Wandering the corridors.

Tyson Mathews

Well-Known Member
Tyson wandered through the corridors, and was making his way to the Boys Dorm. He was wearing a black t-shirt and some jeans. He was just racing his way up the first lot of stairs, that headed towards the dorm, when he went flying into someone, and sent them flying, aswell as tripping up the stairs himself. "Woah, sorry about that mate." He said, getting himself back up, then running back down the stairs to see if the guy he had knocked over was alright. "Are you okay?" Tyson asked, concerned for the guy.
Malcolm had nothing to do so had decided to go for another jog. He was very conscious about keeping his body fit and healthy so jogs were a normal thing for him. He was surprised when he collided with someone and fell down the stairs. He got up and looked at the boy running towards him. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He smiled at the boy and held out his hand. "I'm Malcolm. I think I've seen you around school but I don't think I know you."
Tyson was relieved when they guy smiled and said that he was okay, and showed it with a friendly smile. "Ah thank goodness for that." Tyson said, catching his breath back, the fall seemed to have winded him for a few seconds, but it was his own fault. "And Yeah, you probably have seen me around school before, your face seems familiar." Tyson shook the boys hand. "Nice to meet you Malcolm, I'm Tyson...but you can call me Tys...Everyone else does." He said, with a friendly smile spread across his face once again.
"I was thinking more Ty." Malcolm smiled as he thought about the name. He preferred Ty more than Tys. It sounded more like a real name. "So, what year are you in??" Malcolm didn't really care much for years but it was useful to know how old someone was and finding out what year they were in was a simple way of doing it.

(Sorry. Really lame.)
Tys smiled. "Ty is good with me." Tys said, with a slight laugh behind his voice, the last person who had called him Ty was either Mark or Morgan, and he hadn't seen either of them for a while now. "I'm a 3rd Year, what about you?" Tys questioned, curiously.
"Fourth year. I don't go to many classes though. I spend most of my time keeping fit. Sitting in a classroom for an hour does not work for me. I like active lessons but writing stuff on parchment for an hour is not healthy." Malcolm lauged and shook his head. He was a smart kid but staying fit and healthy was his main goal in life and school didn't work well for him.

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