Well, it's about time!

Jessica Reed

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jessica couldn't believe how late she had left it to write to Jacob, her best friend. She had promised him that she wouldn't lose contact with him again, yet, settling into Hogwarts became a much more difficult task than she orginally thought. To be honest, Jessica didn't have a clue what was going on with Jake, the last she heard he had a girlfriend, and that was pretty much it. She could truthfully admit that she missed him like crazy. When he left Boston all those years ago it was hard getting over him, it was hard letting him go and even though she had him back, she still felt like he was slipping away, slowly but surely.

Taking matters into her own hands Jess decided she would write to him, it was the only way she could really contact the boy. Unless of course she met up with him at Brightstone Weekend's but, to say the least, Jess' last weekend was quite hetic. Sitting on the cold stone floor with her back up against the wall, Jess pulled out a pad of crumpled writing paper. She had found it at the bottom of her trunk and so, it wasn't in the best condition. Jess brushed the large black quill against her chin before dipping it into the blue ink and began to write.

Hey bud! Whats up with you these days? I'm sorry for not writing sooner but I've been quite busy. Hogwarts is freaking huge man! I still get lost all the bloody time! Sometimes I just don't leave Gryffindor Tower just to prevent me from getting lost. It's quite pathetic but most of the time I have to get directions from first years! First years! How lame is that? They know the castle better then me and what, they're like 10!

Anyways, I miss not talking to you.

Jess paused. She stared at the words on the crumpled parchment. Jess dipped her quill into the blue ink once more and crossed out the last sentence. Of course she missed Jake but he didn't have to know how much. Besides, this was Jake and she knew he would never let her live it down.
Anyways, I miss not talking to you. So I hope you're not missing me too much, I'm sure it's hard not having me teasing the crap out of you right? Although, we have to meet up soon. I miss not being able to pin you at wrestling! Prehaps at the next Brightstone weekend? Thats if you'll cut off History of Magic for me again? Speaking of History of Magic I really should get to that assignment of mine. Or should I say assignments! The amount of work 5th years get is unbelievabl!. Well, then again, it is the OWL's so I guess its allowed. So yeah, I guess I'll just wait for a reply? :)

Keep it real,

ps. sorry for the the crappy parchment!

And with that Jessica folded up the parchment and attached it to her Owl, Squiggy. "Bring it to Jake," She said with a small smile before taking a couple of steps back as the owl loudly flapped her wings and flew sharply into the distance.
Jake was walking along the flat part of the roof top castle. This was his favorite place to visit, and not many knew this part of the roof even exist. From way down the grounds it may look like the roof top curved down and that no flat top existed. Only Jake knew about his private sanctuary, not even his girlfriend Irene had any idea, that this was were Jake would escape whenever he felt like the castle walls were to much for him. Its been ages since he last been up here, after reliving the summer he had much to think about, and that is why he came here often. To think his problems through, no matter how big or small it was; Jake could always count this spot to be stressed free. Jake sat down with a muggel journal and a pen he carried whenever he felt inspired to right. This was also another stress reliever for Jake, but he didn't expect a letter to arrived at the very moment when he was about to write in his journal.

The owl didn't look familiar but the handwriting did, as his lips fleer to the side when he noticed it was his best friend Jessica keeping in touch. She hadn't seen him since the day at the Pier, but somehow he heard words here and there, enough to know what's been going on in her life. But after reading her letter he couldn't help but snicker. Man she had it more easy than me, well besides owl that is he thought to himself while ripping a page out of his journal and taking his pen to began to write his letter.

Hey Jess,

Gas? Bloody Hell? Since when did you become British now? -snickers- I'm just kidding, must be all those snobs you hang around with Jess. Don't tell me your going pink on me? -cries- I'm sorry but I can't help myself! Your such an easy target :p

Well get back to what I was saying...Everything well at my end, been having trouble with assignments myself so I know how you feel. Next year I'll be a seventh year (yay for me) but that means Newts coming up. So Blah, long as I still have quidditch its all good.

I totally would love like to hang out with you Brightstone weekend, but you wrestling me? Pinning me down? I so don't recall that ever happening missy >) And I tried making out the middle part of the letter. Something saying you messing me. Well I messing you to Jess :p See you around whenever.


Ps-Have you ever seen a wolf before?

Jake laughed at his attempt at his lame letter. He was never good at writing, but oh well it looked perfect in his eyes. Jake gave the owl a treat, than place the letter in its beak. "Send that back to Jess" the owl hooted as if it understood than soared away leaving Jake to laugh at his own letter.

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