Water, Heat and Death?

Juliette DiSnow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Juliette sat on a rock that was protuding out of the rock not far off shore, she was bored, she had hardly made any friends, no one wanted to spend time with her, so she half decided that being a loner would be the best thing for her... she hoped.
Juliette brushed her long brown hair off her shoulder and continued to swirl the stick around in the water, it was warm but she couldn't swim, she never learnt how, the best she could do was wade out to this rock and sit on it, it was shallow enough that it only came up to her Mid thighs and luckily she wore shorts.

Juliette kept on adjusting her feet, the moss was making it slippery, she half wondered that if she did drown would anyone even notice her missing? Did the teachers even know that she existed. Juliette sighed and threw the stick, she had a good arm on her but was too scared to take up quidditch, the attention, pending death... not a thing she would look forward to.
Juliette stared at the water, she swear she could see if shimmering in some places, she was almost certain she saw a Mermaid jump out from far away, she wans't sure if there were Mermaids in this lake, she hoped they wern't going to make her swim... Not something she was a fan of.

Juliette slipped further down the rock to cool her legs off, why was lift such a pain. Juliette hoped that one day maybe a knight in shining armour would sweep her off her feet.. maybe? Hopeless romantic was such a bother sometimes aswell. The Brunette shut her eyes and enjoyed the warm sun and drew her knight in her mind.
There was little on the preteens mind. He was aimlessly wondering. Letting his feet guide him where he wanted to go. Where he knew he needed to be. It was of course no where. The colour-blind boy had no real place to be. Hogwarts had made sure that no matter what he wouldn't be able to know what was going on. He was out of the loop. He hadn't heard from his family, and everything hadn't really been going right. The young boy was feeling a little overwhelmed in his new environment. It was all new to him. It was all something he didn't understand. Hogwarts was unlike everything he had ever experienced before. it was a school and it was so much more. He had never felt at home until he accepted the school. Sure the young boy believed that no matter what he did, he would still end up not being good enough. That he wasn't Gryffindor enough. The boy was sure that no matter how brave he ended up being he would never be good enough for the gracious house of Godric Gryffindor. At the same time now questioning what other house he could've been put into. All in all, it didn't give the young boy much confidence. He didn't know what to do with himself most days. He was in a great house, he had made a couple of friends. But there was something missing. A purprose that he knew he lacked. His school days weren't ones where he would be half assed with. They were as everyone said, the most important days of his life. The best and worst things could happen during these years. And the boy was keen for mostly good things to happen. Though the Archer luck was not something he could count on for that. Tybalt had decided that his days lacked aim. When he was not in classes he had nothing really to do. There was only so much that a guy like him to read. He also found it was a little difficult to go too far ahead. He would get nowhere. He would end up forgetting all the things that would prove important for this year. So, even the books he had wasn't filling him with the usual happiness that they did. So on that day, the young Gryffindor preteen just went for a walk, and let his feet take him where they wanted to go.

After roughly an hour of walking the boy eventually ended up outside. it wasn't a good move. He was dressed down. Only a thin white t-shirt, a pair of jeans and converses. His hair was an untidy scruffy mess, in a way that his mama said made him look handsome. He was wearing his glasses, which was the only good thing about it, since he hadn't actually wanted to wear anything else thinking he wouldn't end up outside. The glasses were good since there was a lot of light, and they did double up as sunglasses. Shifting light in a very specific way for his kind of eyesight. If the boy was honest it didn't help all that much, but it still protected his eyes, and normal sunglasses didn't help him at all. It was also just easier. He didn't need to carry around more that just the one pair. Although this pair were slightly too large for his still small face, he was happy with them. The one thing about the glasses in large amounts of light was that they hide his eyes. But, there wasn't too many people around. He found that walking through the grounds was actually pretty nice. Sure, it wasn't as warm as it could be, but it was still pretty good. He couldn't see well, but he still enjoyed it, and everything it had to offer. The young boy smiled to himself, as he took his walk towards the water. He wondered where Indiana would be, he liked her. He liked her a lot. She was a good friend. He was thankful for her. Tybalt neared the lake and noticed a girl was sitting at the water's edge, with part of her body in the water. He walked closer, both curious and worried about her. He coughed loudly. "Excuse me?" The boy called to her, not sure if it was the right thing to do, or if he was getting something very wrong. "Are you okay?" He followed with, taking a few steps closer, but staying still quite a bit away from the water - the southern American accent was clear on the few words he'd spoken - he was still not confident enough to actually go in. He didn't like deep water, and the boy was not a good swimmer. He just hoped the girl was fine, he wasn't sure how much help he could be to anyone. He didn't think he was worth the time people spent on him. He just hoped the girl was okay.

