
Alex Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alex wandered along the Corridors of the castle, rejoicing that the exams were over, and he had done relatively good in all of them. What he had got hadn't bothered him, he knew he would do well in them, it had been the waiting that had really gotten him. He sighed to himself, and wondered how he would do next semester, and the rest of the time until his Fifth Year started. Alex shrugged, he was still hopeful that he would be chosen to be Prefect, but he had a good feeling that he wouldn't get it, because there would be people better then him. He knew he could only do his best, though, and it came down to who his Head of House chose. Sometimes he hated being stuck in the house that had Professor Styx as the Head.

Alex looked around, there weren't that many people in here this morning. Breakfast had ended half an hour ago, but usually there was still a whole bunch of people in here eating, having woken up late. He knew he had done it a few times, so he knew what it was like. He shrugged, and pushed it out of his mind. He didn't care what happened to them, usually, if they missed out on breakfast, it as there own fault. He chuckled to himself, and stood at the back of the Great Hall, where he had a good look of everybody in there.He stood there, wondering what everybody had planned for the day. He chuckled to himself, again, and smiled.
Aeon shuffled slowly into the Great Hall, yawning widely as he made his way over to the Gryffindor Table, his hair sticking out in every direction. He'd stayed up the entire night, finding himself unable to get to sleep after his little meeting in the Forbidden Forest with Brodie. They'd be going to the Yule Ball together, which he knew would be a weird sight, but it didn't matter. He found the younger Slytherin boy quite cute in his own little way.

As he reached the table, a plate appeared, seemingly out of thin air, stacked high with a pile of buttered Vegemite toast, one of Aeon's favourite foods for breakfast, right next to Pancakes, of course. Biting off a chunk of his toast, the Gryffindor boy walked off from his house table, seeing as there was hardly anyone there, nor anyone he even knew for that matter. He ventured over to the back of the room and leaned against the wall, his eyes scanning over the students. It was only then that he noticed he was standing next to another kid, who looked quite a few years younger than Aeon himself. "Oh. Hello." He managed to mumble, quickly swallowing his bit of toast.
Shaken from his thoughts, Alex turned to look at the person who had spoken to him. He had never seen him before, in his life. Though, he noticed the Prefects badge on his chest, and couldn't help but get envious towards him. He sighed, and smiled. He had nothing against this man, so it didn't bother him what he thought of him. He chuckled, "Hey." He said, raising an eyebrow. People didn't just randomly walk up to others, and start talking to them. Alex had no idea who this man was, but he had seen him around the castle before, though this was the first time with a Prefect badge. He must be a fifth year. Alex deduced.

Alex looked at him, still not sure why he had decided to come and stand up here with him in the first place. Alex was a smart person, usually, but even this person made little sense to him. "So what brings you down here, today?" Alex asked, "And what's your name?" He added, wanting to at least know who the person was that had invaded his time in the Great Hall. He wanted to know exactly who he was, and what he wanted. Alex chuckled, the way he was going on he sounded like he was actually perturbed by him coming over to see him. He liked company, it gave him somebody to talk to.
[In actual fact, Aeon didn't walk up and start talking to him randomly. He walked up to the back, noticed him right there, and out of politeness said hello. :r ]

Aeon noticed that the younger boy raised his eyebrow at him and quickly patted down his hair. What the hell is he raising his eyebrow at? I look fine, don't I? The Gryffindor prefect thought, catching his reflection in a nearby mirror. I do look a bit tired. But other than that I'm fine. He's just weird. He decided, just as the Slytherin kid asked who he was and what he was doing in the Great Hall. Definitely weird. I'm holding a freaking stack of toast in my hand, this is where we eat, and it's still morning. Hello, I'm having breakfast much?
"I'm Aeon. Aeon Summers." Aeon ignored his thoughts and extended out his right hand, seeing as his left held the plate of food. "I slept in, so I'm having a late breakfast. What about you, and what's your name?" He asked, hoping to make some sense out of this kid. Quite a few Slytherins he'd met had been a bit loopy, now that he thought about it.
Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes at the newcomer, he had heard of him, but he had no idea where from. He would love it if he could remember, though, he hated being left in the dark by a thought of his. He hated it as much as not knowing something. He didn't like it when people though they were better then him, when they really weren't. Alex would quite easily admit if somebody was smarter then him, and he had a good feeling Aeon would be smarter then him. Alex shrugged, and smiled at him. "I'm Alex. Alex Blade." He said, not wanting to really mention anything else.

