We need to talk about James

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Professor James Cade

'Daddy Cade' | Father of 8 | Always | DADA 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Geo)
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Serious HNZ we have a problem. No one likes me. I mean James. I know you all love me. James is like me, except I'm much better looking but I digress. Onto the point.
James Cade. Gryffindor. First Year.​

James is a nice guy believe it or not, he just doesn't always come across well because he can be a little cocky and talkative. Ask Amy (while she still likes him). For James I want friends. He's adventourous and fun loving, he may even be up for some rule breaking if someone (Hemi) decides he's not a jerk and gives him a chance. But any kind of friends would work for James. I would also be up for some romance ideas, I've got a couple in early stage planning, sort of, but I'm up for some others, I'd be open to final discussions (that also includes my ongoing ones just saying) I know its early days but is it ever too early to lock in happiness?

Come on people. Give a James a friend. :r :wub: :D

P.S. I do also have other characters if anyone's interested.
Felix should be his friend :r
Yeah totally. Can't wait to see what happens when they start dating each others exes.
But I do agree they should be friends. Whether or not they stay friends when Felix dates Amy I can't say yet.
He doesn't date her til like sixth year so we're good :D
Excellent. Depending how things play out he may be ok with it. Depends what kind of friends they are and how things end with Amy. But anyway, yes friends. Thoughts?
I can start an rp for them if you want? Shall we skip the formalities though, I'm sure they've met in classes (if i actually did them anyway xD )
I honestly can't testify to whether you have or not. Yes please by all means start a topic.
Na, you're alright ;)

Looool, just kidding. You can RP with Archie if you want, he needs to meet more people and have more friends and stuff. Not sure how they would get on though since James is like the opposite of him, but opposites attract right?
Yea he and Archie could be fun, let's see if they got on.
I'd love to RP with James. Don't feel disheartened because Hemi thinks he's a jerk, he hasn't given him a chance, they might actually turn out good friends :D
Charlotte's always up for some new friends (or potential romances :r ) if you like ^_^
Hemi x James: Fantastic. Maybe James catches Hemi sneaking out after cerfew rather than rat him out decides to tag alon. Plus James and Hemi being friends would drive Maddie crazy which is always fun.

James x Charlotte: James needs all the friends he can get. They do have the topic at the cliffs which I let slide a bit so maybe we can continue from there. Just don't let Charlotte's opinion of James be swayed by Maddie too much. And i think a bit of romance between the two could be fun too, again it would annoy Maddie which James would love.
Hmm. That does sound like something Hemi would do. Okay let's do it. :D
Great. Do you want to start or should I?
Do you mind starting? I have no muse today!
No problem I'll get right on it.
Charlotte is pretty good friends with Maddie so that should be interesting :teehee: How about we start a topic together when the one at the cliffs is finished so that way they can get to know each other a bit more? I don't think Charlotte really cares whether or not Maddie likes him but we shall see :shifty:
Everyone's piling on Maddie now :cry:
Yeah but James ends up having a thing for her so she wins.
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