Water Baby!!

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah stood by the water's edge. She was in a bad mood. She hadn't seen her dad in three months and he'd stopped writing to her for reasons unknown to her. She was going to get him back when she went home for the christmas holidays though. She was going to find out the answer and then make sure he didn't forget that he had to write to her.
As she couldn't do that till she got home, she was going to substitute him with freaks from the other houses. The next person she saw was going to wish they never cam past this part of the lake. This was, after all, where Shay and her group of friends spent a load of their time. They wanted to warn away unwanted company and what better way was there to do it.
James was walking along the bank of the lake cautiously watching his footing even though he was far from the edge.

He was looking for his sister - she had stormed away from him earlier after she learned he had been keeping in contact with their mother, he remembered how angry she was and began to think twice about searching for her just now when he noticed a girl about his age standing on the water's edge.

He decided she looked nice enough and walked over, "Hi, sorry to bother you, don't suppose you have noticed a rather angry girl anywhere near here?" he asked in a polite tone and smiled, waiting for a reply.
Shaylah turned at the sound of someone behind her. It was unlike her not to hear people coming but she let the thought slip from her mind. This was her victim. A boy quite a bit taller than her-no shock there-with brown hair and blue eyes. "You what??" She looked him up and down. "The only angry girl around here is me." She smirked at him. "I think I'm about to have a lot of fun." The boys next reaction would show Shaylah what she wanted to know about the boy.
James stepped back quickly shocked by the angriness of the girl, he started to work out which way would be best to run if things got much worse as his 'fight or flight' kicked in.

He decided that for once he was NOT going to run from conflict, if his sister could do it so could he.

"why are you so angry?" he asked slowly, still considering turning 180 and sprinting for his life.
Shaylah laughed in his face. The nerve of some people. Like she was ever going to talk about her life to anyone other than her friends. They were the only people she trusted. Her dad had taugt her not to trust people and she had found out the hard way that he was right. Shay pushed the boy in the direction of the lake. "Look, kid. You stay out of my personal life or you're going to end up looking much worse than I already have planned." She smirked as she looked into his eyes.
The girl laughed at him, he didn't understand this at first, he thought that she was mad not happy and he couldn't recall saying anything funny to her, then hit him just as she pushed him towards the water, she most defiantly is mad and is going to take it out on him.

He saw his feet moving closer to the water, he dug his heels in as much as he could and hoped for the best, he stopped inches from the edge, he turned abruptly back to the girl, his mind telling him to be careful if he didn't want to end up drowning today, "please don't" he begged "I can't swim" he admitted hoping for sympathy.
A smirk emerged across Shaylah's face. She was glad that the boy had spilled this bit of information. She could easily use it against him. "Is that so??" She grinned. Suddenly, she grabbed the scruff of his collar and put her foot over his feet then she pushed so she was the only he wasn't falling in. "You're really going to wish you didn't tell me that. Seriously, you needto know what to tell people and what to keep to yourelf."
James instantly regretted telling her that he can't swim and grasped tightly to her wrist as she grabbed a handful of his collar, he felt her light weight on his foot stopping him from falling... at the moment anyway, he started to panic, what would happen if she did push him in there was no way that she was going to have a change of heart and pull him out again, and sam was nowhere to be seen and is probably too mad at him to bother anyway.

"yeah, defiantly starting to understand that now" he said fairly sarcastically and more to himself than to the girl.
“ummm, I don’t know what has upset you or whatever... but I don’t think it’s very nice for you to take it out on me like this” he said weakly trying make her see some sense.
Shaylah couldn't help but laugh at him. He was so pathetic. She lowered him so he was closer to the water. "I know it's not very nice." She smirked. "Doesn't mean I care. You're just a pathetic little idiot who happened to speak to me at the wrong time." She grinned. Shay knew her dad wouldn't be happy if he saw her like this. He'd always tried to make her not like him but after everything he had done, Shay was still like the bully he had been like in HS.
He couldn't believe it she was laughing at him again, he felt himself getting closer to the water, he started to grip her wrist harder, digging his nails in hard - he was sure that he would be drawing blood by now... but he didn't care if he was going in this water so was she - that way he would have something that floats to hold onto.

"And just because I just happened to talk to you is a good reason reason to try and KILL ME??" hoping that this might make her think better of what she was doing, and take him away from the edge out the water, he looked around desperate for something or someone to help him.
Shaylah could feel a pain in her wrist but wasn't paying any attention to it until she saw the blood trickling down her wrist and around her hand. The little sh!t She thought to herself. "It's a good enough reason for me. Especially as you've made me bleed." Shaylah let go of him and took her foot off his leaving him to fall to the water. She smirked as he hit the water and just completely ignored the little pain that she could feel where the blood was cming from.
He felt her let go, his hand immediately slipped from her wrist, so much for taking her with him, his back hit the water first. All of his limbs started to thrash in a completely uncoordinated fashion, the water started to find it's way to his mouth and he began to choke. He used his last good breath to scream hoping someone who cared would help.
Sam had been watching the girl beat up her brother for sometime arguing with herself about going to save him or not, she was still really mad at him, but unfortunately he was still her brother.

