Wasting Time Is So Overrated

Arielle Lemaire

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust.
Going to the mall had always been gruelling task for Arielle, she never wanted to go. She thought all of the stores sold cheap, tacky items, things she never wanted to be associated with. Nothing at the mall had ever appealed to her, nothing a poor person would wear had ever appealed to her. She only wore clothing imported from foreign countries, she only wore unique clothing, clothing that nobody else owned. Arielle had never understood why her father sent her to the mall knowing this. Maybe he hoped that if she went to the mall, she would make some friends in New Zealand. She wanted a friend, she just didn't want any kind of a friend that had the taste to shop somewhere so common like a mall. Arielle let out an exasperated sigh as the car pulled up to the entrance, she reluctantly exited the car and entered the main shopping area.

Arielle looked around to see if there was anywhere that caught her eye and as always, there was nothing. Usually, Arielle would start to walk around and pretend like she was interested in what the stores had to offer, but she was tired of walking around aimlessly. She knew she could be doing something more productive with her time. She was lucky she had her sketch book with her that day, she smiled to herself, pleased she could spend the day drawing possible clothing designs. Looking around for an exit, Arielle noticed a small group of boys staring at her from a distance. She was used to this, she thought it was becauce she looked so rich. Arielle ignored them, as she usually did, somebody that was staring at her and not making any effort to hide how obvious it was, was not worth any time she had. Continuing to look for an exit, she realised the closest exit was the door she came in through.

Arielle turned around and walked through the doors again, this time she was leaving the mall. She needed a place to sit and sketch, a place where the car would be able to find her when it was time for her to be picked up. The only place in sight was the fountain, it was directly outside the mall and she would be able to see the car when it arrived. Smirking to herself, Arielle walked up to the fountain and pulled the sketch book and a pencil out from her bag. She sat down on the fountain wall and started to draw, she always thought she was good at drawing. She had drawn for most of her life, she would usually design clothing, due to the fact she was most interested in fashion. Paying attention to every detail in her drawing, Arielle was pleased she could spend her time doing something she loved instead of wasting her time walking around some mall.
Ryan was not happy he had been forced by his parents to go in and go shopping with his sister.He didn't see the appel to shopping you walked around bought stuff you didn't need and get sore feet it was not an appeling thing but his parents had given him the guilt treatment so he had gone.He walked in with his sister but the minute they walked in she was gone looking at stuff she already had so he just looked around the shopping center hoping she would be done soon.

He bought an ice-cream and walked towards the exit to get some fresh air.When he was outside he noticed a girl around his age sitting by the fountain drawing he wondered was she going to Hogwarts.He debated whether or not he should go over she looked busy but he knew his sister would be shopping for hours.Finally he walked over "Hey"He said hoping he had made the right decision he took a look at her drawings "Nice drawings"He said he had not intrst in fashion or drawing but he thought it would be rude not to comment.
It hadn't always been tipical for Arielle to pay great attention to her drawing, it was something she was deeply passionate about. She didn't spend much of her time drawing, she was usually too busy perfecting how she looked to just sit down and draw. Today was different, she wanted to make her stcetches look perfect, she didn'nt know if it was because she was in a public place and somebody might see them or if she just wanted to distract herself from the world. Either way, she felt relaxed and didn't want to stop anytime soon. She was absprbed in her drawing, she hadn't been so distracted by it before. It was unusual for her, she didn't mind though, she was just happt that she could spend her precious time doing something she actually found interesting.

Arielle then heard a noise, it sounded like somebody saying somehting to her. She looked up and saw a boy about her age. He was holding an Ice Cream. She had been too focused on her drawing that she couldn't remember what the boy had said. She didn't know what to do, she usually focused on socializing than drawing but now it was different. She had never been in a situation like this before, "Um, what?" she asked the boy, her french accent as obvious as usual. She was hoping she didn't sound stupid, she was distracted by her drawings after all.
Ryan was wondering if she hadn't heard him because she was do in grossed in her drawing he was deciding whether he should repeat himself or walk away when but then she looked up.He felt a bit bad for distracting her but he may as well repeat himself "I said your drawings are very nice"He said looking more closely at the drawings this time she was very good.
Realising the boy had commented on her dawing, Arielle looked down at her sketch book. She thought her drawing was okay, she had drawn better things in the past. She was only drawing now so she could kill time, she wasn't drawing for it to look any good. She knew it was rude to not pay any attention to what another person had said. Arielle continued to look at her sketchbook. "I'm sorry i wasn't paying any attention to what you had said, i was just so distracted by my drawing." she said with a small smile. She hoped that the boy didn't think that she was rude.

