Waiting for the cold winter

OOC First Name
Madame Gray
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
The full moon shone brightly above Brightstone Village. It was white, as usual, illuminating even the darkest alleys around the town. Somehow, as he was sitting on one of the benches near the street, Louis de Lenfent didn't care much about the beautiful moon. He yawned lazily as he looked at the marble floor, wondering why it was so shiny. Was it the darn moon that was blinding him since he got out of his rent? Louis never really liked it. He wanted winter; the snow that would probably cover up even this long red bench he was sitting on; the snow that would make these fuzzy houses seem to disappear; the snow that would make all this bright village unholy white.

Finally, Louis stood up. He stretched his arms as though he just came from a deep sleep. There was a strong breeze, then, that blew some leaves away from their parent tree, dancing past Louis. He didn't take notice of them, as usual. He was thinking about his dreams lately. A white dream. He was always lucid during these dreams, but somehow he couldn't control them. Louis figured it was the coming winter, the white dream. that was why he was looking forward to it. Maybe it's some sort of premonition. "I couldn't sleep well when I can't control my dreams." he mumbled to himself.
Face like an ugly witch and mood like Hitler, Narcissa stood up at the big living room of their Manor ready to go on her stupid date that her parents arrange for her. She was waiting for Albert, her butler, to get his butt ready to side-apparate her to New Zealand where the date was. Even though Narcissa doesn't like the guy, she promise to go and be done with it, once her butler have apparate her to Brightstone village, she said a quick goodbye and drag her heels at the streets. "This is a waste of time." She told to herself and sigh, Narcissa wished she would just get herself lost in the woods and get a help or something to find her.

The plan restaurant was named Madam Puddifoot's, she knows the name but its on a different place than from Hogsmead village. She thought of going somewhere else and ditch the guy she should meet but being late wouldn't kill her anyways, Narcissa is a Mixed Blooded English lady, her father is a pure blood and her mother is a mixed blood, the only thing that is different from being a mixed blood in her family, is that, your parents arranging your dates and what do you expect, hating muggles as well.

But Narcissa doesn't hate muggles nor traitors, she keeps it a secret to her family though. She has 3 siblings who hates muggles expect for her. Walking at the cold breeze of autumn, she spotted a bench with a guy sitting on it, she doesn't mind at all for a company. Narcissa walked toward the bench and sat beside the guy without even looking at him, she then took out a lollipop, lollipops are banned at their manor because her mother would say it will lose your perfect body but honestly, she doesn't care at all.

She offered one at the guy and said, "Do you want one?" and looked at him finally, smiling. "I might be looking fancy and sophisticated but I like lollipops." Narcissa Retorted. She wouldn't care at the people starring at her whenever she eats a lollipop, people has their own likes and dislikes. She likes lollipops, others don't, she likes singing, others don't, she doesn't like crabs, other does. Its simply. "I'm Narcissa anyways but I prefer Cici but others prefer Narcissa Cedrella ... But that's their opinion. So, what's yours?" Narcissa asked the guy, she felt awkward for saying her full name but that's what her mouth does when she's annoyed.

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