Well, Well, Well

Saveli Pendleton

Mother of Two // Ded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Reuben <3
Saveli hadn't been out much since the beginning of the year. She spent a fair amount of time in her common room or with her 'best friend' in the great hall. She didn't often like to get out and socialize with the other Slytherins. They didn't generally want to socialize with her. Viviana seemed to be her favorite lately, as the girl was easy to manipulate. Then there was her half=-sister, Lue. She was a bit more difficult, but just as stupid. Saveli only wished to find someone she deemed to match her intelligence. She knew her other sister, Prudence, was smart - but she was too much of a goody two shoes. If she was a character from one of her brother's board games, she would be a Lawful character of sorts. Doing what's right and not what does the best for hers. That's why she wouldn't get anywhere in life. 'Come on, Vel, you came out here to relax not to make yourself more frustrated.' The blonde girl kicked a rock in front of her, meandering around the lawn of Hogwarts. She was heading in the direction of the forbidden forest, wanting to get shade in the trees before the edge of the forest. There was no point in going in during the day after all. That took the fun out of the trouble.

As she approached the trees that she was going to sit under to draw, the petite Slytherin noticed something rather odd in some of the branches. It seemed to have blonde fur, but not everywhere. As she came closer she noticed it was distinctly long, blonde hair. Saveli could recognize the face as she got closer, and once she stood close enough to speak to it, she grinned. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A poor little rat, caught in a tree." generally, the girl was not so harsh upon first words, but she had met this child before. It was when she was just beginning her first year. This kid had been rather rude to her on the train, and Saveli was not one to forget a grudge. "Looks like you're a bit stuck, what's the matter? Too weak to climb down? No Dina here to save you?" she teased as she circled the tree, much like any predator would. By all means the petite woman was a predator. She was one to pounce on the weak, that was why she was friends with Saveli, who constantly wanted to please her and everyone else. When things didn't go the young woman's way though, she turned for the worst.
<SIZE size="50">Venn never really tried to find trouble. Trouble just seemed to fall out of huge sky, and was completely unavoidable for the young Ravenclaw. No matter what was done, Venn would find himself in a situation that he would rather not be in, and it just seemed like it was one of those days. For today, Venn had somehow perched himself up a tree, and could not fathom how he was going to get down. He blew red hair from his face as his frustration grew. This was not the time to go all silly and flail like a caught fish, but it certainly felt like it. Perhaps if he had a friend to hang around at all times, things like this would not happen, but unfortunately, there was only a small handful of people he could consider a friend, and they were not even in his year, or his house, nor were they up this tree with him.

The young Ravenclaw sighed. At least the Great Lawn looked really pretty from way up here. Way better than it did in classes, which Venn strongly disliked. This sort of alienated him from other Ravenclaws, who liked reading and writing and being clever. Venn kind of liked being none of those things. He only came here because his sister was here, otherwise he would have been okay with being a squib or something. He had his magic tricks, he didn't need to do any real magic, now that he thought about it. Curious it's had driven him here, and now the longing of home was driving him away - and it wasn't even the end of the term yet. It had all just begun!

His hair slowly began to return to blond, which was fortunate because that was when a certain girl entered his line of sight. Frantically, Venn attempted to get out of the way, maybe just roll off the branch and into a bush or something - but it was too late. The miserable little girl had found him, and she was clearly relishing in the fact. He was tempted to throw something at her, but seeing as he was currently stuck up in the air with a branch pressed across his stomach, and his limbs dangling, it would not be wise. She was right, however. Dina was not here to get him out of this. The brutish girl had a surprising amount of strength to her, and she often made sure he did not do silly things such as climb trees and get stuck in them.

"You noticed?" he asked, gesturing to the branch that held him, making sure that there was no Dina hiding in a crack or something. "Will you help me down, or go around the tree like a shark?" Brown eyes stared down at the Slytherin from under his blond hair, that was beginning to shift a little darker at the roots. Did she even know his name? What was she even doing out here? Didn't she have somewhere better to go? Whatever she wanted, he hoped it was not to touch his hair again.​
Saveli didn't allow her smirk to fade for one moment as she continued her predatory walk, stopping below him and crossing her arms over her chest. "You know, it's funny to me that you would ask for my help, Venn." The blonde's name slid off her tongue in a venomous voice. "I could easily help you down, maybe try a levitating spell, or just call for some help so you could jump down. I could even hand you a broom - provided that your tiny brain can comprehend how to fly." She laughed at her own cruel joke before checking her nails for debris, rather than making any further eye contact with him. When she looked up she noticed his hair shifting colors. "Looks like someone is a metamorphmagus." She muttered under her breath. There was a twinge of jealousy in Saveli's gut. Why was it that she wasn't born special.