She felt slightly embarassed that she hadn't inroduced herself yet, She looked back at they boy and looked deep into is eyes "My name's Arielle." she said with a sweet smile. Her French accent was just as obvious as before. She didn't care as usual. "Are you going to sit and tell me your name or are you just going to stand there?" she asked jokingly, she expected the boy to sit next to her. It was the polite thing to do. She looked up at the boy expectantly.

OOCOut of Character:
It's kind of a crap post, sorry :)
Ryan was glad when there was some sort of a response. "Its fine I'm like that when I'm playing my music"He said which was true he never heard his parents calling him when he was playing his music he was in a world of his own

Ryan managed to look in her eyes without blushing which is what usually happened. "Nice to meet you Arielle my names Ryan"He said smiling not minding her French accent he himself was part French. "Well no"He said smiling and slightly embaressed.He sat on the other side of her drawing so he was sitting opposite her."I'm guessing your not from here"he said his Irish accent coming through
Intrigued by the comment they boy had made, Arielle naturally wanted to know more. He was interested in music and she was interested in anything artistic and creative. "Music, huh?" She said with another smile, she naturally flirted with boys; it was something she couldn't help. She had always socialised that way and she wasn't about to stop now. She understood where he was coming from, when you are so focused on something creative the rest of the world fades away. For somebody with a creative mind, it wasn't such a big deal. For Arielle, it was. She enjoys socialising and talking to people, so when she realised she was zoning out she started to feel a little uneasy. She ignored it though, she knew it was a one off situation and she could always recover from it if it happened again.

The boy was named Ryan. Arielle liked the name, she thought it suited him well. She had always liked her name, she thought it was pretty and she liked how it suited her looks. The looks she works so hard to perfect. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Ryan." She said as he sat across from her, she wanted to know a little more about him. He seemed interesting; she could tell he wasn't from New Zealand either. He had an accent; it sounded like it was from somewhere in Europe, she could instantly tell it wasn't French. "No, I'm from France. You sound like you aren't from here either." she said flashing him another perfect smile.
Ryan saw her perk up when he said he was into music "Ya I always liked music what about you do you like it"He asked pleasantly he was enjoying this conversation at the moment and he hoped it would last as long as his sisters shopping time

Ryan smiled when she said she was from France he had gone there on a holiday there once he had stayed in a cave house it had been a nice holiday and he loved the French accent "I've always wanted to live in France for a while"he said sighing it was something he was detirmined to do. "No I'm from Ireland"H said smiling wondering if she knew where it was "The weather is a lot different here in the summer then in Ireland"he said smiling it was nice to have the sun shinning for more then two hours a day
Arielle was interested in what Ryan had to say about his music. She had always liked music but she wouls nevery try to play anyhting in her life. Her real passion was in drawing and fashion design. "I like how on songs all the notes fit with eachother perfectly and everyhting falls into place as the song continues to play." she said with another flawless smile in Ryans direction. She had always flaunted her looks, she knew it was one of the best traits about her. Apart from her money and heritage.

Becoming more interested in Ryan as he spoke about wanting to live in France, Arielle raised an eyebrow at him. He was actually interested in France and she took complete interest in anybody who even talked about her home country. "I have not been to Ireland before" Arielle said with a sigh. "I haven't been out of New Zealand since my father and i first moved." Arielle admitted to Ryan. She missed France, she missed how perfect her life was there. She missed her friends most of all. Even though she hadn't heard from them since she lived in France. "What's it like in Ireland?" she asked, hiding her longing with another perfect smile.
Ryan smiled when she said she liked music "Yes i know what you mean"He said smiling and looking around to see if his sister was coming he didn't want her to as he was having a nice time talking to Arielle

