Walking around

Grande Fuego

Well-Known Member
Bois D'Arc Wand 12" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Grande was walking along the north tower with no other purprose but to walk around. He held a book under his arm. He kept wonering if anyone ever came along this corridor. He walked and found a window that looked out over the grounds. He stopped outside the window and looked out it. He heard someone wlking down the corridor but did not bother to look round. He had just found a good spot to read.
Ginny was walking along the corridor for the sake of the view when she saw Grande. 'Hi Grande. Whatcha doing?' she asked a little bit to fast. She came up to stand beside him. He had picked the perfect window for the view.
He looked round when he heard someone talking to him and found himself face to face with Ginny. "Hi Ginny. I was just walking around and i found this spot and was about to read." He said sitting down on the window's sill "What are you doing?" He added
'Me, exactly the same but i was looking for a nice view to draw a picture.'said Ginny sitting on the window sill aswell. She held out her wand. 'Accio Ginny's sketch book.' she said and caught her sketch book with her pencil in it. She opened it up and started looking for a clear page.
Grande looked as she took out her note book. He looked at the different drawings. "Whoa you're really good at drawing! These are brillant. Did you draw all of these?" He said as she flicked through.
'Yeah, well apart from this one.' said ginny showing him the dark mark.There was blood around it. 'Thank you. Noone's said that to me before.' said ginny finding a clear page and starting to think what to draw. She was smiling to herself when she thought about it and started to plan the corridor and the window and the view outside it.
Grande watch her draw her picture. "How did you get so good?" He asked
'Umm, I don't know to be honest. I used to draw in the dark most of the times so when i was in the light i could see more. I just don't know.' said Ginny pausing to think if that was right. She continued her drawing and started to draw in the details.
"I was always very bad at drawing so i stuck to read and music." Grande said. "I may not be able to draw but i can play music. Did you ever play any instruments?" He asked
'Well, i did play base guitar at my old school but that was it really. I wasn't allowed to play anything in the orphanage. Against rules.You?' said Ginny not pausing her drawing. She decided she would add a ghost to the picture so that she would remeber that there were ghosts here.
kasey was walking through the North tower and spotted Grande and Ginny."Hi,Grande,Ginny.You to up here?"she asked suspiciously.Was Grande deciding to dump her friend Katie?If that, she wouldnt let him do that.Sh ehadnt seen Grande with Katie since ages.She hoped everything was okay with them
"I played the piano. I was quite good but i had to stop when i came here. " He said. Then seeing Kasey said "Hi, Kasey. I was just reading when Ginny came along and shes drawing and im reading. What you up to?"
Ginny noticed Kasey had joined them so she stopped her drawing and looked up. 'Hallo Kasey. Yeah, I'm just drawing a picture when i spotted Grande here. You?' she said. She could see that Kasey was supisous of them but she was going to leave Grande to do that part.
'What can you play on it?' said Ginny getting back to her drawing. She added the ghost and some light and she was finished. She sat up and examined it.
'Really? I think i've made it too light.' she said thinking that it wasn't right. it gave her pictures of her death. She moved the page quickly over to look at a forest.
"It depends. I got good but i am out of practice for the moment. I can write some music too. I am working on a something, it is still in the planning proccess but i am writing one for Katie. Can you play an instrument Kasey?"
Ginny thought that would be really nice for Katie. She wished she could have a freind that would do that for her. She turned a couple of pages in her book to find Shadow. Memories sprung into her head and pain was in her hand again. 'Umm.. I've got to go somewhere. I just forgot about that. See ya!' said Ginny hurridly and she jumped from the window sill and started to run to the girl's bathroom.
Grande watched Ginny run and thought That was wierd and sudden Then turning back to Kasey said "So hows your day going?"
Ginny walked back into the corridor holding her hand to make sure it didn't bleed again. She had gone to the bathroom to wash it. She had her sketch book back in her pocket and noticed that Grande and Kasey were still there. She walked up to them again, her hand behind her back. 'Sorry about that guys.I didn't mean to do that. i just had to do something.' she said not sure whether she should stay or not now.
"I can play violin and harp.I learned in my muggle school"she said with a smile."My day is fine,actually not.I had a little dragon pox(its a lie)so i couldnt go to the qudditch match(becaz where i live is GMT+3hrs and when i woke up 9.am the match was Over!)"she sighed.
'I couldn't either. Too many problems wrong with me on that day.' said Ginny glad she wasn't the only one who couldn't go.
'I just ummm had to umm clean something up,' said Ginny knowing that wasn't convinsing enough but not really caring. She slid her hands into her pocket and crossed her fingers.

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