She again circled the tree just to spite him after his comment about her shark-like behaviors. "Oh I can't help it, Venn. After all, I just want to relish in your stupidity to get stuck up in this tree. After all, you look ridiculous." She once again began cleaning her nails while speaking. "I would be more inclined to help you had to not been so rude to me on the train. So how about this, you answer some questions and I'll help you down. You don't and I'll hex you until you can't hold onto that flimsy branch anymore." Her smirk returned and her blue eyes tilted upwards to him, glaring icily at him.
Venn frowned to himself, wondering why he bothered. He should have just hidden and waiting for a professor or something. Anyone would have been better than her. He took some time to pull his long, waving hair back into a quick bun, appearing to ignore every word she said. However, he took it all in, and watched her from the corner of his ever-changing eyes. At least he could hide from her after this, he didn't think she knew what he was. He hoped no-one knew. He wanted to be able to hide from them, and not be noticed - to just blend in. He held his tongue at her feeble attempt at an insult. For her information, Venn was a good flyer. He loved Quidditch and flew often with his siblings. Anyone with a magical background could have that opportunity, he expected. He remained silent on the matter, however, as he needed her help, and insulting her would not work. Dina, or Armin were not here to help him. He was sure Dina would beat her up, and Armin would totally hex her. He was an older student, he would know some spells. In fact, even Prue would beat her up for this - and Veronica! Where were his Gryffindors? He needed to stay with them more often if he wanted to avoid situations like this. They were all very capable and aggressive and scary. Venn was none of those things.

Venn frowned at her, knowing that she was right. He doubted he looked spectacular. However, bringing up the train incident was crazy - it was a year ago, and it wasn't his fault that she was rude. However, as if history were going out of its way to repeat itself, Venn found his hands theoretically tied by her again, and gripped the tree harder when he felt himself begin to slip. "Is that what it takes for your help?" he asked, nostrils flaring slightly. He knew the answer, and decided to just try and move this along. "I will answer what you want. Okay?"
Saveli raised a blonde brow high into her hair. With a small laugh the blonde crossed her arms across her chest. She blew her bangs out of her face and nodded. "Alright, I'll help you down, you answer my questions, we go our separate ways." She moved toward the trees, attempting to think a little harder about getting him down. She noticed a branch that she could support with her hands to help him down. She moved by it, with a little difficulty she thought it would hold. "Okay, listen carefully, just climb from this branch to the next and you should be able to jump down, okay. I'll catch you." She knew the man had no reason to trust her, but she meant it. She wanted information.

She began asking her questions before he was even down. "Are you a boy or a girl? Do you like studying? Or did your incessant question asking get you into Ravenclaw?" With gritted teeth she asked her last question, which should have sounded familiar to him. "Am I asking my questions to fast? Does that mean you can't follow a simple string of question? What's going on with you and my sister? She talks about you a lot." Her smirk became wider, feeling a bit of justice in this.
He had to answer questions. Of course. It couldn't be something like him giving her a hug, or buying her lollies next Brightstone visit. It had to be something that he wouldn't want to do. However, there was no way he could get himself out of this. He sighed inwardly and nodded his head, letting her know that they could get this over with. Though his gut told him not to trust the branch she held out, he did so anyway, and did his best not to wobble. It was like a crazy trust exercise that he did not want to perform with the Slytherin, as he could not find it within himself to trust her at all. He listened and took note of her questions as he went about climbing down, and rolled his eyes as she came to an end. Unfortunately, he was still less than comfortable with speaking to her, but his father had always told him to keep the promises he made, as agreements were everything. Breaking one was just as bad as breaking any other agreement, and he was not going to be what his father despised.

Now that he was down, he looked at Saveli calmly, and folded his arms across his chest. Quite frankly, he felt it was his business what his gender was, and he did not care if anyone else was left wondering. If he did, he would have made a conscious effort to be more masculine. He was sure he could accomplish such a thing. "Thank you for helping me down," he stated, knowing the manners were good, and one thanked another for assistance when it was given. He understood that she could have let him fall and break something, so it was a humbling experience for him. At least she appeared to be a girl of her word. "The hat said I was a Ravenclaw because of my questions. I doubt that's the only reason, though. Why-" He winced, and cut himself off before he went asking her a question. He had to nearly bite his own tongue to prevent it. He coughed, starting again. "You are not, by the way, asking too quickly. I can follow you very well, and I have no idea who your sister is, so I can't answer that." He shrugged, and as a second thought, remembered that he had not answered her first question. "And I'm a girl, by the way. Venn is short for Vanessa. I don't see why all of this matters, it doesn't change anything." He lied, and he did not care. It was not like she knew anything about him. For all she knew, he was being as honest as he had just been previously. After all, he did have no reason to lie.
Saveli felt like she was winning, something the young slytherin enjoyed immensely. She was ambitious and cunning, using her surroundings to get what she wanted. In this case it was answers from someone who was not kind to her. After all, she only wanted to be friends with the kid. It hurt her a bit to keep that branch in place, but she didn't complain the way he did when he cut himself. She thought maybe he - well or she - could grow a back bone and it might not be too bad for her - or him. Until her question was answered, thinking about it was a little confusing for the blonde. When he was finally down from the tree she released the ranch and stood up, brushing off her clothing from any debris that might have clung to the cotton. That was the most annoying thing about cotton, everlasting from hair to leaves seemed to cling in it's loose material. Not that she had a say in her school vest. It was what it was.

