Victor Dodge

Victor Dodge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand Gargoyle tooth 15 inches
i'm the first kid to
write of hearts lies and friends ,



i've found the cure to growing older
and you're the only place that feels like home

oh haiii, my name is Victor Maurice Dodge, but you know i'll holla if you call me Vic. i've been surviving this world for nineteen years. my blood is half, so the dark lord can suck it. my nine mm is actually wand fifteen inches,ivy, filled with gargoyle tooth, and it's straight lethal. i'm a male, and i like to wake up next to chicks, like it or not. once, some muggle told me i look like Ryan Leslie, who ever the hell that is. what else could you possibly need to know?

just so you know, you'll never know
and some secrets weren't meant to be told
I was born in Dijion, France. I had an older sister, Sierra, and I have a younger sister Vicxen. I attended Durmstrang, and my best subject was Dark Arts. I never saw anyone at Durmstrang worthy enough to be my friend. I had many people that I just talked to because there was no one else. I do not tell anyone any of my secrets, I suggest you don't tell me any of yours. I will use them against you if I need to make you do something. I live in Boredaux, France. When my sister Sierra died I was very angry. Scott decided to cut off all contact with our family. I have never seen my nephew, Henry, ever. If Scott ever comes back I will make sure that Vicxen and I beat him to the bloody pulp. My mother died recently, and I am now the legal guardian of Vicxen. I hope I can provide for her the best I can.

i am sorry my conscience called in sick again
and i've got arrogance down to a science

I am sometimes tense and stiff when I first meet a person. I do not like children unlike my sister who adores them. I am very overprotective with friends that I belive can get hurt easily. This sometimes gets me into trouble. I have a problem with showing my true feelings, this trait seems to run in the family. If I do not like you I will make you think that I do, and then backstab you in the heart. I absolutely adore my sister and I will kill anyone that tries to hurt her.
your secret's out and the best part
is it isn't even a good one

My boggart is my sister crying alone. After I graduated from Durmstrang I left and I tried not to keep in contact. I abandoned my little sister so she could deal with mother all by herself. I am not proud of this. I do not want to leave her again. It would kill her inside. She basically watched as mother ate herself to death since I left.

The reason I left after I graduated because I had temporary want to be a Death Eater. I wasn't able to was because of Vicxen. If I was a Death Eater now she would not be staying with me, and she would really be alone. I do not tell anyone this and I keep it a secret. I love my sister, Vicxen Dodge. I do not tell her this either. she has no idea how important she is to me. I would do anything for my sister.

I like the smell of the grass after it rains, strawberry toothpaste, and newly bought shoes. My ideal type is a girl that I can talk to and be honest with. I think before I act, so I do not find girls that do things without thinking of the consequences attractive. I want her to be shorter than me, and I would like it if she is close to her family. I value family a lot, and I want her too also. If she has a ton of baggage I don't mind because I am patient, and when I really want something, persistent.

this has been said so many times
that i'm not sure if it matters

what do we call you?: Luvesha or Lovi
and how old are you?: How do I sound? Hehe I am 13-15 years old.
how long have you been addicted to roleplay?: Since October 2011
starstruck?: check the rules, loser.
how'd you find us?: Google Search Engine

I have many characters. JazzyMae Smile, Kennedy Smile, Klaus Smile, Angie Vanderbilt, Jessica Lainge, Luvesha James, Heath James, Yvonne Ramirez, Vicxen Dodge, Anthony Kelly, and Hezekiah Mowry.

the ribbon on my wrist says
do not open before christmas
this badical application template was designed by the mastermind, OHHAI.ITSCHAE of CAUTION 2.0 <3. the lyric credit goes purely to fall out boy, specifically for their lovely songs on from under the cork tree. it's an oldie, but you know it still rocks. i'm not going to hunt you down and pick out your eyeballs with a rusty spork if you take this credit out, because i literally have no way of tracking you down. but if i come across it, imma kill a ***** virtually. and you don't want that. ily much, and thanks for having good taste.[/blockquote]

So, I've got a couple of questions for you:

1. How was Victor's childhood?
2. Did Victor enjoy his time at Durmstrang? Was he on any teams, earn prefect status? What was his favorite class? Least favorite?
3. Does he have a best friend?
4. Does Victor enjoy his position as a quidditch player? How long has he been playing?
5. Where does he live?
Hey Cyndi! Here are some answers to your questions.

1. Victor's childhood before Vicxen wasn't very tough. He was the youngest at that time and he didn't get that much attention. His older sister, Sierra got a lot of attention. When he was 5 and Vicxen was born he was so happy that he had a little sister. He and Vicxen would argue a lot as they grew up together. Victor loved teasing his sister and making her mad. Then he turned 11 and he had to find a new pass time because he got accepted into Durmstrang.

2. At Durmstrang Victor was on the Quidditch team. He talked to a lot of people, but he didn't necessarily see them as friends. They were just people he would talk to for a brief moment. His favorite class was Defence Against the Dark Arts and his least favorite class was Charms.

3. Currently Victor doesn't not have a best friend. He has a friend he met at the Medley. Her name is Johanna Murray. During his years at Durmstrang he never saw anyone worthy enough to be his friend, and this way of thinking made It hard for him to open up to others.

4. Victor loves being a Quiddith player! He has been playing Quidditch since his second year. He has been a Chaser on the Quibberon Quafflepunchers for a month now.

5. Victor lives in Boredaux, France, but he is currently in New Zealand so he can hold his mother's funeral.

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