He was confused when her eyebrow went up when he said he wanted to live in France but he ignored it. "No not many people vist Ireland"He said smiling that wasn't exactly true a lot of people visted Ireland but not for its weather but for the historic facts there.He himself had lived by the Rock of Cashel which is visted by thousands of people each year. "When did you move here"He asked feeling sorry for her she had obiously liked her home in France and she wished to go back there "Well its has a lot of green areas its a very small country and the weather isn't that good there.Its known for its beautiful countryside and out National colors are green white and orange.More then half the population of America has an Irish decendant and we are an indepenent country"Ryan said he wasn't sure if had overloaded her with information but that was basically the information about Ireland but of course there was lots on the history of Ireland but he didn't think she would want to know that. "Well thats it"He said smiling "So could you tell me a bit about French"He asked
Ryan was interesting, there was no doubt about it. She smiled again as he agreed about what she had said about music. It was something she enjoyed a lot. "I moved here a few years ago, my father got a job offer here that was too good to pass up." she said casually, the move to New Zealand wasn't hard, it was the aftermath that was hard for her. The hardest part was loosing all her friends in France and not making any new ones in New Zealand. She had always thougth she was likeable but her opinion had changed once nobody in the country she had seem would bother to talk to her. They always looked at her though, Arielle always assumed it was beacuse she looked so classy.

After Ryan had told her quite a bit about Ireland, Arielle smiled at him again. She thought it was funny and adorable thst he seemed sp passionate about his home country. She was the same with France. It was obviously something they both had in common. "France is beautiful and is the fashion capital of the world, alot of celebrities go there and alot of classy people live there." She said, her smile widening "It's my favourite place in the whole world, i haven't gone back since i moved though." She stated, she longed to go back there. It was where she felt she belonged. She had always felt more at home in France than New Zealand.
"Oh I see"He said that must of been hard to leave all her friends but he had the same experience he was in the process of moving to England because his dad had inherited a house from their grand aunt.She must be thinking of France he said in his head he then too had a flash back of his life i Ireland and how great it had been he sighed and looked at Arielle in the eyes and smiled

Arielle was a lot like his sister Kate because of the way they both smiled a lot and they both loved their country so much.Like Arielle his sister smiled nearly all the time he guessed that is why she was in Hufflepuff she had always been so caring. "He smiled when she gave her information on France he hadn't really known about its fashion industry but then again he was a boy.He smiled when he saw her face light up when she talked about France it was what he did when talking about Ireland. "I can see that.It must be hard though not going back"He said sadly feeling sorry for her he hadn't been to Ireland in about six months and how he wished he could just go back now and be a normal kid and not have magical powers. "I wish I could go back to Ireland soon"He said sighing in a way it was nice to have someone not related to him and the same age that had moved to another country and longed to be back at their home
It was a little unusual, Arielle felt as though her and Ryan were pretty much the same. She never really felt similar to another person but right now she did. She had a thought about how stupid she was thinking, she had only just met the boy and she hadn't put up the usual guard that she had around new people. It started to make her feel angry with herself. She looked away from Ryan and frowned. She shook her head slightly, the feeling she had made her feel as though she was one of the "Nice" people that she had made such an effort to differ from. It sickened her. She didn't want to be one of them.

Looking back at Ryan, Arielle didn't feel like smiling anymore. She had put her guard up and wanted to keep it that way until she knew more about Ryan. "It is hard not going back." She said in a casual tone, she didn't want to show any emotion but she decided to show a little to keep the conversation going and to keep Ryan in a calm state of mind. She had learned to keep her guard up without the other person knowing for a while. She had gotten quite good at it. She was fond of the social skills she had obtained in New Zealand; they kept her safe from the general population, one that was filled with fakes.
He frowned when she looked away he hoped he hadn't said anything insulting but he decided to ignored it but a bit more cautious.

But he became even more worried when she wasn't smiling away and he could tell that it showed.He didn't won't this conversation to end he had genuinely liked talking to Arielle they had a lot in common.But it confused him even more when she had such a casual tone he was a bit annoyed but he tried not to show it deteirmind to find out was wrong."Yes I know what you mean"He said in the same casual tone. "Do you have any brother or sisters"He asked wanting to know as much as he could about this girl.
A feeling of guilt entered Arielle as she noticed Ryan frown. She had always been able to read body language very well and Ryan frowned, it was an obvious sign that he wasn't happy with something, Her newly recovered distance perhaps? It didn't matter if Ryan felt like Arielle wasn't being the same as before. Arielle didn't trust him and when she trusts people she shouldn't she would usually get hurt. As would any person if they trusts who they weren't supposed to. It wasn't because Ryan seemed like a bad person or anything, she just didn't want to make a stupid decision and trust him when he wasn't trust worthy. That's why her guard was up.