So, I hope you don't mind me joining. If you do, I can just edit this out just let me know.
Juliette was enjoying the slightly cool water on her legs, she wished she did learn how to swim, but she never really thought she would need to. The Brunette was enjoying the suns rays, getting a tan would be really nice, maybe someone would notice her fr her lightly sun kissed skin, unfortunately she could never tan, she just turned a light pink then went back to white, it was hopeless. Juliette swayed her feet around in the water when she heard someone call out, she looked to see where the voice was coming from and lost her grip on the rock falling into the water, Juliette first thought was 'Great now he's going to think i'm a mermaid' followed by 'Holy Crap, I'm in the water, I'm going to die' Juliette could feel the ground beneath her feet but the water was above her head, Juliette wanted to gasp, scream and do the often regular panic attack things she had seen people had, but it was kind of hard with little to no air available underwater. Juliette tried to focus on the situation and quickly stood up on her tippy toes and could stick her head out of the water so she could breath. Juliette's arms were doing strange movements under water to try get her to go to the shallows more.

Arms flailing underwater she saw the boy was still on the Water's edge, her mind she was contemplating about asking for him to rescue her, she didn't want to seem weak, in the movies when a girl stupidly fell in the water, which was exactly how she was feeling right now, the Main male would come flying in to rescue her with either no shirt or a very thin one to show off his muscly physique and then clutch the girl to his perfect chest and comfort her before they exchanged a nice kiss. Juliette smacked that thought out of her mind and decided to focus on surviving. The Brunette soon came to realize that walking on tippy toes is a lot harder under water than it was in the ground, her head was still just bobbling above the water allowing her to tilt her head up to breath but it was becoming very obvious that the situation was two steps forwards one step back. No matter how hard the second year tried she would walk forward then slip on something gross and her head would go underwater again before she realized what was happening and she would have to gather back all her confidence to pull herself forward again.

Juliette was cursing to herself quietly, she didn't even think that on the other side of the rock the ground would drop lower. Juliette was almost on flat feet under water but her strength was failing her fast, she pulled one of her hands out of the water with a bit of regret to see if the boy could help her, she hoped to the gods that he was taller than her. Juliette's long brown hair was stuck to her face but she didn't dare use her other hand to wipe it off her face with the fear that she would lose her balance and slide back into the deeper waters. Realizing that the boy might have thought she was waving she called out 'Help, Please!' she begged Weakly, she was glad he was the only other person on this beach, but even though he was the only one she felt her face go a light shade of pink in embarrassment.

All Good! I laughed a bit, Juliette and Tybalt.. We're Cousins! - Sorry for the lame reply
Everything happened so suddenly, one minute he was called to the girl and the next she was falling into the water. There was one issue here and that since his brother, Tybalt had never been close to a large body of water. Not ever. The closest he got was as close as he was then. He could swim. He'd swum in very shallow waters in a swimming pool with both his parents by his side. He didn't know how on earth he would be able to help the girl. For a brief moment he remembered that there were mermaids, and merpeople in the water. He wondered if the girl was maybe on of them, and she was just trying to lure him into the water. He was at a serious pass. Unable to decide what to do. He knew that he couldn't just let her there. This reminded him too much of his brother. His brother had been under the water, Tybalt had been under the water. His brother had tried to reach out, unable to kick to the surface. Tybalt had in his eyes done nothing. In his eyes he had just as much killed his own brother. Tybalt didn't want a repeat of that. He didn't want another death on his already bloody hands. Tybalt looked around desperately. He could tell that the girl needed help. He wasn't the guy who would be able to give it to her. He however couldn't see anyone around them, sure, though with his vision he probably wasn't much help. The brightness of the day, plus the stress he was now feeling, the only positive was that he was wearing his glasses. But, he had never felt so at a loss in his life before then. In all the times he'd been at this school, and the one before hand. There had never been any call upon him to do something brave or heroic. This entire situation made him want to cry. The bright blue eyes brimming with tears. He couldn't do nothing. He walked slightly towards her. Getting closer to the water. But, he backed away. He didn't know how he could help her. He was small, he wasn't the strongest person ever. He just had to help her. He knew that if he didn't things would be worse. The young gryffindor once again looked around him. Surely there was someone nearby. He waved his arms widely in the air, attempting to attract some form of attention to anyone who would maybe be walking by, but no one either noticed him, or there was no one. This poor girl's only person left to save her was him. Thankfully he was sure she had no idea how deathly afraid he was. And he felt bad for thinking it but he was more afraid of the water than of losing the girl. He knew that touching the water would just bring back the horrible memories of that day. He wouldn't know how to block them, but he couldn't just leave her.

