
Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Jessame Rose was intensely upset. She'd received a letter four days ago saying that her foster parents were going to Fiji for Christmas, so she'd have to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays. She didn't understand how Tim and Sarah could do that to her. "I thought you loved me," she sniffed, climbing the stairs to the owlery. What she really couldn't understand was that they seemed to think it was a good thing for her to stay "with all your new friends." JR had thought hard about how she could get around it.

She had sent a letter, via owl, back to her parents, pretending not to have received the first letter, and describing how excited she was to be coming home for Christmas and seeing them. It hadn't worked. Tim and Sarah had sent another owl, and JR had just received it.
To Jessame Rose Trewelly said:
Dear Jessiose,
Honey, we are so sorry, we sent you a letter before we got yours, maybe it took a long time to reach you, or maybe it just didn't arrive. Sweetie, you'll have to stay at school over the Christmas break. It's just a short while and we'll send you a present. We think it's a really good idea to stay - remember last year when you came home and you didn't want to go back? It will be much easier this way.
We'll send you a postcard from Fiji. Merry Christmas love,
Sarah and Tim.
On entering the owlery, Jessame Rose screamed. All the owls hooted and rose into the air, disturbed from their roosts. "Stupid owls!" she cried, "All I ask is to see my Mum and Dad at Christmas! I hate you! I hate this place! DUMBWARTS SUCKS!" It felt good to vent. JR had never really trusted animals much, so didn't feel any affinity with them. It was actually quite nice to know she was upsetting them - what she really wanted was to upset all the stupid witches and wizards in the stupid school, but she wouldn't let herself do that. One owl flew directly at her and JR screamed again, throwing her arms over her head in an instinctive act of self-preservation. The tips of the owl's wings clipped her arms sharply as it flew centimetres above her and out the door through which she'd entered. The rest of the owls had vacated through the many windows in the owlery. JR wasn't too worried. She didn't actually feel like sending another letter to her parents. She just wanted to yell a bit.

"STUPID! STUPID! DUMBWARTS!" She chanted. "Get me out of this horrible place! I'm not a witch! I'm a muggle! Take me away from here! I don't belong! This place makes me sick!"

Having received a letter from Ivan, Joceline left the library with her bag hanging over her shoulder to go to the Owlrey to write him a letter in return. She was so glad to have both he and Thomas in her life as well as Wendy because without them she would likely go insane. Okay, not really but you get that she would be very unhappy without them. This would be the fourth Christmas without her mother and simply wanted to spend time with her friends instead of Gaspard, Giselle and Aiden who were her so-called family.

As Joce made her way up the steps to the Owlrey she was sure she heard a ruckus and boy was she right, because as it got louder she heard the screeches of owls and the yells of a girl. With stricken curiousity, she sprinted up to see a girl she vaguely recognized but did not know the name or the house or even the year of.

"I hate Hogwarts too. But yelling about it will do nothing," Joce said above the girl's noise, hoping very much that she would hear her and calm down. "Would you like to talk?" Joce didn't really know what she was doing, but she certainly was doing something and she hoped it would work.
((No prob. JR isn't the easiest to make friends with. Fair warning.))

"STUPID OWLS! STUPID MAGIC! STUPID WITC-" Jess was mid-tantrum when she thought she heard someone else's voice. She spun round quick as lightning to see an older girl with pretty dark hair looking at her with concern. The girl looked too pretty, JR was willing to bet she was one of those annoying girls who thought she knew what was best for everyone. Jess hadn't even heard everything she'd said, she'd just heard "...yelling about it will do nothing. Would you like to talk?" She wiped the surprise off her face and set it in a picture of defiance. "Huh, talking won't do anything either. Leave me alone!" To be honest, she was embarrassed she'd been caught in her uncontrolled moment, but she was too proud to show that.

She turned her back on the girl and fumed silently, stalking over to a window to look down on the school grounds. Far below, she saw a group of students lounging on the grass. A young girl walked past, and JR saw one of the group draw her wand and point it at the girl. JR felt her blood boil. "What kind of sick school teaches children to use magic against others?" she thought, just as the younger girl's knees turned backwards and she fell flat on her face. The group laughed and Jess wanted to scream at them as she had just been screaming at the owls. Holding it in was too much for her. A tear leaked out of her left eye. She wiped it away angrily with her hand, hoping the pretty older girl had left, or at least hadn't seen her crying.
Joceline rolled her doe eyes at the younger girl and as she turned away, she slipped her wand out and cast the Muffliato charm on herself to stop herself from hearing the girl's loud words as she wrote a letter to Ivan. Picking up a pen and a paper (Joce was far too stubborn to use parchment and a quill like all wizards and witches seemed to) she wrote a letter to Ivan, not noticing much else but her letter.
Dear Ivan,
I hope all is still well at Durmstrang and that you are prepared for your up coming examinations. I would hate for you to do poorly in magic, knowing that this is what you want to be a part of.
Anyhow, Thomas and I have made up and because of this we will be spending time at his house over the Summer. I don't know if you plan to stay at Durmstrang but I think it'd be great if you came. We don't really have anything planned but I'd really like to get away from Aiden and Gaspard. For some reason Aiden has become protective over me and it is a little uncomfortable for me. I'd much rather that he would had me still.
Anything particularly interesting on your end? Are you keeping in contact with the people that are attending the TriWizard Tournament? I should hope nothing has happened to the champions although, whoever signed up for such a thing, I believe, should get hurt a little bit to keep them from such foolishness again.
Now I must go. The owlrey is currently infested with a witch/wizard hating girl who is taking it out on the owls and giving me a headache.