Noticing that Ryan started to look worried, the feeling of guilt got worse. Arielle wouldn't usually feel guilty about having her guard up around somebody she didn't know. She would think it was the right thing to do. She did think it was the right thing to do in this case but she felt guilty too. It was a torn feeling. "No, I am an only child." Arielle stated. She was being honest but she still wasn't about to let her guard down until she knew Ryan at least a little better. "What about you?" Arielle asked with another casual tone, this time it was calmer then the one before.
Ryan was still confused as to why she was giving him the cold shoulder.But then he remembered some of the people he first met had been closed and not willing to give information but as he had talked to them he had earned their trust and they had then become good friends so his only conclusion to Arielle's behaiver was this.So he decided to ignore thsi and just carry on as if nothing happened

He saw a look of guilt in Arielle's eyes and he sort of felt bad for her but then he remembered it was kind of her own fault so he ignored it.He was going to act as if nothing happened so he smiled at her and answered her questions quite happily "I have three sisters one of which is my twin while the others are also twins and they are nearly completed there first year in Hogwarts"He said smiling.He wanted to earn her trust it usually wasn't hard because he was a very trustworthy person it was a characteristic his parents had always praised him about. "Whats your heritage"He asked
It was something Arielle was used to, Ryan had continued the conversation as if nothing had happened. Arielle felt relieved, she didn't want her feeling of guilt to continue and it went away as soon as she noticed that he wasn't frowning anymore. She was willing to give information to him, she just needed to get to know enough about him in case he tried to hold anything against her. Ryan seemed like the kind of person that wouldn't do that but it never hurt to be cautious. Arielle did think it was a good idea to be cautious, she didn't want to make unnecessary chances that she would come to regret.

Arielle wasn't surprised in any manor to hear that Ryan had a few siblings, she could usually tell when someone has a lot of family members as they aren't usually spoiled and selfish like an only child would be. Arielle respected that Ryan could keep a calm exterior, she knew that she couldn't handle another child in her family. It would be to stressful for her, she had always been glad that she didn't have a brother or sister to take everything she had away from her. "Well, I moved here from France and now I live here with my father." Arielle stated while shrugging, she didn't know Ryan well enough yet to tell him about her mother, they had only just met anyway.
Ryan was glad when everything seemed to be back to normal even though she was being very cautois when her answers.He could see she was relived he wasn't frowning anymore.He looked at her properly for the first time.She looked like a person who had recieved a lot of attention but she wasn't a spoiled brat or she didn't seem to anyway

Ryan nodded when she gave her answer he wondered where her mother was but he didn't ask as that would of been rude and anyway they had just met.There was a silence between them for a few moments as Ryan tried to think of another question he wondered was she going to Hogwarts or not he decided to risk the question. "Where will you be attending school"He asked politely not letting anything on
Being an only child was something Arielle had grown used to. She liked having no brothers and sisters, it meant that she could have more time alone and more attention from her father. Arielle liked being around her dad, she just didn't like it when he sent her somewhere that she didn't want to go, like a mall. Arielle didn't care as much today because she had a decent way to spend her time, drawing and talking to Ryan, the boy she had just met. She was accustomed to walking around the mall all day and doing nothing until she was supposed to be picked up, today had an obvious difference. Arielle knew her father must not know her that well, she hated malls and the cheap clothing the sold. It felt cheap to her at least since she was used to buying the finest clothes from France and Italy.

The silence that was between the both of them after Ryan nodded at her answer was awkward and unnerving for Arielle. She had a feeling that Ryan might be thinking about something serious. She dismissed the idea once she remembered that she couldn't read people very well, unless they were being so obvious a monkey could read them. The only thing Arielle could read in people was what clothes they were wearing, how they looked and if they were fake or not. Unfortunately, Arielle had never been able to read what people were thinking like a lot of other people could. She didn't mind much though, she could usually tell a person by their looks anyway. "I will be going somewhere special, not where normal people go." Arielle stated casually once again, she didnt want Ryan to find out that she was magical so she said it in an obvious but in an also not so obvious way.
Ryan even though they had had a little blip in their conversation was rather enjoying the evening.He liked talking to Arielle she wasn't a boring person with one word answers like some people.He was glad that he had come out here usually he would be sitting alone inside eating his ice-cream and extremly bored maybe a girl or two would come up but they didn't have much to talk about.