Alex wanted to try and be friends with this dude, he seemed like an alright guy, but he wasn't sure if he would want to be friends with a Slytherin. Alex shrugged, and shook his hand. He eyes the toast in his hand, and couldn't help but want some himself. Though, he really didn't want to have to walk all the way over there and get seem. Alex sighed, and realised the need for food really wasn't that great, and he could wait until Aeon left, or he really needed some. "So, I see you're a Prefect. Are you in your Fifth Year, then?" Alex asked, chuckling to himself.
"I'm Alex. Alex Blade."<i></i>

As the younger boy said this, Aeon felt that the name was familiar. Where have I heard the surname Blade before? He wondered, but was unable to recall where he'd heard it from. He gave a small shrug of his shoulders and contented with saying "Cool name."

Aeon noticed Alex eying his toast and took another bite, chewing on the bread and vegemite. "Yup, I'm in Fifth Year. Time really seems to fly here. One moment I'm a first year with hardly any care, and now I'm a Fifth Year Prefect. You get loads more homework, too. Things would be so much easier if I had one of those Time-Turners." He said with a low sigh, then lifted his plate. "Ever had vegemite toast before? Or better yet, ever had vegemite?" He asked with a curious look. Vegemite had got to be one of the best spreads ever, it was way up there with Nutella and Peanut Butter.
Alex looked at him, and sighed. He had noticed something when he had mentioned his name. He didn't know what it was, but he hoped he didn't link him to his brother, Chase. Alex had heard earlier today that Chase had been sent off to Azkaban, and his only regret was that he hadn't been able to have done that himself. Alex hated his brother for what he had done, both with his life, and to the people. He knew that Melodie Lowe, their own Divination Teacher, had been attacked by Chase. He sighed, and chuckled when he shrugged and commented on his name. "Thanks." Alex said.

Alex watched him take a bite of his toast right in front of him, and felt like punching him right in the face. He would do it, as well, if he didn't think that he would get a months worth of detentions, and a hell of a lot of points taken off Slytherin. He sighed, "Well, I'm a second year, but I'm hoping to be a Prefect myself." Alex admitted, shrugging. He didn't think it would matter to Aeon, because he really didn't think that he had a very good chance himself. "No, I haven't had either. I prefer Nutella on my toast, otherwise it just tastes repulsive." Alex admitted.
Aeon nodded when the boy mentioned how he wanted to be a Prefect himself. "It's pretty fun stuff. Not that I've had to do much." He smiled cheerfully, and offered his plate. "Nutella is probably my favourite spread out of all of them, with Vegemite and Peanut Butter just behind it. It's especially good on cruskits, I usually have a layer of Peanut Butter, then I cover it in Nutella and refrigerate it. It tastes just like a Snickers bar except without nuts. I really dislike nuts. Anyway, try some Vegemite toast! Foreigners tend to dislike Vegemite, but that's because they make the mistake of thickly spreading it on as you would do with other spreads. That gross, even for me. Thinly spread is perfect, and on toast it's way better." He stopped talking, letting in a small in take of breath. He could continue on about spreads all day, but it wasn't really that interesting a subject. In an attempt to think about a change of subject, when he remembered where he knew 'Blade' from. "Hey, do you have a brother?"
Alex looked at him, and rolled his eyes. He definitely didn't seem like the type to do too much of anything, and he didn't understand why they had chosen somebody like him to be a Prefect. "I'm sure it has it's perks. Though, it could be a little demanding at times, I'm sure. For most people, anyway." Alex said, before he could stop himself. He chuckled, before Aeon could guess that he had been making fun of him. He smiled at him, and took some of his toast, the kind that had Nutella on it, and took a bite. It had been ages since he had had some of this stuff. "There really is nothing better then Nutella, is there?" Alex said, smiling.

Alex started thinking about all of the different foods he liked, the confectionary foods, anyway. Mars bars.. Crunchies.. all those good foods, that he had had in the past. "I like all of those things, except for snickers. Those taste really strange, in my opinion. I hate them." Alex said, sighing.

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