Pleased with herself and her letter, Joce folded it up and looked around the Owlrey only now noticing that her owl was gone. The Slytherin groaned loudly but still couldn't hear it herself. Taking off the charm she looked at the younger girl and interrogated her frustratedly, "What did you do to the owls? Did you hurt any of them?"
JR stood by the window and pouted. She watched the students far below playing and walking and talking, and heard the girl behind her doing something with parchment. After a moment she turned to look at her, and noticed it wasn't parchment, but paper that the girl was using. And she had a real pen, too, instead of a stupid quill. JR had come to learn that using such things in the castle was a sign of protest. Most muggle-borns adapted pretty quickly and took up the wizarding practice of writing on parchment - only those who felt they had something to prove kept using pen and paper. JR was among those people, and so too, it seemed, was this girl.

Wiping her eyes again to ensure there were no tears still sitting there, she approached the older girl and attempted a greeting, "H-Hi. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just angry." She waited for a reaction, but none came from the girl who acted as if she hadn't even heard JR. "Um... hello?" she asked, this time with attitude. When there was still no response, she huffed, "Whatever!" and made for the exit. The sooner she was away from here, the better.

She was almost out the door and starting down the stairs when the girl suddenly exploded at her. "Woah, woah! Settle, petal! I didn't hurt the stupid things, they just got scared and flew off! Jeez. What's your problem? First you ignore me and now you yell at me? They're just owls!"
Joceline nearly giggled as the girl called her petal. It was rather amusing to her but the French girl didn't say anything about it, instead listened to the girl. "I was not ignoring you. I but a charm on me so I didn't have to hear your screaming," she responded factually although there was distaste in her tone at the thought of magic. “Okay maybe I was ignoring you but I did not here you say anything earlier,” she said truthfully.

“They are not just owls. They are the only communication you can get with people in this prison,” Joce said frustratedly, but not with the girl, she was frustrated with her mother who, while dead, was blamed for Joce’s magic. Well no, that was really her father but her mother was the one who… Anyway, Joce was there hating magic because of them both and she would be here for a few more years.

Joceline flicked her big blue eyes down to the parchment and sighed, deciding she would have to come up again later. She folded it neatly and tucked it into her bag. “Sorry about that. Have a headache and hungry so I snapped at you,” she apologized, knowing fully that they would get absolutely no where without one of them apologizing and she guessed it would be easier for her to do it then wait for one herself. “What were you mad about anyway? You best not do that again, people will think you’ve lost your marbles.”
"Oh," said Jess when the girl explained she wasn't ignoring her. Well, okay, yes she was, but... "Okay." But she was thinking, "If you think that's an apology, you're clueless." Then the girl seemed to get frustrated and described Dumbwarts as a prison. Jess understood that. "Why didn't I think of using these owls sooner?" she thought, then answered herself: "because a computer would be way less creepy." Nevertheless, seeing as computers and cellphones didn't work here...

JR was mid thought when the girl apologised to her properly. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. JR listened to the girl's question and thought an honest answer might not go astray. After all, this stranger with the accent might be the only one here that agreed with her... well, except for Trinity, but she hadn't seen her in forever. "I was... I am mad because my parents are making me stay here over Christmas. You're right, this is a prison," she crossed her arms and pouted again, "I don't care if people think I've lost my marbles. Better than thinking I'm a witch." She spun on her heels and went to leave again.
Joceline pursed her lips at the girl's pickle and frowned softly, about to suggest something, the girl spoke once more and she was unsure if she should tell the girl that just being here meant that she was a witch and there was absolutely nothing that could be done about it while you where here. Instead she didn't and followed behind and said, "You know, there is this Halfway House you can stay in during the breaks. I think it is in Brightstone, maybe Obsidian Harbor, I'm not a hundred percent sure but I would think it is only a fairies ride away." She nodded her head softly at herself. "Personally, I'd rather stay at friends houses," she said, remembering her cousin's brief description of the Halfway House when she had stayed there for a week during her homeless months.

"Are you a first year then?" Joce asked curiously. "Most of the older years tend to give into magic and all that stuff after first year," she clarified, why her assumption was this. She often thought that the people that gave into magic were fools and disliked them for being so hypocritical and having turned against the plight of those against Hogwarts and all it's patrons. "I'm Joceline by the way," she said politely as they walked down the steps of the Owlrey.
Jess didn't like the sound of a halfway house. She'd heard that that was where people who'd just gotten out of prison went before they found somewhere to live. It sounded awful. But when Joceline mentioned staying with friends, JR quickly ran through all the people she thought she might consider friends. Sam had no parents, Anita had no parents, Maria - who knew, she never talked. Trinity lived with her grandparents, maybe Jess could stay there, if she ever saw Trinity again.

But then Joceline mentioned that most people gave in to magic after first year. It was true she hadn't seen Trinity since then... it made JR's stomach turn to think that the bright Gryffindor she'd met last year had warmed to magic. She shook her head. "No, I'm a second year. And I'll never give in. Magic is... wrong." She had a feeling Joceline would understand what she meant. "I'm Jessame Rose. Where are you from? I like your accent."

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