Closed Walk With Me

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • just a little lost • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hinata is currently studying in an abandoned classroom somewhere.
Eurydice had been avoiding everybody. Well, not really. Mostly, she’s just been moving about with the crowd, being very careful not to be found alone in some secluded corridor. The incident with her hag of a schoolmate from Heta Omega and the snake that was set on her was still fresh on her mind. She was pretty sure she was still fresh on people’s minds. Or at least the few that had managed to see her attempt to cast a spell on the Slytherin hag. She didn’t know how much people knew about what happened but she’d kept her mouth shut, since barely anyone would believe her anyway. They all thought she was crazy but Eurydice had found the spell that the hag had cast. It wasn’t a spell taught in the classes, and it was currently beyond her level which was not surprising since the hag was older. That bright red snake had been real. And it had been close. She didn’t bother looking up what kind of snake it was that was now haunting her thoughts and dreams. She saw it enough, thank you very much. Of course, now that she knew that the snake had been real and that the hag was actually a psycho in the making, she’d taken to not being found alone in the meantime until she could use her wand to defend herself. Aside from Protego. Because would that really work against a summoned or conjured creature? In any case, she only ventured out of the Common Room in the presence of Jonah or Hina-nee or Nox. She didn’t trust anyone else to walk with. But Jonah and Nox had left the classroom quickly and they were gone before she could even call out to them. She supposed she would just have to go back to the Common Room and skip dinner. She wasn’t very willing to walk down alone. Or at least that had been the plan.

@Elio Boneheart
Somehow, he's made it from the sixth floor all the way down to the first floor, though he can't say he knows where he's going. The weather outside is rainy and cloudy and it's honestly the perfect kind of weather for a lovely indoor nap. Which is unfortunately exactly how Elio's body feels about it because he's struggling to keep his mind focused on the task at hand and in Ancient Runes just moments ago, he almost nodded off before he managed to get out of the room without falling asleep at his desk. It's not even that Professor Joseph's isn't engaging or anything, in fact he rather thinks her to be pretty okay, runes isn't really his favourite subject though and he's kind of indifferent about it. But he doesn't consider the class boring, so that isn't the problem at all - it's definitely just this weather. He's about to keep heading down to the Dungeons (though he's not sure why he's headed there and not his common room honestly) when he shuffles past a small girl he's pretty sure he's familiar with. "Oh-Eury," he says tiredly as he comes to a stop next to her. "Did you just have a class?"

@Eurydice Nightray
Eurydice had just stepped out of the Defense classroom when she caught sight of Elio-nii walking like the undead. Or at least, the muggle version. She was pretty sure inferi didn’t walk like that. It was so amusing that she’d forgotten to even look across the floors and instead wait for her … calling him family friend was just weird now. She supposed calling him a brother-in-law wouldn’t be so bad. Or brother. She didn’t like brother-in-laws that much right now anyways. Yeah. She’ll stick with that. New older brother it was. She’d always called him Elio-nii anyways, so it wouldn’t be any different. In any case, she watched him continue to sort of just trance along, wondering if he’d even notice her. She gave a small smile though when he did. Merlin, she felt like she hasn’t smiled in days. “Yep, just finished Defense,” she nodded as she answered. “You’re walking like a… what do muggles call it? Zumba?”
"Zumba? D'you mean zombie? Shouldn't you know that? Isn't your Uncle the Muggle Studies professor?" He already knows the answer so he's not entirely sure why he's asking. He nods to her as she says she's just come out of defence class, though he's not seeing many other students in the corridors, so perhaps she's had to stay back and ask a question? "How's that going, are you doing okay? Do you need any help with anything?" He's pretty good at Defence, he's doing well at the moment anyway, though he could really do without all the bloody shield charms, since they seem to be endless honestly. All one really needs to know is Protego as far as he's concerned and then they could learn the rest of it if it ever becomes relevant, which he's honestly kind of doubtful about.
“Oh yes, those!” Eurydice says with a small sheepish smile. “I mix up muggle terms. And I don’t think Uncle Conan likes them very much.” Although she didn’t like them either. They were a little creepy and nasty. Not as terrifying as inferi she thinks, but zombies were definitely not something she wanted to get close to. Kind of like snakes. And didn’t that thought feel like splashing cold water down her whole being? Her smile froze a little as she tried to keep it on her face with Elio-nii around. And she sort of wanted to tell him that things didn’t feel okay right now. That she didn’t like walking alone in corridors in the last week, though that had been getting better. She’d at least stopped checking the dorm and Common Room whenever there was small sound that she felt didn’t belong. “Can I walk with you?” she asks unsurely. She doesn’t actually know where he’s headed but at least she wouldn’t have to walk alone if he didn’t mind her coming along.
He laughs slightly at her. Honestly, same, given he didn't speak English for the first five years of his life, he kind of understands, though more through his inability to speak English than because of muggle terms. "I mean, to be honest zombies are kind of mid though, they're not even the most interesting of all the freaky halloween creatures right? You have to wonder where muggles get this stuff?" Inferi are very different of course and usually created by some kind of dark arts, not that it's a well known kind of thing - necromancy doesn't interest Elio, never has. "Sure, where do you want to go? Back to your common room? Do you have another class?" He's tired, but if she wants to walk with him he's not going to say no. Maybe she still gets lost? He's managed to make sense of most of what he knows of the school, and he can sort of intuitively remember where things are and where they are supposed to go. Directions are easy usually.

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