When the girl called to him, he made up his mind. He was a young Gryffindor. No matter how afraid he was, for the sake of his house and the name it held, he had to help her. He had to. Tybalt took off his shoes, and then his socks. He then took off his glasses and put it with the socks and the shoes. He took a few small steps towards her. Then realising that if he got the girl out, she would be pretty cold. He considered taking off his t-shirt, but he didn't want to be cold, and he wasn't exactly ready to remove his t-shirt. Tybalt wasn't confident in himself to be able to do that. He really wasn't. So, instead of having dry clothing ready for the girl, he continued towards the water in his clothes. His feet touched the water and he almost backed away. Without his glasses, that was proving quite difficult. He could make her out. He knew where he was heading, but he didn't know if he would be very accurate, or if any of the things he was about to step on were closer or further away than he thought. The boy slipped on a rock and grazed his arm badly against as he clung on. He didn't stop. His mind replayed the events of that previous day. It took all his will to continue. He was just so scared. He was so scared that this would end the same way. That the deep dark water would drag him, or her, or the two of them under. However, he didn't stop. He didn't stop to check the arm he was pretty sure was now bleeding. He saw the girl. "Hey, it's okay." He was on the rocks that the girl had been on to begin with. He leaned closer, the girl couldn't get steady footing, which he realised probably happened when people panicked. He continued forward, edging his way closer to her. He realised then that he would have to probably go into the water to help her. He wasn't strong, he wasn't a strong swimmer, but unfortunately for her, he was all she had. He looked out over the water. Spotting that behind the girl, the rocks were a lot deeper, so without giving it too much thought, the boy steadied himself and jumped in after her. He quickly resurfaced and faced towards her, his hair now flat on his face. His clothes feeling pretty heavy. His heart was racing in his chest. He really did fear that in only a few seconds it would jump out of his chest. His bright blue eyes were glistening with fear and the tears that had been threatening to fall, merging with the water now on his face. He swum towards her, and then put his arm around her waist. "It's okay, It's not far to the shore." He said, his voice was shaking, he was so scared. He tried to smile, but it wasn't coming. Instead he just refocused himself and with her, swum and lead her to the shore. Where it didn't take long before the rock were less slippy and he could stand easy.

Once he could stand with ease, he removed his arm slightly from around her, and just lead her gentle to were there was much less water, and land was a lot closer. Tybalt was shaking. He was literally shaking. The arm which he'd grazed upon the rock was bleeding pretty badly. But, he didn't say about it. "Are you okay?" He asked her, spluttering slightly as his face was very much soaked. His muscles were exhausted, he was still seeing the images of the last moments with his brother. He was a little bit of a mess, but he needed to know she was all right first.

I know, that's sort of why I joined. Thought it would be pretty funny. I hope this reply is okay, I didn't really know what you were looking for. If there are any issues, just PM and I can edit it. Also, apologies for the slight god-mod.
Juliette could feel her panic rising by the second; she swore the water was rising, maybe it was her mind creating an irrational fear, playing tricks on her. Juliette's grip on the ground was getting worse, she swore she was getting pulled further away, like the rips she was always told about to be aware of at the beaches, she felt her energy getting drained and her will to combat it following. Thankfully the water wasn't so cold that it would cause hypothermia, but still cool enough to slow her down. Tears welled up in her light brown eyes but she refused to let this get the better of her but it felt like she was battling a losing battle, the boy on the shore wasn't really coming in to get her, he looked as if he was standing and watching her as a part of an amusement. She kept on trying to pull herself forward but her clothes were heavy and lack of confidence were weighing her down immensely. Juliette felt herself slip and go under again she scrabbled in slow motion underwater for more grip, her feet sliding on the rocks around her, she would almost find something steady but the rock was too sharp to stand on, she was almost certain she had cut open her feet a few times trying to find a foot hold but she wasn't focusing on it, her number one priority was to survive and thankfully she found a semi solid rock which didn't want to move and wasn't sharp but more rough than she would have hoped for. Forcing her head above water she took in more air. She tried not to thrash, she didn't want to attract any sharks if there were sharks in here.

