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Caleb Shaw

Well-Known Member
<FONT font="monaco">Hi Guys!
Long time no speak right? As you may have noticed, I have returned with a new character. I plan on being pretty active and, hopefully, not disappearing again. I am currently only working on the two characters below but if you have any specific ideas for my older characters feel free to give me shout and I might just bring them back too :)

- Summer


This is Caleb Shaw.
Caleb Alexander Shaw is 23 years of age and has just moved to New Zealand for a new start. He is currently grieving which, for him, involves lots of alcohol and various women.
My plan is for him to slowly get better with the help of a few good friends and maybe a woman who lasts in his life longer than a couple of days.
If you would like more information, just ask.


This is Gareth Knight.
Gareth Lucas Knight is 26 years of age and has just returned to New Zealand after a couple of moneths away to see his two children.
He already has a lady in his life so I won't be needing any women for relationships or flings however he does need a lot of friends as he has none. At all. Whatesoever.
Once again, if you need any more info on him, just ask.

Hello :D

Well I have someone for Caleb who could be the woman who stays longer or is just a good friend.Her name is Johanna Murray and she is twenty-one years of age living in New Zealand.She works as a Ministry Official and is a former beaux.She as been unactive lately and I would like her to become active again! Now I am changing things in her bio it's a bit out of date but basically she is a happy and kind woman.She is a good friend and is extremely loyal.She will always have a friends back.She was once unsociable but since moving to New Zealand she has come out of her shell and is trying new things and enjoying life a bit more.Here is the link to her current bio but things will be changed soon!

Also she can be friends with Gareth either or.
Johanna ^_^
<FONT font="monaco">Johanna! You have answered my call! :D

She sounds like she could be a good friend for both of the men. I think it would be nice for Gareth to have a female friend, especially since there would be nothing romantic about them. They would probably end up pretty close and he would likely go to her for advice if things are tricky with Nina, how does that sound?

For Caleb she sounds pretty much perfect to help him out of his slumber. I think to get his attention at the moment she would have to seem available for a one night stand but to keep his attention she would have to reject him at the end of the night instead, if that's good with you? If so then it would be a long journey but eventually with some tough love and a lot of TLC he should return to his happy go lucky self and then we'll see what happens from there?

Thank you for replying :)

That sounds great! She needs a close friend too as she practically has no friends at the moment :r but yes I like the sound of that!

That's grand,probably what she would do :r Sounds like a plan. She would take it as her personal mission to get him back into shape. I can start either of them?Don't mind which.

No bothers ^_^
Yay for plans :) Shall I take the Gareth one and you take the Caleb topic? I warn you now I haven't role played with Caleb yet so I'm not that comfortable with him.
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