We can talk it so good, we can make it so divine

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene woke up. it was that metalic grey light that she was all too familiar with accompanying sunrise. it was often how she started today. but today it was different she had been asleep until now but she felt like despite the early hour she was awake awake and would not be able to get back to sleep. the other reason was that she had had a dream. she could remember that it had been vivid. and more realistic than her usual nightmares. but she could not remember what it was only that it had left her feeling like there was a rock in her chest somewhere. she lay in bed for a while watching the light creep slowly into the dorm while Asteria purred beside her enjoying being stroked. she was comfortable there for a while but she started to get bored judging by the light it was somewhere around six. she got up and dressed quietly putting on the top and skirt she had worn the previous day the top was a little creased but still in a wearable condition and she didn't want to wake the girls up by rummaging for something clean.
She left the dorm and decided that maybe a walk outside would help ease that discomfort she felt. she made her way from the tower and was outside. the early morning sunlight felt soft on her skin and it reminded her of mornings when she had been at a child where she would sneak out. there was something about dawn that made the world seem fresh new and like there was nothing scary around. She wandered through the gardens idly admiring the flowers and plants. before she realised where she was going her feet had taken her to the hives. she took a seat and knocked very lightly on the hive not enough to scare the bees but enough to let them know she was there. "Good morning" she said to them. "I don't have much to say to you every one in my family is healthy. though Helia seems preoccupied with her cooking and her new friend. I am studying hard for my owls. but I have just woken up from a dream I cant remember. I can't remember much about it. but it left me feeling empty inside. it may have had something to do with nell." she said remembering the last point as she said it.
Aonghas hadn’t managed to sleep well that night. He didn’t really know why but when he’d woken up - far too early he might add - the boy hadn’t wanted to stick to the dorm room, or even the common room. He had gotten dressed and headed outside. He wasn’t much of an outdoor man, being outdoors was not always the best idea where he was born, the weather was always worse than it might appear, but he’d always gone out and walked up the nearby hills, never straying too far, but walking to feel the cool air of the day and he could assume he wanted that now. Being home had been odd, the fact he was older, not far off seventeen seemed to be on everyone’s mind. Aonghas had enjoyed spending time around his brother’s bairn, the three year old wasn’t exactly a baby but he was treasured like one was. It had been odd, but the fact that his brother was around a little more with his nephew he hoped would soften things when Aonghas took the seat of authority in his family and demanded the un-exile of Rory.
Aonghas didn’t want Rory to end up having his own bairns and for them to never know the rest of the family. He knew his brother had struggled financially, he didn’t want any possible children to worry about that. Or Aonghas heard about families were parents didn’t eat so the kids ate, and Aonghas wasn’t going to at all let that happen, not while the family had money to waste. He was wondering outside and had ended up at the wild patch, a place he didn’t go often, but a place he liked. He noted however upon getting there that he was not alone. There was a girl speaking to the beehives. ”Oh Selene,” he said a little in surprise realising who it was. ”Oh sorry, ah’ll eh, go,” he said, she’d clearly been doing something and he didn’t want to interrupt.
"I cant remember what happened at all but it gives me the feeling like something bad will happen" she said. "I bet i sound like a right Cassandra" she said. it was then that she heard a movement not to far away. she looked up to see Aonghas. there apologising for interrupting her. she hadn't spoken to Aonghas for ages. when they first met they hadn't necessarily seen eye to eye. she was pretty sure he had thought that she was a geek and she had thought hum rude but that was years ago and shouldn't really be used as an excuse for now. "um good morning Aonghas" she said feeling suddenly naked. she was fully dressed but she had been talking about her dream it felt sort of personal. "I didnt expect anyone else to be around" she said. "but you dont have to leave. I have just about finished if you want to talk to the bees." she said. "Or if you just want a bit of company in htis early hour" she added it would be good to have some company and someone to talk to get her mind of the dream.

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