Water Baby!!

Shaylah took steps forward as the girl took steps back. She laughed when she noticed the girl's brother sat on the floor. "I'm going to have to guess that pathetic and idiotic run in the family." Shay could still feel the blood running over her lips from her nose but ignored it. After this fight, she would go to the hospital wing and have it fixed up in seconds. "The question is though; are you going to apologise??" She smirked as she said it.
"Are you really that thick, that we have to go through all of this again" she said, "the only idiot here that i can see is you" changing her stance just in case the girl decided to go for round two.

"and why would I want to apologise to you?, your just a stuck up b!tch that really is not worth my time"
"Yes because otherwise we're going to be here all day." She grinned. "And believe me; I can do that." She had in fact done it in the past. Neither her nor the girl she was in a fight with wanted to back down so they stood staring at each other for hours.
"You would apologise to me because I am obviously better than you. For starters, I'm a pureblood and if you're one as well then your a traitor to your own kind." Then she smirked. "If I'm not worth your time then why haven't you left already??"
Sam smiled back "oh don't you worry I can stay here as long as this takes for you to get it into your thick head that insulting me and my brother is not a good idea"

Sam laughed at the girl "Yeah, I can really see how much better you are than me, I mean throwing someone who cant swim into a lake, just because he just happened to be here?" she said sarcastically.

She was actually the first pureblood that she had actually been aware that she had met, and if she was anything to go by she didn't need to meet any more of them, although if she wasn't so stuck up she could probably get along with her, especially as she seems to be able to take everything that she had thrown at her, unlike her weakling brother and all of his friends.

"And no, I'm not a pureblood, and If being a pureblood means I would have to be as stuck up as you, I wouldn't want to be"
Shaylah didn't care about people calling her dumb. She knew she wasn't at all smart and also she had spent the whole time she was in Scotland being called names by everyone else. "Just 'cause it's not a good idea, doesn't mean it's not bl00dy fun." Then she laughed. "Serves him right for talking to me. You should teach your brother that Slytherins aren't the people to speak to."
Shaylah was starting to laugh uncontrollably. This girl had been brought up so wierdly. "1. The fat that you're not pureblood is really grose, I feel sorry for you-really I do. 2. What the hell would make you want to say that you don't want to be a pureblood. Purebloods are royalty compared to scum like you."
Sam saw that the girl wasn't bothered by her calling her dumb, she guessed that she would have to try a different tactic to get through to her, "I agree, he is a great target, but he's my brother, I'm the only one that can pick on him"

She smiled relaxing slightly, she didn't think that she would be attacked again, "If I was actually talking to him i'm sure I should teach him"

The girl had began to laugh uncontrollably, she raised a single eyebrow questioningly. "How is it gross?" she asked actually interested now, "wow that's so surprising I thought you would be too self obsessed to feel anything for anyone else"
"No you're not because I've just been picking on him perfectly easily." She smirked, playing with the girl's words. "If I were you, I would dis-own him. He's a weakling and has to get a girl to stand up for him." She shrugged. "Then again, if I was him I'd dis-own you. You're just not worth being related to." Then her mouth dropped. "How can you not see how it's grose. You're blood is probably black because of the amount of dirt in it." Shay had friends who weren't pureblood but she wasn't going to admit that to this girl. "And for your information, I do care for people. The people have to earn it first though. All of my friends have earnt my trust and respect. There is no way either of you have done that."
Sam let the girl get her little speech if her chest, she had obviously been brought up with the frame of mind that having 'pureblood' automatically makes you much better than everyone else, Annoyed with her twisting her words she was getting fed up with this girl now, "You've only just started picking on him, you don't count. I've been picking on him all of his life" she laughed when she suggested her dis-owning her brother "trust me I have thought about it".

Confused by the girls statement about her blood she let it slide, sticking with the predictable response "You actually have friends?"
"What difference does that make??" Shaylah frowned. "If you've thought about it then why don't you do it. Duh." How can she be so dumb?? Shaylah thought to herself as she looked the girl up and down. She obviously had no pride in herself.
"Oh wow. You're so clever." Shaylah said sarcastically. "Why would I not have friends. I mean, hello, this is me we're talking about. Think about what you're saying before you say it." She glared at the girl with her dark eyes and grinned evily. She only had this grin on when she was having fun with someone.
"It makes every difference" she said, she didn't really know why it did only that it should, she smiled this girl really doesn't get the concept of family she thought to herself, sam laughed "you can't just dis-own and forget about your twin, it's not that easy"

Sam noticed that her hair was still wet and dripping down her front she rung it out as much as she could before "Yes, I think that fact it is you is the problem here, I can't see you being very friendly" she smiled she was no longer mad, it was actually starting to become entertaining
"How does it make a difference." She laughed. "Wow. You've been picking on him you're whole life. Big woop. Go on. Name one way in which it makes a difference." She looked into the girl's eyes wondering what was going on inside them. Shay could usually read people quite well. Mainly because her dad had taught her how. "How is it not easy. Believe me, if my dad ever ened up like that, I'd disown him and that's saying a lot."
"That's because you've only ever seen me around you and-" Shaylah looked over at the boy and laughed. "-well, him. Around the right people I am very friendly but like I have already said; people who want to be my friend have to earn my trust and respect first. For someone like you, that could prove as a very difficult task." She saw the girl wringing her hair out but didn't care that hers was still dripping wet. She had spent most of her life in the pouring down rain so it didn't bother her one bit.
"It makes a difference 'cuz im obviously better at it than you because I have had so much more practice at it" she answered quickly.

she noticed the girl was trying to read her, well good luck she thought to herself. she had always been hard for anyone but her brother, she laughed again "because, he's my silly little brother, I might not like him but I do still love him".