The only bad thing about this meeting was that his ice-cream had melted so he hadn't had his daily intake of ice-cream.He knew this was stupid and Arielle would probably think him as a complete nutter if he told her this so he decided to say he wanted some ice-cream but he wanted to hear he answer to his question first. "So you are going to Hogwarts"He asked knowing that was a very dangerous thing to say but he had seen the look on her face and so he had taken the dare. "Do you want some ice-cream"He asked already thinking about what flavour he wanted
The topic of the conversation completely changed when Ryan asked Arielle if she was going to Hogwarts. She was and since Ryan knew about it she obviously assumed that he was magical and was going to Hogwarts too. Arielle was a little shocked that Ryan actually had the guts to say something like that in a public place. There weren't many people around but Arielle still wanted to be cautious. It wasn't appropriate to talk about the magical world around muggles. At least muggles that didn't know anything about the magical world. Arielle was a little impressed by Ryan's attempt to find out if she was going to Hogwarts. She thought it was so careless that it was admirable. "Yeah, I am. And you Ryan?" Arielle said while batting her eyelashes in an oh so obvious way. She meant it as a joke and she looked at Ryan and hoped that he didn't take it in the wrong way at all.

Seeing that Ryan's Ice Cream had melted. Arielle let out a laugh. She thought it was hilarious that Ryan's arm had Ice Cream dripping down it. She didn't want an Ice Cream however, she had always wanted to keep a healthy lifestyle and eating an Ice Cream would go against her morals, Ryan was kind to offer her one but she wasn't going to take the offer, she had enough money of her own to spend and letting Ryan spend his money on her would be a waste anyway. "No thank you, I don't eat Ice Creams." Arielle said softly, she was being honest. She was honest at times but she knew that she could successfully lie when she needed too. "I will go with you when you get one though." Arielle said with a kind smile.
Ryan could see she was shocked that he had mentioned Hogwarts in such an exposed place but even if the muggles heard they wouldn't know what they were talking about. He smiled when she said she would be attending "Well thats great its nice to know you will know someone who you are not related to going to the same school as you"He said he had found out the a lot of people he knew would be attending "And yes I am going thats the only reason we haven't moved into our house in England yet"He said sighing he didn't really want to move to England he liked his home in Ireland much better.

Not till that moment did he realise that the ice-cream had melted down his arm "Well thats great another top for mum to clean"He said jokingly he never really did the cleaning usually his mom or sisters did it which suited him fine.He was shocked when she said she didn't like ice-cream he had never once met a person he didn't "Oh my God you don't like ice-cream"He said putting on a girlish voice.He smiled and walked over to the ice-cream stand he ordered two scoops of caremel ice-cream in a tub this time so it wouldn't melt wouldn't his arm. "So do like chocolate"He asked out of curiosity
Knowing that it wasn't the smartest thing in the world to talk about the magical world around muggles, Arielle frowned a little, she still admired that Ryan had the guts to actually talk about it in public. Arielle wouldn't, she thought it was brave of Ryan to even think about it. She knew that she wouldn't have the guts and she thought that it was cool that Ryan did. "Huh, yeah I guess. I don't think it will make much difference though." Arielle said. She was being honest, she believed that as soon as school started everybody that she had met would ignore her completely, not that it bothered her or anything, she just expected it to happen. Just like all the other times.

"Oh, your mother cleans your clothes?" Arielle asked with a curious tone, she wanted to know what it was like having a mother clean your clothes, she had never experienced it and she wanted to know what it was like. Arielle didn't think it was a bad thing that she didn't eat Ice Cream, she thought it was a good thing, empty calories were something she avoided and Ice Cream was a sure fire way to gain unneeded calories. Arielle wasn't about to have one now that Ryan was going to have one. Arielle watched Ryan as he brought one and when he sat down she looked at him. "No, no chocolate." Arielle said smiling.
He could see that Arielle was worried that they were talking about magic in a crowded muggle place.He looked around for other places to sit.He saw an empty bench across they way and there was nobody there "hey how about over there"He said pointing at the bench.He stood up and put out his hand and smiled. "Well have you made much friends here"He asked wondering would she find this a personal question he wouldn't mind if she didn't answer he didn't really mind.

"Yup she does and she always has"He said wondering when she was so interested he thought everyones mother cleaned their clothes but he then remembered that she had never spoken of her mother so he guessed she had none.He instantly felt sorry for her but he tried not to show it for some reason he didn't think she would like it. "Wow you know I have never met a person who hasn't eaten ice-cream or chocolate"He said smiling he didn't mean that as an insult he wondered why she didn't like sweet things he couldn't live without them of course he burned the calories playing sports . "Have you always not eaten sweets"He asked taking a big spoon of chocolate it was cooling to him on the warm day.

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