Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby

Milo Narkle

OOC First Name
Summer of 2039

Milo Narkle had become so bored with waiting inside his unfinished house for hours on end. His dresser hadn't been unpacked even, and he still needed to fold up his clothing. He was completely done with his sister, whom thought she was in charge with mom out and about doing Merlin only knew what - finding a job he supposed. With restless legs and an itch to explore, the young, blue haired boy made his way past his sister and her rather annoying dog, as well as past the squeaky front door. Once out on his own, he took off at a brisk pace, following cobblestones trails to the one place he'd remembered truly wanting to explore - Brightstone. It was the closest shopping area to his house after all, and what kind of 13 year old boy could turn down shopping?

Milo was nearly skipping. He had very little in his pocket, but window shopping could give him an idea for what his mother should get him when they did back to school shopping. This could easily take his mind away for some time. After all, he'd been dealing with enough between his parents and his sister's attitude. Since the divorce it was as if he was in a tug of war with his mom and dad, and his sister was the ref who turned the tables every day. However, she was seventeen now and leaving the house - he'd have that all to himself. He'd be able to just sit in silence, without her yappy dog or angry presence - and Milo couldn't wait. The blue haired boy decided with what he had in his pocket was for ice cream first though, and grabbed himself some to eat while sitting outside. A boy sitting alone on the bench looked to be the perfect company for him and his ice cream, and so with a grin he approached. "Hey," His strong German accent permeated the air. "Need a partner?"
Alexander Carter was walking around Brightstone Village, he had to do some shopping because he was hoping to get accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand for the following new year. He was so tired of being stuck at home and having to learn off the extremely limited knowledge of his deadbeat parents who barely knew anything about magic to begin with because they had barely been inside of the school he so badly wanted to attend, and even when they had they barely attended class in order to try and learn half the things they tried to teach him. He would probably need to get private lessons in order to be on the same level as the rest of his classmates. He sighed deeply.

He raised an eyebrow when somebody approached him as he sat, and he smiled at them. "Hey, sure thing. Always room for one more." Alex said. Looking over at the ice cream he raised his other eyebrow. "I want one." He said, forgetting his manners completely.
Milo laughed at the boys comment. "I'm glad you see things my way!" He stated, but before he could sit down he heard the forward words out of the boys mouth. "Well here, i haven't eaten off it." Milo extended his arm and wouldn't take no for an answer, he'd just as well go back and buy a smaller cone with the money he had left. Besides, whilst leaving the shop he'd regretted the flavor choice, wishing he'd gotten blue moon ice cream instead. The blue eyed teen, once emptied of the larger cone, travled back to the shop to get himself another one, before returning to the boys side. "Now that that's all out of the way, I am Milo and I love your top. Where did you get it from?" He inquired, sitting beside his friend and placing one leg over the other.
Alex blushed a little bit, this guy was really open and nice; he didn't know how he felt about that. He didn't know whether or not he should take the ice cream or not because he had just paid for that and he didn't want him to have wasted his money just for some stranger he had just met to eat it on him. Before he knew it he didn't have much of a choice as the ice cream was being thrust into his hand and the other boy had run off to seemingly get himself a new one. Alex had a bit of the ice cream, albeit he was a little hesitant still because he wasn't sure that he should, but the boy came back with a new one before long and he sighed a little bit, "You didn't have to do that.." Alex said, not sure exactly how to proceed because he felt a little awkward now.

He decided to just shrug it off; "I don't remember exactly where I got it from, I'm sorry." He said, with a laugh; he went to take a bite of the ice cream and he ended up smooshing it all over his face. He sighed; what a waste of good ice cream. The curse of his awkward streak continued; he definitely couldn't just have a normal day, could he?
Milo looked at the boy who seemed embarrassed by the offer. True, Milo wasn't rich, but what was ice cream between potential friends. After all, Milo needed friends in a new country he was to call home. The boy with the robin's egg blue hair looked sideways and shrugged his shoulder, and spoke in his thick Scottish accent, "Yeah, but it's not a problem for a friend, yeah?" Milo, whom his sister called a personal space invader, was not shy to toss around the "f" term with new people, or old companions. Sometimes it was an endearing trait, other times it was slightly creepy - regardless Milo would probably never learn that.

The blue eyes teen stared at his companions shirt and nodded silently. "That's too bad, I would have bought one like it! I love the color. It compliments your eyes so well!" He offered the plethora of compliments without prodding, a friendly smile. "So are you from this country originally?" He asked before licking some of his ice cream, and offering some napkins to the awkward boy whom smashed the ice cream to his face. Who was he to judge though?
Alex blushed deeply, he was nearing the colour of a tomato. He hated that he was so awkward when he was around people, he always managed to do something that made himself seem like the biggest clutz in the world and he really hated this. Why couldn't he just be a normal person who didn't trip over the smallest things, or smash ice cream cones which he reallyyyyy wanted to eat into his face? He realised he had just wasted the young boys money, and he blushed even redder; he didn't like that he got it for free in the first place and now he had wasted the boys money which he had given him something that was his and he had only just met the boy! Alex started to feel dizzy and sat down quickly on the closest place he could suitably sit, which ended up being the ground.

Honestly, Alex wouldn't blame the other man for just running in the opposite direction at this point. He was basically a walking timebomb at this point. He quickly wiped his face and muttered; "I'm.. I'm sorry I wasted your gift!" He said, not wanting the boy to hate him completely.
Milo couldn't believe how red the boy was becoming in the face and at first chuckled. He stifled the laughs though as he realized how uncomfortable the boy looked. It hadn't crossed him mind that the boy might have anxiety that it far worse than just being nervous. He watched the boy become unnaturally embarrassed and worried, avoiding eye contact. He though the boy would just stay silent, but he moved as if he was going to leave, then sat on the ground. "Woah!" He said, rushing to the boy's side, now uncaring of the ice cream he'd just knocked over. "Hey are you okay?" He asked, worry filling his deep blue eyes. "My gift? The ice cream?" Milo laughed a bit. "You don't have to worry. I've dropped mine as well. Seriously guy, chill out!" He gave a reassuring smile and stood in front of him, offering a hand. "Come on, why don't we walk around?"
Alex smiled a little and started to relax when the boy didn't even seem phased by him dropping the ice cream, but he was still a little shaken that he had just passed out in front of him! He wasn't sure how he could take that, and if he should just let it go or not. He chuckled back at the other boy, and noticed that his ice cream had long since dissolved on the ground. He frowned a little bit at this. "Oh, sorry about that.." He said, sighing a little. He glanced around, looking at the other shops that were around him. "Okay, sure, let's go! Where did you want to have a look first?" He said with a smile. It was a nice place around here and he knew that he would enjoy looking at the rest of the area.
With new reassurance that his friend would be alright, he made a sweeping motion with his arm. There were so many shops, many bustling with people. He loved the idea of seeing every single one, but knew where he would go first. "There is a robe shop I think not far, and i want to see if they've got anything in a deep fuchsia for you, because i have the sense you'd look like a million galleons in it. We can also look at books, and hang out with animals. There are so many amazing things to do, and I'm so excited I can barely pick. Why don't we close our eyes and point!" Milo smiled at his companion, pearly whites beaming in the light. His mother had paid for his braces which were removed just a summer ago, and it paid off giving Milo lovely teeth. He often showed them off for that reason, without hesitation or second thought. They were expensive after all, like his wardrobe and his hair.

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