Juliette cursed herself many times over for never learning how to swim, she didn't know why she never knew how to swim, she was a lonely girl whose parents had too much stuff to do than watch her develop and she ended up spending most of her time engrossed in fairy tales pretending that her life could be better, her heart raced, she thought she was doing the bold Gryffindor thing of facing her fears when she first came down to the lake not that long ago, maybe she got it wrong, was there a house for pathetic and cowardly because that's where she should be, Her Parents would be proud if they found out that she had almost drowned trying to face her fears. Juliette was almost certain the boy wasn't going to help her; she wondered briefly if sinking under the water and just giving up was the best option.
The Young Witch was half shocked at that thought, she wasn't weak like that, and she could survive for a few more hours anyway... hopefully before she had no more strength. Juliette felt the colour fade from her face as what felt like hours went by, she had one foot safely on a rock and the other was waving around trying to find another semi stable rock to step onto, she planned to at least get back to the big rock she was on before and try climb, or at least hang onto it, that way she would be out of danger and someone would find her eventually, she wouldn't dare get back in the water to go to shore. Juliette thought she had another safe foot hold but when she attempted to step on it gave way and she panicked again 'Oh, C'mon Please help me' she whimpered to the boy half frustrated with him and herself for trying to be better than she was.

Juliette paddled around with her arms in a hopeless attempt to try reach something more shallow when she felt an arm around her waist, she half squeaked half started to cry when the boy started to pull her towards the shallows, she tried to help him the best she could 'Not far to shore... Okay' she repeated with a gasp. They reached the shallows in no time and her mind was filling up with insults towards herself for being so stupid and so pathetic that she couldn't reach this far off land. Juliette found it difficult to walk, her legs were shaking and her feet felt raw. The Boy was shaking aswell half of her wanted to hug him and thank him telling him it's okay, but she couldn't muster enough energy, Juliette needed to refocus before she slipped into a delusional state they got to where the water was around their ankles and Juliette stopped walking a took a long shuddering deep breath as she tried to gather some composure, her hands were shaking from shock and she was cold from the cool breeze blowing about, which would have been lovely if she was dry. Juliette took another deep breath and pulled the stray hairs off her face before pulling herself back into motion. Juliette did have one family trait which was moving onto the more important things, The Young witch built a mental barrier in her brain which was holding the most recent thing that happened out of her mind for now, she knew she was going to regret the back lash from this later but Juliette knew the boy was more important she could tell by how he was reacting Juliette stumbled as quickly as she could over to the boy, she saw his arm and didn't say a word, quickly she took his hand and lead him over to a fallen log further up the beach and sat him down on it, studying his arm closely she could see she couldn’t fix it with medicine, a simple band aid wouldn't cover that injury. Juliette could feel him shaking and put her hand on the boys head brushing his hair off his face, Juliette sat back and looked at him in the eyes 'I'm... I'm Fine' she said weakly answering his question 'I Owe you my life, but first you need help, I'll be right back.' she added as she moved down to the water's edge leaving him briefly, her long strides were painful for her feet but she had to focus on him, he seemed to be suffering from a worse type of shock than she was, Juliette felt the mental wall weakening and she paused to push the event out of her, he risked himself for me so she had to help him not collapse into a mumbling mess. Finding her bag she had hidden next to a rock she pulled out her light jacked and dunked half of it in the water before rushing up to the boy and held his arm out, the blood was running down his arm.
Juliette bit her lip and looked the boy in the eyes again 'Hey, My Name's Juliette, What's your name?' she asked as she tried to take his attention, carefully she wipe his arm from the blood then placed the wet half of the jacket on his arm and wrapped the dry half around it to form a sort of large bandage, pulling it tightly she hoped he didn't feel too much pain and the shock was distracting him from what she was doing. 'I... I.. You saved my life, You're a Hero' she said with a light smile as she looked at the boy, her heart was starting to pound hard, she wondered what the boy had gone through to make him like this. Juliette sat up and turned to the boy 'How are you feeling?' she said knowing that he was in this state because of her and he didn't look too good 'Are you Scared of Hospitals or Nurses?' she asked the boy, she wasn't going to take him to the wing if he had a fear of them, that would be just silly. Juliette took another shuddering breath she could feel the walls caving in in her mind as if fire burning through a forest. Juliette stood up and held out her hand, 'C'mon we need to get you up to the Castle' she said quickly, she couldn't break down, not just yet.