"You're welcome." Sav responded politely. Sure she was a bit ticked off at the kid, but she knew how to be polite. Her father had taught her many moral lessons in politeness. That was before he stopped talking to her, and her mom had to teach her lessons instead. For a brief second sadness touched her hazel eyes, but Saveli glanced at Venn and smirked. "Vanessa?" She quirked her eyebrow up at him for a moment . "Prue never mentioned that." She shrugged before grabbing his wrist, not expecting him to get away any time soon. "I have a few more questions. Got any family, any sisters or anything. I've got a few after all. You share first though." Her grip tightened a bit like a spoiled child's on a toy. "I figure it's only polite after all."
At the mention of Prue's name, his eyebrows shot up. Pruedence was Saveli's sister? How on Earth did Prue manage to put up with her? Venn loved all his siblings, because they were all amazing, but Saveli wasn't amazing at all. She was downright horrible, and her only saving grace was that she had just managed to be polite to him. But other than that, she was awful, and he immediately felt sorry for Prue. He knew that he would not be able to live with Saveli at all. He frowned at her slightly as she continued to be irritating. All he wanted was for his sister to just miraculously spawn from the ground and deal with all of this. He was beginning to freak out and just wanted to hid under the covers of his bed and ignore the world. He could feel his hair beginning to shift to a darker shade.

"I have three older siblings," he answered, not bothering with names, genders, or ages. She didn't ask for those. "I know you have brothers, and a sister. I'm not interested in anything else." He tugged at his captured arm helplessly. "Will you release my wrist?"
Prue had been all over looking for Venn. She had exciting news to tell him - that she was finally going to begin her training as an Animagus. Her smile was from ear to ear at the beginning of her search, but as she asked around his current friends, she found that they had no clue where he was, and her smile faded. The Gryffindor feared the worse, and headed out to the great lawn. Venn was often times too curious for his own good. After what seemed like an hour or so of searching, she was sure she spotted Venn, though it seemed he wasn't alone. Prue squinted her crystalline orbs and caught a dreadful sight. "Saveli." She muttered, her voice more disappointed than angry. The woman didn't like her new half-sister, and honestly couldn't care less if they were blood related at this point. She had been mostly civil, like she always was, but it was changing fast as she found herself moving forward.

Prue reached the two with long strides, pulling Saveli's hand off her friend with more force than intended. She glared at the blonde. "Saveli, why can't you be nice for just one day? Do you always have to pick on people just because they don't want to talk to you? You're never going to make friends this way!" Her voice cracked slightly, holding back a few nasty words she wanted to say. She looked back at Venn's arm which was red, and with one swift movement struck an open hand across her younger sisters face. "Leave Venn alone." She said with a finalized tone, tugging her friend gently in the opposite direction of the blonde woman.
Saveli was shocked to say the least, that who else could come to the girl's aid than her own sister. Saveli wouldn't generally have backed off, but when her hand was yanked away it was obvious that Prudence meant business. The blonde held a grimace on her face, one that only disappeared when the brunette swung and open palm, which connected with a loud thwack. Saveli's had went to her face, which stung like her eyes. Tears welling up that she would not allow to spill over. She looked at the ground, hearing the footsteps of the two leaving her behind. She was furious, but most of all she was hurt. Her own sister chose that ruffian over her? "That's right!" She yelled, her voice wavering from the tears that were more likely than not going to spill over at any moment. "Run off with your girlfriend! See what I care!" Saveli turned her back, facing the tree.

With her hand still on her face she stood dumbfounded for a moment. She knew what she had to do. She was going to teach Prue a lesson - and perhaps that lesson could be taught by a professor who would take pity on Saveli. Gathering her breath and dignity, the blonde made her way up to the castle, hoping to find someone who would listen to her crocodile tears.



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