Open Watching the Rain

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (15)
Friday often found herself pretty bored at school. There just wasn't always a lot to do, and the days being wet as they were, limited the options that she actually had further. The gryffindor had finished up the classes for the day and where others went to do homework or whatever boring and lame thing, Friday just decided to watch the rain, hoping that it would eventually stop. Then she could at least go outside and walk around, that would something else for her to do. But for now, Friday was just leaning against the door frame into the school, and watching the rain pelter down.
The rain stirred within Teddy a flood of memories. His muggle grandfather would often sit by the window, lamenting the ceaseless downpour with a somber, "Oh, will it ever stop raining?" Teddy always found it entertaining to watch because the answer was always yes. The rain would eventually stop, and by that time, his muggle grandfather would have found something else to complain about.

Today, Teddy dug out an umbrella buried within his trunk, an umbrella that same grandfather had given him. Teddy barely ever used it, honestly he thought it was a naff gift even by muggle standards, but today was a perfect umbrella day. Slipping it under his arm, Teddy headed for the castle doors. A wry smile graced his lips as he spotted Friday at the entrance, her solitary figure framed against the backdrop of rain. Her silhouette bore an uncanny resemblance to his grandfather. "You could have done with one of these" Teddy said to her, waving his folded umbrella towards her, close enough that it could hit her, but far enough away that she could avoid it.
Friday was really hoping it would stop, but it just kept raining, the rain continuing to pour down. It was annoying. She didn't have anything else to do with her time, not anything worth it, so instead she was just watching the rain as it poured. That was until she was interrupted by Teddy, which of course it was him, being a little annoying brat and making her dodge out the way of his umbrella. "Well, can I have that one," she said, pointing to it.
Teddy moved his umbrella in a flourished circle and just at the moment where it looked like he was going to give it to her, he tucked it under his arm. "No, this is mine," he replied, "It's all I have to remember my dear old grandfather by so it's very dear to me. You remind me of him actually." he said, it wasn't a compliment. "But if you have something to trade, then I might be interested."
Friday didn't really want the umbrella, she didn't need to go out into the rain, it was bound to stop soon and then that would be fine. "Oh do I?" she asked, sure that her being like his grandfather was probably not a compliment. "Nothing to trade, not actually interested," she then replied since she wasn't. Friday didn't need the umbrella because she didn't need to go outside.

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