Viola Possible

Viola Possible

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- Viola Iris Possible

Date of Birth:
- 2016, March 15th

Current Age:
- 15

Basic Appearance:
- Blonde hair, thick eyebrows. Plenty of Freckles all over the place.

- I have the tendancy to be quite the wild child. I blame the fact I've been homschooled all this time. I love to go out to the teen dance parties and dance. Most of my friends are muggle, they know where the goods are. They hook me up with some of the nicer drugs available. But don't go telling anyone that. I have this cousin Elouise. Kimberly Anna Elouise. She's miss perfect, or so mum and dad tell me. I'm supposed to be more like her, but why would I want to be such a wallpaper, cookie-cutter, type of person.

- Mum and Dad. They are the typical parents who know almost nothing of my reckless behavour, it's going to stay that way.
-My cousin. Miss Perfect. Elouise. She's the lucky one, got to attend HNZ. Had all these chances to find Mr. Right, but she failed in that aspect.


Area of Residence:
- Australia.

Blood Status:
- Half Blood


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:

Additional Skills:



Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:


Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:

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