Sam felt a small grin wipe across her face "now what makes you think that I would want to be one of those 'right people' that you are nice around, and I have nothing at all to prove to you"

Sam kicked her brother hard giving him another reminder that he should have been gone ages ago, she was sure that it hurt him but she didn't hear any noise from him. She pictured him just sat there in a trance watching us silly boy she commented in her mind.
"Juat because You've been picking on him longer than me doesn't mean you're better. I've known him about half an hour now and I've already found out his weekness. Personally, I thin that's pretty good." She smirked as she said it in a I'm-better-than-you sort of voice.
"That makes no sense at all. You really need to get your words straight." Shaylah put her hand on her hip and continued to glare into the girl's eyes.
"Because by hanging around with me you get respect. Something you obviously don't have. Plus, you have everything to prove to me. For starters, you need to prove that you're not a complete and utter m0r0n." She grinned.
Shay then laughed slightly when the girl kicked her brother again. "Yeah. I can see that you have a great relationship with him." She smiled as she watched for her reaction.
"Knowing how simple my brother is, he probably told you that he cant swim, so I don't think you get the credit for working that one out" she stated simply,

She thought back over her words trying to work out what she said that didn't make sense she quickly gave up, it didn't really matter she knew what she meant to say but things often refuse to come out in a way that other people can understand.

Sam decided that she would play along for a while, it's not like she had anything better to do anyway, she nodded her head as if she were really taking in what the girl had to say, even though she was hardly listening. "so how would I go about proving myself to you?" she asked trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice, but not doing a very good job of it.
Shaylah shrugged. "I still had to get him to speak." She grinned as she kne how easy it had been to get the information out of the boy.
"That's easy-" Then she hesitated. "-Well, for anyone other tha you it's easy." She smirked. "Basically, you have to provethat even though your blood isn't pure-although it's o much easier for you if it is-you have a pure mind. That means that if you see a muggle or a mud blood, you immediately throw them out of you're life. Either that or you mae their life hell. I personally prefer to make their life hell. It's so much more fun." She smiled.

(soz lame. lol.)
James had been watching his sister in awe, struggling with the shock from almost drowning, He had been vaguely aware of the a fight breaking out, but he couldn't seem to break the trance he was in.

A sharp pain hit his leg jolting him back to reality , he realised that his sister must of been trying to get him to move, He got up shakily looking at the other the girl with wide eyed fear, he started to back away as quick as he could, when he was sure that he had got far enough away he turned to run, almost tripping on his own leg, he looked back to check that she wasn't going to come and get him and began to run home.
Sam watched her brother stumble around and run away, she tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably as a laugh escaped her lips.

"Mud-blood?" Sam asked, although half her family is magical she doesn't really know a lot about it. She thought about what the girl had said, "I get how that could be fun, but im in no hurry to be a b!tch like you" she said cheeky smile, she was just playing with the girl now, it was kind of fun.
Shaylah laughed as she saw the boy trying to run away. "Pathetic." She said through laughter.

"Yes. Mud-blood. You're very clever. You can finally say a two syllable word." She said sarcastically. "And like I already said; it's not very likely that you'd ever get into my group of friends." Shaylah started thinking. What if this girl's Gryffindor?? Then this could get really fun. "So, what house are you in then??" She grinned.
Sam shot the girl a dirty look "I meant what does it mean?".

She was confused, why did it even matter to her what house she was in, she didn't even know her name, she paused a while thinking why the girl would care, "Hufflepuff,...I would ask you back but 1) I couldn't care less and 2) I think I already know."

"why does it matter anyway?" she asked shifting her weight from her lag that had now gone dead from standing on it for so long.
Shaylah's jaw dropped and she continued to laugh. "Merin's beard. You don't know what a mud-blood is?? You've seriously grown up in a deprived life." She smiled. "It's someone who's also known as a muggle born. They are disgusting and don't deserve to be at this school. I agree with Durmstrang's way of working. They don't allow mud-bloods in the school." She smirked.
Shaylah shrugged. "It could be worse I suppose." She grinned. "It matters because then I know how sh!t you are."
Sam felt on edge as the girl was laughing at her, she has always hated with being laughed at, but could not help but chuckle at the girls use of words in her head 'Merlin's beard'.

"Is that really fair though, I think that everyone should get a chance to go to school and learn magic" she said deliberately to push the girls buttons.

A smile returned to her face "Well were better than slytherins by far" she resisted the urge to poke her tongue out she thought that it would be taking it a little too far.
"Yeah it is. They take magic rom our world so they shouldn't be allowed to be taught how to use it. They're thieves. Any other person caught steeling ends up in azkaban, even if it is only for a short period of time." Shaylah frowned. "Mud-bloods are worthless scum who don't deserve to have anything."
Then she burst out laughing. "Hufflepuffs better than slytherins. That's a good one." She continued laughing. "You're very funny."

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