Welcome Round

Tenrai Green

OOC First Name
Summer has stolen
Tenrai leant against a wall and waited. He was meeting Adonia today, they hadn't seen each other much, having just graduated from school and doing exams. Luckily he would now have a lot more time to spend with her. He loved Adonia with all his heart, they had been dating for nearly three years now.

Tenrai had been thinking of asking her to move in with him when he moved out of his parents house. Until then they would have to just continue the way they were. His parents were out this evening so she was coming round for the night. Her parents were fine with it, she was a responsible girl after all, but his parents didn't trust him.

Tenrai had been good in his opinion. All of his mates bragged about how my they 'got', he had waited for her to be ready, he was still waiting for her to be ready. He didn't mind though. He loved her and, if it meant keeping her, he would go as slow as she wanted.

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