Wait... What did you just say?

Edward Newton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Eddie was sitting with Odie and Connor on a bench in Obsidian. They had been for a shop, clothes and such for the little boy, and, worn out, they had stopped for a quick rest before they headed home. He sat and watched the people as they went past, checking out the girls, and guys. There weren't many people who he considered beautiful but, as one guy walked past, he couldn't help but speak. "Now that is a work of art." He didn't realise that Odie didn't yet know he was bisexual, even if he did have a preference to women.
Odie was bobbing Connor on her lap. She had enjoyed shopping. It had been a while since she had done any and she missed it. She watched as a few faces went past. She didn't see anyone she recognised. Odie turned to Eddie when he spoke. She laughed when she assumed he was trying to make her jealous or something. "What bird you talking about then??" She looked around at the women walking past.
Eddie laughed. "Bird? There are no beautiful women here but you my dear." He nodded to the blonde beauty across the street, the adolescent laughing as he smoked. "I meant him." Eddie grinned and put his arm around his beloved fiancée, looking at his son as he did so. "So, my dear, you ready to go home?" He didn't see this as a big deal, still not seeing she didn't know about his liking of men as well.
Odie frowned. "Wow. Back up." She kept her eyes on him as she spoke. "Are you just saying it like 'oh he looks fit I want his body' or are you saying it like 'he looks fit I want to date him'??" She was rather worried seeing as she was about to marry him and she had no idea he liked men. She wasn't going to see him any differently if he did but still..
Eddie shrugged and looked over at the guy again. "I'd have to say both, you have to admit he is pretty fine." He looked at her confused. "You didn't know I was bi?" Eddie found that a little bit odd, he had been with quite a few guys, almost as many as he had girls. "This doesn't change anything does it?"
Odie shook her head. "No. I didn't." She held his hand and smiled. "Of course it doesn't change anything. I love you and I am going to marry you." She kept the smile on her face as she looked at him. "You still could have told me though."
Eddie shrugged. "I thought you knew babe, one problem, don't mention it to my mum though. She definitely doesn't know." Eddie paused at the mention of marriage. "Should we start planning? Like set a date and get clothes fitting and a location and stuff." He wasn't really sure what was going on but he wanted to get married to her asap.
Odie laughed. "Would she completely reject you or something??" She moved the position she had Connor in before her legs went dead from the weight. "Yeah sure. I'd quite like it in the summer or autumn. Then it would look amazing." Odie had never been a fan of the environment and the outside world and all but she knew that summer and autumn were colourful times. "You're not allowed to see the dress though. It's bad luck."
Eddie grinned. "Well, it's Summer now and I can't wait till next year so Autumn?" He thought for a second. He had thought of having it out on the farm but his mum had moved out quicker than he had expected. "I can look for location while you shop with someone for dresses? We need to sort out bridesmaids and things." Eddie was now pretty syked to be getting married.
Odie smiled. She couldn't wait till her wedding day. "Am I wrong to not trust you when it comes to bride's maid dresses??" She laughed when she imagined Eddie walking around a dress shop putting the dresses up against him. "Lily could be a bride's maid. Jerrod could be a page boy." She started thinking through her family seeing who else could be a bride's maid or page boy and she needed a flower girl as well.

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