Open Warning: Will Bite

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Logan Ashworth

Confident | Sporty | Selfish | Competitive
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Rigid Vine Wand with Veela Hair Core
8/2052 (11)
Logan had heard about the Halloween feast from Hazel and had been excited for weeks. He had prepared a cool costume, way cooler than his sister's costume who seemed preoccupied by being pretty instead of scary. Like anyone cared about that. Halloween was supposed to be about the scares and the pranks, and Logan was determined to do just that.

He was wearing his full costume, even though the mask was kind of itchy, and waiting in the shadows for someone to walk by. He saw a lot of people dressed in stupid costumes, in his opinion. A lot of them just seemed to be wearing normal clothes. He grinned when someone finally came close enough, and jumped out with a roar, his claws out.
Peregrine wondered if she'd seriously miscalculated when it came to Halloween. There were lots of people dressed up looking pretty, and her roommates had put together something involving a door that they seemed to find hilarious. Peregrine didn't get it, but she'd done her best to laugh along and pretend she did. But she'd felt somewhat self conscious putting on the dragon costume, wondering if she should've waited until Percy was here (though he would've probably insisted they both went as aliens, and she would have to humour him). At least she could hide her face behind the mask, though it did make it harder to see.

As such, she didn't see the werewolf jump out at her, and she yelped, tripping over her tail and falling right onto her backside. Well, that was embarrassing. She lifted up her mask with a slightly disappointed look. The costume wasn't scary - it was cool, actually - but the sudden movement had freaked her out. She should've been paying more attention. "Ow," she whined, attempting to scramble to her feet. The costume did not provide a lot of traction. "Nice costume! It's really, really cool," she said, earnestly, trying to distract from the fact that she was slipping around a bit trying to get upright.
Logan seemed to be making a habit of knocking his classmates over. He grimaced as the girl he had scared went down, reaching out to her with his big clawed hand. "Sorry- didn't mean to knock you over." He said, his voice muffled by his mask. "But I got you, though!" He added proudly.
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Peregrine was gawking a little, but she couldn't help it, the costume was just really cool. Exactly the kind of thing she wanted to see at Halloween. She wondered if that was what werewolves really looked like, though wasn't sure she'd ever get close enough to have a good look at one. "Thanks," she said, getting back up on her feet with the boy's help. She pulled the mask back down a bit, embarrassed. One hand held it in place, the other pulled the dragon tail up to stop it from being an accident waiting to happen. "You did. Can I scare people with you?" Peregrine looked around, before leaning in a little shyly. "I think I didn't really get what sort of costumes we're meant to wear."
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Logan grinned as he took in the mystery girl's costume. He guessed from her size that she was a fellow first year, but maybe she was older and just short. "Your costume is cool too." He said belatedly, wondering if perhaps it was cooler than his own. That was the only thing giving him pause as the girl asked if they could scare people together. "What, why? Yours is fine." He said. "And yeah, we can be a scaring duo together." He said after thinking for a bit. "Are you in first year too?"
Peregrine relaxed a little, squeezing the tail of the costume once for good measure and letting it fall back down. "Oh, I was just worried cause one of my roommates came as a door? And I thought I was missing something," she admitted, moving her mask a little further up to reveal her face. She'd pull it back down soon enough, she just thought she ought to be polite. "Yes, hello, I'm Peregrine, I'm in Gryffindor." She wondered if she should hold her hand out to shake it but suspected that might be a little awkward now. "You're also a first year?"
Logan laughed at the girl's words, though they also confused him. "A girl came as a door and you thought you might be the weird one?" He asked her, raising his eyebrow slightly. As she pushed her mask up, he realized he did recognize her from classes, though she hadn't particularly stood out to him. He smiled, pulling off his own mask briefly. "That's a long name. I'm Logan, Slytherin." He said with a small shrug. "Of course I am, or I wouldn't have said it like that would I?"
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