Its Perfect, I love unplanned RP's! I hope this RP is good enough, maybe once they're at the wing it can be more socialble, I don't mind little godmods, sorry for the little god mod
As soon as the water had been shallow enough, Tybalt's mind had shut down. He had no idea how to move anymore. The moments from the last time he had needed be on a large body of water had ended terribly. He had been left as the sole male Archer in his family. He had fallen into the water than day, and in that a part of him had floated away. Left, and it's place was a very deep fear of large bodies of water. A fear that wasn't like most others, it brought back the memories, the screams and the cries of that day. How much it had destroyed was reminded to him whenever he went remotely close to large bodies of water. Today he had the unthinkable, unthinkable in his eyes. he had somehow managed to find the courage to get into the water, to save the girl who had needed his help. He hadn't known what had happened. He'd been on second just minding his own, on a wander to somewhere that he hadn't decided upon yet, and then he had been the only person around to save some girl. It was just unfortunate in his mind that he was the one she was stuck with. He was barely keeping it together. He knew she would be looking for comfort, for someone to give her a shoulder to cry on, to be there. He couldn't be that. His entire body was shaking, from both the cold and the fact that he couldn't stop the memories. He just closed his eyes, as he felt the girl walk away from him slightly. He was trying to stop the tears. Though the water dripping from his face would mask them with ease. He rubbed his eyes with the arm he knew wasn't grazed, it was a lot less sore. He was desperate to try to get himself back on the ball. To be able to pay attention to the girl who was maybe hurt. He hated that this was happening. He felt pathetic and week. He felt like he was being selfish, focusing on himself when it was the girl who deserved him to be more attentive to her, than trying desperately to get his own emotions under complete control. Tybalt opened his eyes, but kept them glued to the floor. He couldn't really face the girl. He didn't know how to apologise to her. For him acting like he was. For taking so long to help her. He couldn't find words. The young Gryffindor was completely at a lose over what to say. He wanted to take a step forward, but he couldn't. He was frozen on the spot, that was until the girl took his hand and walked him slightly more towards the dry land. Now, he could at least move. He would be able to walk slightly. Though his steps were unsteady and he wasn't entirely sure he was doing that he would get to the land without falling over. That or he was just about to collapse.

Over a log, and slowly did it. He was shaking all over. He didn't know how to stop himself. He couldn't stop himself. His mind was now slowly, too slowly replaying the last time he had seen his brother. Seen his brother alive that was. The way his brother had reached out to him, but, Tybalt had been unable to find the strength in him to swim closer to his brother to help him. There had been the problem that while the young Gryffindor's life jacket was working, his brother's hadn't for some odd reason. The young Gryffindor, remembered being pulled away. Reach out, and crying out under the water to his brother. He had felt the tears already falling before he'd even been able to be out the water and on dry land. Tybalt continued to let the girl lead, him, trying his hardest to refocus on the moment they were currently in. He looked up at her, and she lead him to the beach and sat him down. Finally out of the water, the boy felt tears spring from his eyes. Just a few, though they easily blended with the water dripping from his very wet hair. The girl spoke, this prompted him to look up at her. She was telling she was alright, and part of him really wanted to believe. So that he could just focus on himself, but he couldn't believe it. He didn't want to focus on himself. He wanted to move on and get rid of the memories in his mind. Throw them out and forget they existed. He knew it was a bad thought, but he half wished he hadn't been at the lake. He knew that it was a terrible thing to think. But, his mind was just racing with everything he had blocked out over the many, many years. He had worked hard to get them out of his mind. The girl moved his wet hair, plastered to his face away from his eyes. Pushing it back, he couldn't really see much. Without his glasses he was flying somewhat blind. With the monochromat vision and no glasses the boy was pretty much blind. She spoke again, but he barely registered what she said. Instead he just nodded and let his blue eyes follow her as she walked away from him. He knew he had to get a grip. He couldn't continue to let his mind be like that. He knew it was bad. He might've just helped her, but she was the one who needed it more than he did. She had been the one needing the help in the first place. He was just the small boy that had for one brief minute been the braver one. He couldn't stop shaking, he couldn't stop his mind from having tears well up in them. The bright blue colour of his eyes glistening with the tears. This wasn't how things were meant to go. He had to stop. He had to be less like himself and more involved with girl he'd helped.

