Closed Waiting

Kyon Lockwood

Twin- Sporty- Confident
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Doxy Wing Core
8/19/2046 (16)
Kyon was a bit worn out. He'd been running wild all day and now he just wanted to relax. Of course, his idea of relaxing was curling up in Averys lap and listening to his brother read to him. But they were in separate houses now, and access to his brother was a little harder to come by. So for now, Kyon had decided to wait Avery out. He was sitting on the floor, up against the wall, with his head leaning back against the stone and his eyes shut. He had made sure to be in a spot where any passing Ravenclaw would be sure to find him. He was bound to get his brother eventually... right?
Ethan had ventured into the library for the first time that afternoon and had been shocked at the amount of books about all kinds of creatures that were in there. He only checked out a few but was eager to get to them but his stomach was growling and he knew he needed to get something to eat. With a book in hand he flipped through the pages as he walked trying to find the good stuff. He hadn't been looking where he was going but he didn't think that was something he needed to do. So when his foot made contact with something solid, his feet stopped but his body didn't. Ethan landed hard and his book ended up sliding down the hall a few feet. "Ow," he wheezed and pushed himself into a sitting position. He glanced back at what had tripped him and saw that it was a boy around his age. "I think there are better places to sit." he said bluntly.
Kyon startled when someone tripped on him, hissing in pain and bolting up. "Sure, but why walk so close to the wall?" He quipped, offering out his hand. "I'm tired and waiting for my brother. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trip you." He explained, not wanting to be too grumpy about it.
Ethan gave the other boy a odd look as he tried to blame him for tripping. "I don't think there are any rules against walking near walls." he said evenly, trying to hide his annoyance. If anyone was in the wrong here it was the other boy for sitting in the hall. There had to be a bench or chair somewhere around here. The other boy did at least apologize but he still didn't appreciate being made to feel like this was his fault. Ethan sighed. "It's alright." he said finally even though he didn't really mean it.
Kyon sighed. "There probably aren't," he agreed a little sullenly. Maybe there should be. Kyon took a deep breath, letting it out through the nose before looking to the boy again. "Kyon. Lockwood." He held out his hand, trying to at least appear to be a little polite. His mother would have his skin if he didn't remember his manners. And somehow she always knew when he didn't. He still thought she was just hiding her magic, there was no other way she could know those kinds of things.

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