Walking through the crowds.

Tracy turned as both her daughters turned up. "Shaylah, good to see you again. Yes, it seems I have met your Father, we just bumped into eachother quite literally I'm affraid." Her pureblood better than you stance had completely vanished and she was now just like when she was at hogwarts, carefree and friendly. "Oh Marcus, he didn't mean it like that I'm sure." She giggled slightly before adding on the end. "You really should apologise for kiccking him in the shins."
Shaylah laughed when she heard that her dad got kicked by a kid. "Seriously dad. I have to say it." Shaylah paused befor saying "You got owned!"
Marcus was about to potest that the man did mean it like that, he had even said the word affair, when the other girl said he got owned. Marcus sniggered at the thought of him beating up a grown man. The boy looked up at the new girl, then back at Sydney. "Wow, you two look kind of similar." He said befoer turning back to his mummy. "Siddy's here now mummy, can we go?"
Tracy smiled sweetly at Jay. "I guess so, anyway it seems Marcus wants to go home. Come on Sydney, See you around then Shaylah and, umm, Jake wasn't it?" She asked, purposley messing up his name. "It was lovely meeting you anyway." She betted her eyelids in fake innocence before walking away, holding Marcus' hand as she went.
Sydney laughed at Shaylah's comment and looked at her friend. "I suppose we do kind of, it's probably because we have the same hair colour. Oh well, bye Shay." She said bye and hugged her friend, waving to the man before following after her mother.
"Yeah. Probably." Shaylah listened to Sydney say bye then said "Bye Sid." Then hugged Sydney back and saidbye to Tracy and Markus.

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