As James hit the water Sam sprinted at the girl, she pushed her hard in the back and sent her flying into the water alongside her brother and dived in to pull her now fully submerged brother out.

She was partially aware of her clothes clinging to her skin, but was more focused on the scuff of James' neck in her hand, she used all her strength and pulled him to the surface.
Shaylah felt something hit her hard in the back. She fell forward and went under the water. When she pushed herself up above the suface of the water, she looked to see the source of the push. It turned out to be a girl that Shaylah had seen in one of her classes. She couldn't remember the girl's name or what house she was in. Shaylah swam to the edge and pulled herself out. She didn't care that she was now soaking wet. It suited her fine. "Who's that then?? You're girlfriend??" She smirked at the boy.
Sam pulled her coughing brother to the side, and pushed him out and climbed out beside him.

She looked at the girl with disgust and hatred "No, I am not his girlfriend, I'm His sister and you have made a HUGE mistake messing with him" She took a step towards the girl, ready for a fight to start.

"what the hell did he do to you anyway?"
"Girlfriend, sister. Same thing really." Shaylah shrugged as she looked at the girl. She was taller than Shaylah but once again, that meant nothing to her. "Some how I don't think I made a mistake. I had fun. That's not a mistake." She laughed remembering the last person she had got in a fight with. "Who said he did anything?? He was in the wrong place at the wrong time speaking to the wrong person. Not my fault he's an idiot."
Sam heard the girl laugh, this really annoyed her smiled a fake smile at the girl "You little B!tch, what makes you think that you can pick on him like that just because he was here and he was talking to you. And my brother is no idiot."
Shaylah grinned. "And people say I have a short temper." She smirked. "He makes it very hard for you to say that he isn't an idiot. You're no better." She shrugged. "It's ok though. It can only go up from here." She smiled.
Sam struggling to control her temper, she would be so dead if her dad caught her creeping in after yet another fight but this girl was pushing it now, “look, I warned you.” She took the final closing step towards the girl she could almost feel the heat from her body. “I don’t particularly like my brother at the moment, but that does not give you the right to pick on him like that” she thought her next move through carefully. “Now you can either back away and apologize to my little brother, or this is going a lot worse for you.”
Shaylah smiled coldly as the girl stepped closer once more. This was getting fun for her. This girl was making it fun."Ooo. You warned me did you." She laughed. She realised how her dad wouldn't be very pleased to find out that she has been in yet another fight but she didn't care. The adrenaline she got from fights was too good to avoid. "There is no way I'm ever apologising to that baby and there is also no way I'm backing down from you. I've fought people much bigger than you in the past so you're nothing." Shaylah glared into the girls eyes. Because of the light, Shay's eyes looked completely black. This was one thing shelovd about her eyes. They gave off a menacing feature when she was in the right light.
Sam could tell that this was going to escalate very quickly from here. “I did warn you b!tch” she mumbled through gritted teeth as she threw her fist with all her might towards the girls stomach knowing that even the fastest reflexes could dodge that punch she awaited the girls reaction.
Shaylah didn't have time to react when her stomach was punched. She fell to her knees clutching her stomach. Knowing that it was a bad idea to sit there for to long, she grabbed the girls legs and pulled them out from underneath her before moving closer so she was able to pin her down.
She hit the ground with a thud she felt her shoulder click as she tried to move – great another injury to try and explain away she thought to herself, she was bigger than the girl, she knew that this was an advantage, she shifted her wait and rolled them over so she was now pinning the girl to the ground looking her in the eyes “still don’t feel like saying sorry?” she asked while landing an mean punch to the girls nose she felt it crunch under her knuckles.
Shaylah gasped as she felt her nose crunch. She was now in a lot of pain and could feel the blood running down her nose but she wasn't the kind of person to moan about pain. She brought her knees up to her chest and kicked the girl off of her. "Why would I??" She grinned and punched the girls cheek. Shay had been in quite a lot of fights so she was good at hitting her target.
Sam felt the warm tingle of pain spread across her cheek, she got back to her feet her shoulder was throbbing but she wasn’t going to give up, she took a couple of steps back to give her time to react to the girls next move she jumped slightly as her heel came into something unexpectedly soft on the ground, and realized that it was her younger brother, “what the hell are you still doing here?” she hissed in his direction.

Waiting for the girl to come at her again she gave her brother another push with her foot.

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