mean to teach her to do that, sorry." She meant for Esme and really shut her mouth. Lexi looked at the two and smiled to lift up the mood of the so called party, "Let the party begin?" Lexi asked slowly.

Makaylah did a traditional Makah dance to welcome her new sister, than from there she told her somewhat of her great ancestors of the Makah tribe. She shared one story of hardship they had to endurce and it was always with the "white man" taking over the land part. "I think that's why my dad turning the other leaf" she exclaimed sighing a little to herself. Some of her people still held grudges against those who did them wrong, Makaylah moved onto to the last part of the celebration and that was the parting of the green apple and honey. "Here you go" she gave them one a slice and than let them dipped their slice into the honey. "Now Esme we need a new name for you" Makaylah went has Moose for her thick hair, which was cut short and sometimes spiked a little if she wanted to be spontaneous. "We can think of one later? Maybe even for you too" Makaylah smiled a little than proceed to bite into her dipped slice. It tasted delicious, to bad they didn't have caramel mixed with it.

When the welcome mat started, Lexi almost fell asleep with the story that Makaylah told them. Her face lift up when it ended with a nice slice green apples served to them by Makaylah and some honey, Lexi took one slice and didn't dipped it onto the honey because she doesn't like that kind of dipped. "Ehh? A new name? ... we can call her the girl who hates her own parents." She smiled at the two and continued eating her apple, Lexi was fine torture her best friend because that was best friends are for, torturing each other.
Esme nudge Lexi after the traditional story was done. When she took the offering of slice apple Makaylah was done, before Esme properly thank Makaylah the little Ravenclaw student had to dismiss herself. She had realize the time and knew she had passed curfew. Esme offered to walk her back, she did along with her best friend Lexi. It took them a while but they manage the walk up towards the tower and now it was only Esme and Lexi. "Did I tell you about the other part of this adoption?" she asked her friend while they made their way down the corridors. She neglected to tell Lexi's much because of the situation all together. She wasn't very fond of telling anyone her life stories. But she figure it was Lexi, she might as well tell her. "If I do tell you please don't judge me?" she asked firsthand before she told her best friend about the whole adoption.
Once the celebration was over, the three walked down outside the Ravenclaw tower to drop off Makaylah. It was a fun night, she can bare the traditional dance and the mosquito's outside, when Lexi and Esme are the only one whose left, Esme started to talk again about the other part of the adoption. Lexi gulped silently, the rush of all this makes her collapse in the ground, lucky that she can hold it back. She sigh as they continued to walked at the lower case of the castle, "I will not judge you ... except if it is funny then i will ..." Lexi laughed and turned her gaze to her friend, her face became serious, now that the situation is pretty serious.

"Okay, I will not do that, I'm your friend I will understand what you'll going to say." She said to Esme and smiled warmly, of course they will tell each other secrets, that was their promise. "Now, do tell me what is the other part of the adoption."
"Its not an adoption. Its sort of kinda"Esme cringe at the words adoption. Its way different than an adoption it was more like welcoming the new girl in the family. In the family she sort of will marry in soon. "I'm getting married Lexi, its sort of like a proposal. My mom agreed, that's why I'm here and not in Drumstrang. They want me to marry Seth Makwa because I'm still you know...'that' and because my mom believes in their culture she agreed" Esme frown. It was sort of relief to tell someone and that someone being Lexi. But why did she agree to this in the first place, its like she letting her mom live her life. It seems like Esme would do anything to make her mom happy, secretly though. She wouldn't admit it out loud that was doing this for her mom. That would be the last words she would ever say to anyone except Lexi maybe even Willow. I hate this, she thought looking down. Her mom never abused never did anything wrong but paid little less attention to Esme growing up. Why was she suddenly deciding Esme future no one would know, it was sad but Esme didn't seem to care. Or let it phase her up till this point, now she was panicing, more like anxiety was creeping up her.


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