Wednesday Hardley

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Wednesday Hardley

Well-Known Member
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Wednesday Hardley

~Time flies when you're having fun, yeah---Partners In Crime
~Let the good times roll---Best Friends
~Having the time of my life, watching the clock tick--- Average Friends
~My heart ticks in beat with these kids that I grew up with---Childhood Friends
~The best part of "Believe" is the "Lie"---Former Enemies

~"Why don't you just drop dead?"---Mortal Enemies
~I hope you choke on those words--- Hardcore Enemies
~I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it---Average Hatred
~Am I more than you bargained for yet---You dislike Wednesday
~And I can't forget your style or your cynicism---Wednesday Dislikes You
~I want to hate you half as much as I hate myself--- Mutal Dislike
~We don't fight fair---Rivals
~I hate the way you say my name like it's something secret---Annoyance
~So just let me be---Avoidance
~It's buried deep with your identity---Fake Friend

~I want to scream "I love you" from the top of my lungs---Final
~We'll never break, as one too strong---Current
~My heart is on my sleeve---Wednesday Has A Crush On You
~And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds--- You Have A Crush On Wednesday
~I wish that I was as invisible as you make me feel--- Crush From A Far
~Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great---Past Relationship(Mutal Breakup)
~Breaking hearts has never looked so cool--- Past Relationship( you broke it off)
~when I said I loved you I swear I lied--- Past Relationship (I Broke it off)

~This conversation's been dead on arrival---Name Basis
~When you go I will forget everything about you---Met Once
~I'm not a shoulder to cry on---Acquaintances
~Fitting you with weapons in the form of words---You Are Protective Over Wednesday
~I comb the crowd and pick you out---Wednesday Is Protective over You

What Do You Think Of Wednesday:
Link To Your Thread:
Name:Jake Wilson
Relationship:protective over you
What Do You Think Of Wednesday:I think Wednesday is great and fun to hang around with
Link To Your Thread: i havent made one yet :p
Name: Libby Barnett
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 1st
Relationship: Average friends/ Housemates
What Do You Think Of Wednesday: There when you need someone to talk to, caring and kind
Link To Your Thread: Under Siggy x

Name: Thomas Smith
House: Ravenclaw
Year: First
Relationship: Protective over you and Average Friends
What Do You Think Of Wednesday: I think Wednesday is a really fun and bubbly girl. Lots of fun to be with and very smart. You will do well in live and looking forward to RPing with you more.
Link To Your Thread: Under my siggy​
Name: Sern Summers
House: Gryffindor
Year: First
Relationship: Uncertain ( might be starting to have crush on her)
What Do You Think Of Wednesday: Loved her laugh and though she was great company, he might think a bit more but he's still unsure
Link To Your Thread: Relationships
Name: Faith Lovelight
House: Hufflepuff
Year: First
Relationship: Average Friends
What Do You Think Of Wednesday: She seems like really awesome and a great person to talk to.
Link To Your Thread: See bottom of signature.

Name: Sam Prince
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 1st Year
Relationship: Average Friends, Protective Over Wednesday
What Do You Think Of Wednesday: I think Wednesday is very sweet and bubbly. She is awesome to be around and always makes you smile. There is usually quite a big gap when Sam and Wednesday see each other but when they do its like the were best buds.
Link To Your Thread: Its under my signature
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