Open Wandering Around These Paths

Theodore Harper

"theo" 🎸 eldest harper 🎸 laidback
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
11 (09/2051)

Theo had liked Obsidian Harbour, well only if their parents weren't doing errands all the time here. It always seemed boring whatever they did. Theo never really paid attention to what they had said about what they were doing in Obsidian Harbour. He was happy when his parents let him wander off on his own if he met them at their meeting point at a certain time. Theo wandered down the street of Obsidian Harbour, happy and wondering where his adventure of today would lead. Maybe he could convince his parents to get him something for his guitar or maybe even convince them to him and his siblings some ice cream once they were finished with whatever they needed to do. The thought of ice cream had led him to the ice cream shop, and he now seemed to be craving some ice cream. Theo stood outside the ice cream shop, some people were already scattered around the inside of the shop. Theo wondered what ice cream he should try as he stared into the shop.
Mania's parents had taken her to another part of New Zealand, the last few visits they had been in the Brightstone Village but today they were in Obsidian Harbour. Not that it really mattered much to her what the name of the place was, all she knew was that she was itching to wander off to somewhere and see what cool things or even people she might see. After promising her parents to not go too far and to be back within reasonable time she had finally wandered off. Now Mania had half a mind to just go wherever her heart lead her, caring very little of her promise not to go far, but in the end the responsible voice convinced her that it'd be in her best interest to just stay among the shops. She read every sign and pressed each shop to her mind, so that she knew exactly which ones to pass to get back where she had promised to meet her parents at again.

Nia stumbled upon a ice cream shop and a lone boy standing in front of it, without giving it too much of a thought she shrugged her shoulders and skipped over to him. "The ice cream here looks nice, you ever tried it? I find the ice creams taste different depending on the place you have it at, I might be making it up in my brain but to me at least that's the case." Same with water and food, it always differed a little depending on the country or even place she had it at.
Theo's head turned towards the girl as she spoke. She looked to be around Theo's age. He thought for a moment about what she said. "The ice cream place is great! I haven't had all the flavours, but the ones I've had are good!" Theo says with a smile, before looking back at the ice cream store. Having ice cream sounded like a good idea. If he was honest, he would've totally had one himself, but he didn't have any money on him. He sure was going to convince his parents to get him and his siblings some ice cream. "I totally get what you mean though! Ice cream has a similar taste for me. But the taste of water always seems different no matter where you go. Maybe it's just me" Theo says with a nod as he agrees with a possible new friend. "What's your favourite ice cream?"
Mania nods more so in understanding than agreement. "Yes I suppose, I think for me it's the thought of having it somewhere else that makes my brain think it also tastes different? Who knows, minds work in mysterious ways." She let out a slight laugh at the end of that sentence. Most of the time her mind was wandering to places that had little to no significance for her so that statement rang true in many ways. "Hmm, if I were with family I would say Chocolate just because they all like chocolate, but in truth I hate chocolate ice cream. My favourite would probably beeeee... AH! Cookie dough or maybe vanilla or perhaps lemon sorbet? I don't know it really depends on my mood in the moment." Mania had her eyes in narrow slits while she thought and explained her answer, quite honestly she never picked favourites, she went with whatever felt right in the moment. That was the case with everything from food to actions to words. "What about you? Any specific one you keep going back to?" She returned the question eagerly.

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