Closed Victory

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Kira Wolf

Sweet- Bookworm- Content- Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ebony, Dragon heart-string, 9 1/2 inches
5/5/2034 (25)
Kira was nervous. Caelan had put so much effort into their relationship. From challenging his mother to trying to have his family help him ask her to the ball in the sweetest way. She felt like she hadn't done anything. So, for the last week (with only a hint of help from Tyra) she had been working hard to make the prettiest dress. If he was going to be seen with her, she needed to look spectacular. Of course anything her sister made for her would be beyond gorgeous, but Kira wanted to do something. She swallowed nervously as she studied herself in the mirror. Had she made the right choice? She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. Okay, she couldn't hide up here forever. She straightened her dress one more time before leaving the dorm and making her way down the stairs. Caelan was waiting for her in the common room. She could already feel herself blushing furiously.
The day had come for the Yuleball and Caelan was mostly nervous, every minute he waited for his girlfriend, his coat sleeves were being messed up and tidy again. A habit since he was a kid that he still has despite having confidence everyday. But it was Kira who made his knees buckle whenever she's around. The suit was provided by Alec's parents who bought and send the suit to him. Although, he asked his mum to send him one, she didn't obliged. Caelan had other options, though. His sisters and his niece, Teagan. But he didn't want to bother them.

Alec was the one who did the deed and he was thankful for her. Tapping his right foot on the carpeted common room nervously, he turned around toward the staircase and Caelan was greeted by a stunning woman in front of him. His jaw dropped a bit at the sight of Kira and he was speechless.
"You're magnificent." He said to her breathy.
Kira's breath caught as she spotted Caelan. He looked absolutely gorgeous. He turned to face her and her heart caught in her throat. She swallowed nervously as he spoke. "T-thank you. I, ah, I made it myself." She gave him a shy smile, nervously fingering one of the ruffles, lowering her eyes to look at her fingers. "Y-you, ah, you look v-very, um, very h-handsome," She murmured, biting her lip to stop the stuttering. Her heart beat furiously in her chest. She was never going to survive tonight.
Caelan was proud of what his girlfriend accomplished through her dress. It was breathtaking seeing her in that dress. It was as if they talked about their colour coded attire but it was just a mere coincident. He walked up to her only he could hear what she said next. Caelan chuckled lightly, he captured her chin and put a soft kiss on her lips. "Thank you but I think I know who won the night already." He told her after releasing his lips from hers. Caelan could see the twinkling in her eyes and he stared at her lovingly. "Well, best we go now before people gobble up the food and dance floor." The guy offered his right arm to her.
Kira smiled a little as Caelan laughed. She could feel her toes curling in her shoes. She wished briefly she hadn't put her hair down, so she could play with it. The thought was interrupted as Caelan kissed her. Her eyes closed and she started to lean into it, but he pulled away. She wanted to pout but he distracted her again. She gave him a small smile. "Well, you're the best looking, but I have the best company," she told him with a small smile. She smiled shyly and took his arm when he offered it to her. "All right," she told him, "Lead the way."
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