Violet Bellamy

Violet Bellamy

Somehow, Pulling It Together
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence Of Hair From The Mane Of A Unicorn
The Basics:

Name: Violet Eliza Bellamy
Violet means, well, the flower, violet. A purple flower, no less. It derives from the Latin, Viola - and Viola was the heroine of Shakespeare's comedy, Twelfth Night. I guess I'd like to identify with the heroine, although I usually stand to the side and usually seem to be in second place.
Eliza is a short form of Elizabeth, and was used for the character Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion/My Fair Lady. I certainly hope I am a little more refined than Eliza Doolittle.
Bellamy comes from the French, meaning a dear and excellent friend (bel/belle, meaning fair or beautiful, and ami, meaning friend). I strive to be a good, kind friend, and I hope to live up to my name and to my Hogwarts house.

House: Hufflepuff. Interestingly, my great-grandmother was in Ravenclaw, my grandfather was in Slytherin, my mother was in Gryffindor and I am in Hufflepuff.

Birthday: 4th September, 2007 (Currently 16 years old)

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia.

Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Half-blood, or part-blood, whichever you wish to call it. My mother is a half-blood witch, my father is a muggle.

Five words that best describe your character: Kind, shy, determined, intelligent, awkward.


Hair Colour: Blonde, with hints of brown and red in it.

Hair Style: It's past my shoulders. I tie it back in a sort of messy ponytail for school, but the rest of the time, I leave it out.

Eye color: Emerald green.

Height: About 5'8". I'm quite tall for my age.

Other distinguishing details: I've got long legs, and because I'm tall, I often look a little awkward. I have a scar on my chest (but nobody's ever seen that apart from my mum and dad).


Father's name: Chris Bellamy.

Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): An Australian man. He is a muggle, although he wishes he had wizarding blood (seeing his wife and daughter are witches). He works as a doctor. He's a very gentle, kind, happy-go-lucky sort of person, traits that I believe I have inherited. My dad and I share the ability to see the best in people, and rarely judge. We are both able to keep a cool head in times of trouble (although I can panic a little too easily sometimes), and are both bright and intelligent people, although rather shy and awkward at times.

Mother's name: Ruby Bellamy (formerly Winters).

Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Born in Glasgow, Scotland, moved to Australia when she was nineteen, for a change in lifestyle. Half-blood witch. Currently works in journalism. She took a job with the Daily Prophet when she finished at Hogwarts, however she was unhappy living in England so she moved to Australia, and started work at a muggle newspaper. She was in Gryffindor, and is ambitious and determined, traits that I have also inherited. However, she is braver and more outgoing than I am, which is a slight disappointment to Mum. She hoped that I would be a Gryffindor, like she was. Or maybe a Ravenclaw, like Grandmother, and my great-grandmother. But I was sorted in to Hufflepuff.
Mum is a third generation witch, making me, my siblings and cousin the 4th generation of witches and wizards in the family. The first witch was Mum's grandmother, a Mrs Agatha Winters. She had one child, Emery Winters, who had two daughters (Ruby and Pearl). Ruby turned out to be a witch (Pearl wasn't), but all the children of the sisters are magical...except Rose, because we don't know yet.

Siblings (names and descriptions):
Angus Dylan Greenwood, age 14. About 15 months younger that me. Because I needed lots of care when I was little because I had heart problems, and because my aunt, Pearl, was infertile (a fact that we didn't know the full extent of until recently, dramatic, much?), they decided that Angus should be brought up by Patrick and Pearl Greenwood, my aunt and uncle. I didn't know that Angus was my brother until part way through my first semester at Hogwarts. Angus, in turn, only just found out who his parents really are. He is a wizard, and is a Slytherin in his fourth year at Hogwarts New Zealand. He's ambitious and cunning, like Grandfather (but don't tell him that), but he's really a nice kid. He's clever, but he's extremely lazy sometimes. He'd probably take over the world if he got motivated.

Alice Rose Bellamy, age 5. Her first name is actually Alice, but we just call her Rose. Although she's growing in to more of an Alice. (Rose Alice just didn't have the same ring to it). She's very cute, although I hardly ever get to see her. I don't know whether she'll be a witch or not but I'm about 98% sure that she will be. She's a lot more like mum than I am - fiery, determined, although she's very kind and loyal. She loves to argue, and it's painful to argue with a 3 or 4 year old, because they don't give in. Rose more so. She's extremely courageous and never takes 'no' for an answer. I can see her being a Gryffindor. She's got the green eyes that Angus and I have, and she's a blondie like me.

Other key family members: My mother's family. Mum's sister, Pearl, was unfortunately found to be a 'squib', something that Aunt Pearl was very upset about. She is two years older than mum, and resides in England with her muggle husband, Patrick Greenwood. Both Aunt Pearl and Uncle Patrick work as lawyers. They have one daughter, Antoinette, who attended Hogwarts in Scotland, in Ravenclaw house (she would have made a fine Slytherin), but recently transferred and is now in her third year at Beauxbatons.

Also my grandfather - Emery Winters. Grandfather is the English Minister of Magic, 67 years old, and a former Slytherin student. He is an only child, a widower (his wife, my grandmother, died of cancer in 2010). He is extremely proud - and was never exactly happy with his two daughters, one being a squib and the other being a Gryffindor. He always preferred Pearl, of course, and his favourite grandchild is fairly obviously Antoinette. However, he loves all of his family - in his own way.

At Hogwarts:

Best subject: Arithmancy. I've always had a head for numbers. I really love this class.

Worst subject: At the moment, Defence Against the Dark Arts. I really like it, I'm just no good at it. I don't want to hurt other people, even if they're evil. Two wrongs don't make a right. I love the theory, though. But I'm really not keen on Herbology. Or Astronomy, which just doesn't interest me.

Extracurricular activities: Keeper and Co-Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.

Favorite place at Hogwarts: I love most of Hogwarts, but I'm partial to the lakefront, and the Hufflepuff common room.

Least favorite place at Hogwarts: I absolutely despise the dungeons. Can't stand them! I'm a little claustrophobic and get slightly paranoid when I'm down there. The towers are quite annoying, too, because they're so frustrating to get to. And I've only been to the Forbidden Forest once, but there is no way I'm ever going back in there. Too scared.

Do any of the staff members scare you?: Professor Styx. I'm not exactly scared of him, he's just a bit...creepy.

Do any inspire you?: I would have said Professor Manteia, but now he's gone so I guess that role falls to his replacement, Professor Glasson.

Miscellaneous: I have a fear of falling, and yet I play Quidditch, and really, really enjoy it. Odd. At Hogwarts, as well, I've made more friends than I ever have before. I was dubious about the boarding school thing at first, but I love my house and I share with a great group of girls. I really honestly thought I'd hate Hogwarts, but I love it.
Also, my 'mark' is a wombat, so I guess that's what my patronus might be. Maybe.

Interests/hobbies: I love to read. That's about it, really. I'm constantly told I'm going to ruin my eyes because I've always got my head in a book, but I don't really care. I also love learning, and have a passion for language and culture. And numbers. I love numbers.

What you might like to do after Hogwarts: I'd like to travel, first, and then I don't know. Maybe take a job in the Ministry, like Grandfather. Maybe do something with Arithmancy, like teach.

Someone you look up to: Well, my Grandfather, for one. How can you not, he's really tall! And, you know, he's the Minister of Magic in England...but I also look up to all the Professors, nerdy as it seems. I mean, they are the ones who are going to teach me all I need to know to get through Hogwarts. I've got no choice but to admire them.
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