Closed Welcoming Vision

Neven Lurken

Prejudice • Callous
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Neven Lurken returned to Hogwarts New Zealand after a couple of years away. But, a small smile was on his normally grim looking face because while on the trip back here, he managed to become acquainted with another Pureblood. Taerin. The other people he had been around last time he was here were not as such. It was a little hard for him to find company like that. He didn’t have that much luck over in Scotland either, but at least he was back home in New Zealand with his mom, dad, and his siblings. Neven did leave Maise over in Scotland, but she made a lot of friends there and was reluctant to leave. Neven walked up to the towers at the agreed time, right at twilight, where the sun was barely seen over the horizon, in the north tower. Neven looked around until he managed to find a couple of chairs. Yes, this would work. Placing his hands together, he waited for the acquaintance to come.
The acquaintance wasn’t too far behind. Taerin had been pleasantly surprised to find someone who actually seemed interested to talk to her for a change while on the Hogwarts express, and it was a rare moment that she hadn’t tried to trick him into anything. She recalled his name as being Neven or Nerven or something like that, her memory clearly earning her her place at Ravenclaw. The fifth year had been looking forward to their reunion that evening too, which surprised her as she would usually pride herself in the distance she was able to set around the other students. The closest friend she could call was Diana and that was a stretch. She’d dressed simply for the occasion and upon entering the towers, looked around for the boy from the train. Perhaps he wouldn’t show and she could continue in ignoring boys that weren’t worth her time, but her eyes rested on the familiar face. “You found the towers then?” She smiled, taking a seat opposite and clasping her hands together, waiting for what was to follow.
Neven glanced up as he heard footsteps. Low and behold, Taerin showed up, which was a little surprising for him. He didn’t expect her to show and he would just bask in the loneliness that he had found so comforting for the past several years. He gave a curt nod, before looking out the window. “Before I left, I spent a great deal of time up here. I find it relaxing to watch the people from below. Almost like a god looking down on the small population.” Neven’s analogy definitely made him seem a lot more shallow than he really was. “What do you think of the school’s people, in general?” He had a small feeling that she thought similarly after all. Not much caught his attention unless it was someone he felt he could connect with. And that was so few as is.
Taerin could understand where Neven was coming from. It was always better to observe that it was to try and get a good understanding while stuck in the center of the population itself. "You're not one to waste time are you," she teased, smiling as he asked her for her opinions on others. Of course there was the usual response from a pure blood perspective that tainting their blood would eventually one day result in the extinction of wizards, slowly their race would become less powerful until they were completely eradicated, but there was more to it than just that. "Most people only see what's in front of them. There's another world behind their eyes that so many seem to ignore." she said, following his gaze out the window. So many people she knew took what they heard as fact, never challenging it nor proving it for themselves, The only reason she managed to get away with so much is because she distracted them with what they wanted to hear. "What do you see?" she asked in return, curious to hear what he knew.
Neven chuckled as she stated that he isn't one to waste time. That was certain. He didn't believe in wasting time at all. With how long it took his mom to find the love of her life, Neven didn't want to waste his time like others have with their lives. He nodded as she explained to him what she thought of the school's general population right now. It was insightful, and shows that she is far more intelligent than he first gathered about her. Now, it was his turn. He thought over who he had met, and realized there was something he was not a fan of. "There are a lot of people in the school that care too much about status, such as popularity. People surround themselves with others, putting on the same mask. It is annoying because the people that do that, the masks are all the same. I would rather have a select few, seeing what is truly real than care about something as stupid and pointless as 'status' in school." Neven shrugged his shoulders, since he was mainly bashing those that were popular.
Taerin listened, intrigued, as Neven went on to explain his opinion on titles. "Titles are never going to change what you're capable of. They just make sure that when blame comes knocking, you're the one to pick up the pieces," she added. His comment about having a mask was interesting though, and something she could understand but would rather question. "Isn't it a better to have a mask, one that others won't doubt while you're doing what you need to do?" she asked, still facing across the towers. It was something she took pride in herself. Being able to submerge herself and blend into a crowd, becoming almost invisible to others while she was able to complete her own goals. She didn't see the point in becoming popular, it would have been much harder after all to stay hidden. "Are you sure that bitterness towards standing out doesn't come from others not noticing your accomplishments?" she asked. She didn't intend to anger him, only it had been a question she'd asked of herself and one she thought was worth noting, to ensure her reasons for what she did were fully justified.
Taerin had a point as she replied to his vision of titles. Although, wearing a mask, which he felt wasn’t necessary, had a point to it. It sounded like blending into the crowd, becoming invisible. Neven would consider that, considering that he didn’t like attention anyway. But, she pointed out how his bitterness might be coming from something else. That struck a chord within him. He looked away while sighing. Yes, he certainly felt that. “Perhaps. You see, my mum had kids, and gave up my sister because she couldn’t afford it at the time, then had me. She kept me, but her focus was on something else other than giving me the proper attention. My oldest sister was born in the year of my mum’s seventh year. She married my true dad, and now they have another little girl. I guess I sort of feel invisible there. I am sure Maise feels similarly.” Neven practically spilled his life story, but didn’t care. Who was she going to tell?

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