well deserved break

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Remus raised an eye brow as she asked what school he had attended, "Hogwarts." He said nodding to her, "Hogwarts Scotland..." He said as he placed his hands to fold on the table. "Why do you ask, did you also attend here?" he questioned as he lent back in his chair a little bit more.
Pearl was srprised to hear he had attened Hogwarts Scotland, "yes, I did, Ravenclaw" she replied with a little pride in her voice. "What house were you in? I dont remember seeing you at school"
Remus looked at her as she said that she had not seen him before she continued about her house, "I was in Hufflepuff" He smiled looking at her, "I don't recall seeing you there either." He chuckled.
Pearl blushed a little, "I'm sorry to admit I avoided Hufflepuff's" Pearl said in a shy voice, "I was horriable in school, I was one of the bratty Ravenclaws" she added. "Now I realise how stupid I was" Pearl said with a sigh "espically since my own daughter is a Hufflepuff"
Remus chuckled as he heard that she 'avoided' Hufflepuff's before he heard about her daughter being in the house itself. "Well The past always seems to have a way of coming back and biting you in the butt." He chuckled
Pearl sighed, "yes, yes it does" she said with a small laugh. "so, do you have any kids?" she asked. He seemed to be the right age to have children, he must only be a few years younger then her.
Remus shook his head as he looked down at the floor, he didn't plan to talk about his Fiance` and her death just before their marriage. "No I don't, never wanted children." He Lied.
Pearl nodded when he said he never wanted children, she knew he wasn't telling the whole truth but she went along with it, "I see" was all she could think of saying "I never planed on having kids eaither, I was going to be a big carrer woman and make great medical break throughs" Pearl said thinking back to her child hood dreams, "but now I couldn't picture life with out Arisa, she's what's kept me going these past 12 years" Pearl added. "I'm sorry, all I can do is talk about my self, what would you like to talk about?"
Remus chuckled to himself as she spoke about her self and felt bad for it, "Dont worry it's rather interesting to see your perspective on what you wanted your life to be and what it has become." He smiled to her before leaning in and placing his elbows on the table, "Please do continue." He smiled, "I'm not bothered what we speak of."
Pearl smiled and gestured towards the many books on her desk, most of which were on eyes, and being blind. "As you can see, no break through yet, but I'm working on it" she joked. Pealr checked the clock on the wall just realising how late it was. She stood up from her desk, "can I offer you anything, coffee, tea, pumpkin juice?" she asked.
Remus smiled to her as she joked about her effort, and then offered him some Beverages. "Coffee Would be great." He smiled kindly to her. before crossing his feet over one another and lent back in his chair a little allowing himself to get rather comfortable in it.
Pearl stood up and walked over to where she kept a magic tea kettle and coffee pot. Pearl poured two cups of coffe, putting two sugars and milk in hers, "sugar or milk?" she asked in a polite voice.
Remus watched her as she poured the coffee, "Two sugars and milk." He smiled to her as he awaited her response to what he had said, or at least awaited to the coffee, he was craving one.
Pearl nodded and made his coffee they way he said and brought it over to him. "I guess we have the same taste, thats the way I have my coffee also" she said with a small laugh. She took a small sip of her coffee.
Remus chuckled as she told him that they had the same taste, before taking his coffee and taking a sip from it. "Indeed we both have good taste." He smiled almost laughing as he sipped once more before placing the cup down to the desk, "So What is it exactly that got you into Medical?" He asked curiously looking at Pearl.
Pearl thought for a moment about his question, "I came from a long line of nurses and doctors, muggle and wizard" she replied, "It runs in my family, we all just had the same need to heal people" she added. "What got you into transfiguration?" she asked.
Remus nodded as she responded to his question before he was asked how he was to get into Transfiguration, "Well, I was always a lover of Education." He smiled to her, "My Father wanted me to be something better then him, and my mother would have wanted it." He smiled looking over at Pearl, "I Guess Transfiguration itself i always saw as a unappreciated art of Magic." He said looking over at her as he grabbed his cup and took another sip of coffee.
"Transfiguration is a bit unappreciated, but its getting more and more popular, espically among this years second years, they all seem to hope they can be animagus some day" Pearl replied, "poor dears, not all of them can be, I hear its very dificult to acomplish" Pearl added.
Remus nodded as he looked over at Pearl, "Indeed it is difficult." He smiled to her as he took another sip of his coffee, before letting out a sigh, "I Find the students look at me as a... Less experienced member then their Old Professor." He said looking at Pearl, "It indeed is irritating being looked at more as a 'co' Professor." He said with no expression bare on his face.
Pearl took a small sip of her coffee as he spoke. She furrowed her brow when he said the students didn't think he was experenced, "I'm sure they'll come around once they get to know you more, I've never witnessed one of your classes but I'm sure there excelent" Pearl said in an encouraging voice.
Remus took another sip of his coffee, "You see, I didn't see myself here as a Child... I always thought I'd be an Auror or something of the sort." He chuckled to her. "Ah Well, I'm stuck with Kida." he smirked to her, "Any way.." He said changing the subject, "How did you go in school?" he asked in interest.
Pearl nodded, auror was a respected carrer track. "I did farely well in school, mostly O's and and E's" she replied. Pearl had been a proud Ravenclaw and upheld the house traditions of wit and intelligence, "how did you do in school?" Pearl asked.
Remus nodded as she spoke, "mostly also O's and E's more so O's i believe..." He smiled to her, Remus the finished his coffee and placed it to the table as he stretched his arms out, and stood up dropping them back to his sides, "Well i best be off." he smiled to her.
"yes it is getting late" Pearl agreed before standing up and walking over to the door, "good night Remus, I hope to see you again soon, this has been fun" Pearl said in a kind voice. Through the sleep in her eyes there was still the tiny sparkle, just visable.
Remus smiled and nodded as he walked outside of the door and into the hall way, before heading off to his office, he was tired but he had some work to do, so off he went to mark some Student's work and soon after went to bed.
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