The girl came back over to him, taking his arm and then as he was about to aplogise for taking so long to help her, she spoke, introducing herself as Juliette, he smiled at this. "Tybalt, I think we were both named from the same novel." Tybalt knew he was named after the play by Shakespeare, people from his home in Georgia didn't know why he was named that. His accent was pretty strong, though he couldn't keep his voice from wavering, and just generally sounding like he was about to completely break down. Though he knew his character didn't far well in the play. Tybalt's smiled faded slightly, as she wiped his arm and the wrapping something around it. It looked sort of like a jacket, but he really couldn't be sure. It was wet, and the pressure caused him to wince slightly, but he didn't motion for her to stop. He knew it would be better if he just let the girl go ahead. It was better than just leaving it. He didn't want it to get worse, but he still felt awful for making this about him. She called him a hero, but he waved this off. He really didn't think of himself as that. He didn't want her thinking it either. "I'm not" He said, brushing his eyes with the other arm. Trying to get his face a little more dry. Not wanting to have to be spluttering in talking to this girl. "I just, I couldn't not" He replied, letting his eyes drop to the floor. He was beginning to feel a lot better. A lot more at ease than he had been before. The memories were beginning to fade. Which made him feel a lot better than before. "A lot better, You?" Tybalt answered honestly, looking back up at Juliette. He tried to smile but it failed. He was feeling a lot better. The memories weren't as clear as before. He didn't feel like he was about to collapse, and he was shaking a lot less. He put both his arms around his waist, and held them close to him. He just needed a moment. Although, he was confused by what she said. "Neither. I'm not afraid of hospitals or doctors." He met her eyes, and realised why, his arm needed to be checked out. He didn't want to, but he figured he needed to. He took the girl's hand and stood up. Still unsteady on his feet, but feeling a lot better. He began walking. "I'm sorry." He apologized as they walked. "Are you okay? Are you hurt at all?" He asked, just wanting to take the focus off him.

Should we start a new topic in the hospital wing, or just say that they went? If yes to starting the topic in the hospital wing, do you want to do it, or shall I?
The Boy seemed to have his head in a different time, something was bothering him and she felt a pang in her stomach because she knew it was her fault. Juliette wanted to ask what was wrong but in his current state she would regret his response. She could tell the boy was crying, she felt so sorry for him, Juliette wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay, but she didn't know him well enough. Thankfully the boy was coming back around to his senses slowly and started to respond, the boy introduce himself as Tybalt and she giggled 'I think You're right, my parents have a taste for literature and Shakespeare was and still is one of their favourites' she said trying to brighten up the grim situation. 'That makes you my Cousin' Juliette added while continued to check his arm in case it was bleeding through the wrap she had made for him but it seemed to be under control for now. The boy was very distraught it seemed but as though he was handling it, the witch just hoped that as he came out of shock the pain in his arm wouldn't increase, that was going to make it harder for him to focus. Juliette peeled a few stray hairs off his face and tried to encourage him to talk a bit more. Tybalt denied being a hero and she shook her head, she didn't understand how he could deny such an act. 'If you weren't around I would have died, You saved my Life, You are a hero.' she said, she wasn't going to accept him denying this, He deserved the title, and not many students could say that they saved someone's life.

The boy said that he was better and asked how she was, she tilted her head slightly and smiled 'I'll Survive' she said, wondering how he could focus on her when he was in this situation. Juliette felt his shaking subside slightly when he took her hand to be assisted to stand but she moved so she could support him in case he lost his footing. Tybalt confirmed that he wasn't afraid of Hospitals or Doctors which was good because that's where they needed to go. The boy Apologised to her she shook her head slightly 'No need, I'm the Clumsy one' she said as she took a few steps, she hoped the boy wasn't looking at her because she saw her face was a mask of pain. The boy asked If she was okay and she nodded as she tried to be as light on her feet as possible 'I'm fine, I think my legs are just a bit weak and raw from trying to keep grip on those rocks' she said, she hoped that was the case and she didn't dare to look. Juliette looked at the water briefly and shut her eyes tightly, now was not the time to fall into a state of shock she knew that the boy wouldn't be able to help her with an arm like that. Juliette's feet felt as if they were shredded and someone was pushing bits of wood into the open wounds every time she took a step on something, it was easy to say the pain was not pleasurable when every step she felt as if her feet were going to fall off.

Juliette smiled strongly although every other part of her wanted to cry out in agony. 'How are you feeling Tybalt?' she said wanting to pass the ball of concern back to him. Juliette walked lightly half on her toes as they made their way up to the castle, the wing was up quite a few floors and she hoped that her feet weren't bleeding because that would cause a bit of a problem, but she could feel the slightly warm liquid under her foot, but she made excuses for it. 'Everything's going to work Out Tybalt, trust me' she said making sure he stood up right.

I'll Start one in the Wing and we can continue on this one in there, and i'll bring in my Nurse aswell, I'll PM you the link

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