Veteran HNZer

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Hey y'all! I know I came back to HNZ in February or whatever and basically disappeared in March but I really want to make an honest effort about being back. I'm so sorry that I'm terrible. Covid makes my mental health struggles even more prominent and those that know me know I do really have struggles with it outside of everything going on. Luckily, every time I see a little bit of sun I get this crazy motivation to do the things I want to do including write and RP. When I had rejoined in Feb. I was taking work home with me in an attempt to get everything done in a day but it simply was not something I was able to keep up with in the long term and my management wasn't even aware that this was something I was doing so they told me that it's not a necessity so I've cut this out for my own mental health and because of my abysmal pay. All this to say- I now actually have the time and some of the mental capacity to actually be here.

I won't be the most active member - in truth. I do still have a full time job, a partner who doesn't know about RPing because let's ease him into the weird haha, an incredibly needy dog, and some on-going mental health struggles. I do, however, want to try. If you're willing to deal with all my nonsense because of my brain not working properly (lol) please let me know and I'd be very into plotting with you.
Welcome back Alexis! Take your time getting back into things. ^_^

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