Wands if you please...

Nicoli Stien

Well-Known Member
11' inch Ebony Wand with Veela hair
Nico sat at a table near one of the libraries expansive windows as the sunlight danced across the nap of his neck. Deep in thought with a curious loo on his face he read paragraph after paragraph on everything pertaining to wands he was allowed to access. Since he arrived at Hogwarts he had been immensely curious about wands and how they worked as a whole as the means to get a wand was different depending on a great many things. For example his wand was crafted for him by his great uncle who used the same core that was in his mothers wand, a single veela hair from his grandmother who gave it willingly. It was true that some believed that plucking a single hair from a veela would in fact kill them but that was merely a wives tale to prevent wand makers from running around ripping out tufts of veela's hair. Veela were dangerous creatures and not something must wouldn't want to trifle with unless they had a death wish. His grandmother was terrifying but due to her effects on men she rarely came to visit which seemed to be the curse of the women his life as his mother also spent a great deal of time out of sight accepted from his father who was so mentally damaged that his mothers unnatural gifts seemed to never work on him. Azkaban did that to people after all, change them and what not. Nico could testify that before anyone who ever doubted that fact, after all he was an unexpected victim of crimes that he never committed.

Closing the book he was reading he stretched slightly, having been stuck in a hunched over position for a lengthy time was never good for the back even for someone as young as he was but when he was focused on something he could not be stirred to save his life. His father often said that if it weren't for the occasion sniffle or blink he would have believed that Nico had been petrified as he moved very little when reading. Nico would always roll his eyes before diving back into his book, after all it was in the pages of dust tomes that he found comfort. Growing up in a neighborhood full of kids who found him and his family strange and cursed meant that he rarely ventured outdoors at least not alone. He had several scars and x-rays of broken noses to support that after all the boys back home hated him with such a passion that it was borderline criminal. The mere thought of going outside or being forced to hang out in social settings caused him a great deal of anxiety. it was only with his wand or in his own common room that he felt truly safe even then he had made enemies in his own house by being so abrasive. He did not care for most of his fellow first year slytherins who were evil for no other reason than to be evil. Most fed into the terrible stereotypes that plagued the great house of Salazar. He was somewhat rude and nasty when he needed to be but he was so for a reason, never just because he felt more important or smarter than someone else.

Rubbing his eyes the bags under his eyes were a testament to his sleepless nights as he spent every waking hour studying so that someday he could be headmaster of Hogwarts. It was only then that he could end all of this petty rivalry between the houses and this senseless hatred. Every house had its purpose and each served its students in a specific way and so to be treated poorly by a house who only spoke the truth and placed a child were they would fit in best was ridiculous. After all most failed to realize that they could have been placed in a different house than were they truly felt they belonged which was cruel beyond all measure.No if he became headmaster he would make a few changes but in order to get to that point he had to get perfects in all of his classes which so far he had accomplished but it was extraordinarily difficult as the year progressed. So when not in class or eating and sleeping he was studying or looking into a type of magic that he found interesting. The more he knew the better suited he would be in the future for classes that were coming up next semester. Taking a deep breath he relaxed for a few minutes before he attempted to crack open his astronomy book and force himself to read more about stars and what have you. He did truly hate the class as he found it about as exciting as watching grass grow.

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